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and fweetely at their death, He6, r.14. Theplace whither LQZaruuswas carried,isHeauen;cale led by a kind ofPerip!mi,lts,or kind offpeech, .16r4h4mr bofome,or the bayofrefl firma all ( }orrnes below. And fo wee fee that the glory of the godly begin- neth in their death,as. theglory of the wicked endes in theirs. Bur to returne to theAngels ; and in briefe, to tell you what they are, as the word elles mee ; theyare rub- fiances created without bodies : the time when , was wi,hin the 6.dayes, theplace where, was in heauen. Of thefe an in .numerablecompany fell quickly, and together, (far as they weremade within the 6. daye3, fo within that time they fell; and thefe we call (new) Diuels; that is, Angels by their creation, but tdiuels by their fal, for which. they are vp invilerdarkyes, Iude.6. Theother A.n-- gels,which (alto) are innumerable, flood, and euer (hall avid bygrace in the puritie and righteoufte(fe, wherein their A14Zer,r hand (at lira) fec them. And there are the Angels that this Scripture fpeaketh of, which arecalled Angels for their feruiceand minifle- ry: for in their fu'bllance they are fpirices, and in theirof- fice Pfal. 103. 20. Sc. 1 04. 4. And Angels be- caufe they minifler to the righteons in.their life; and at the end oftheir life,as here toLataristr. Where wee !carne; that the good Angeis are, by Gods ordinance, euer about the righteous ; that is , about their paths in their life, and at their beds in their death, to doe. îeruice to them. Thus threeAngels came toAbraham, Gen. 1 S. 3. And the fame threeto deliuer Lot, Gen. 19. i 6. An home of them mette 14c,6 in his way, Gen. 33 z. r. I. to leade him,and a like field of them was about Elifìa in his di- flre[ etohelpe him, z. Kin. 6: 17. When Chris was borne, a great multitude ofAngels, like Armies ofmen were heard toprayfe God, and to ling to men, Lr4k, 2. *. 3. Dicers Angels appeared toERR,..E(4, 6.1, One fayth 6. bib