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of:heRich nanandLazarus. 6i bat fixetytimes (ixe Pitch want the righteous, Pfal. 3 4. 7. Ian the olde Teflament,there is a cloud oflathproofes,and good fkoreofthern in the new . So rrueit is, and fo eel.-. mine, that the Angels hau: a charge from God to keepe the righteous in all their wayes, "?'/al. 9 t. I r. That is , in all their righteous wayes to. attend them. The little ones. bane their Angels, Mich. a 8. t o. Both little ones in Chri- flianitie, and little ones in yeares : the Angels are theyr Rockers. Theref nf. Chri(lians arearoyall Prietlhood, that is, fpiritually, Hefts and Princes, And Princes mull haue their guard, r_ Pet. 2.9. Worldly Princeshaue their guard at Court; and Chritlians that are Princes, haue Angelis for their guard in the Court of the Church, where they ferne day and night. Secondly, innumerable mill Angels are about vs, and'dangers hang ouer vs: and therefore if the good Angels did not watch ouer vs, and tarry with vs to , in' counter the bad ;, Ftheir fhield were not beforevs to co- uer vs, and their perfonsat our backe to fauc vs,when dam, gers areneere; how is it pofTblein fo great malice ofthe enetnie,and multitudeofdaungers, for Gods little ones tobe in fafcr.y: 1 fay not but God can fauc without them : but I feakeofKitordíjway. Andin this fenfe; lfthe good Angels did not keepe vs,how fnone would thecuill that beare vs fuch hatreds tearevs in peeces,and deuourcvs ? Howcould our little Childreneuer liue tobe men in fo many cafuattics of a chilies` life, ifthefe,bletfed Spiritesi did not day night keepetheni, and cuery part in them, and euery bone in theme Plat. 3 4.20: Thirdly, the righteous are members oftlaat head, which the ,1nze1s worAip, Heb. I , 6. and honouring the head, how can theybut fertre the body tor doing the one byGods cornmandenaent, how can theybut doe the o Cher by it? 'P(al 9I, 11. This is apoint of fïngular bothpriuiledgeand comfort 13 to Vfc. I.