Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

Ofthe Ricm.t3,andLaz.tru.r. G3 A terrour to the wicked that oppose ynto Gods little yfe ones. For neither they , nor all the wicked Angels with them can preuiile againf} any whom the Lard will keeps byhis Angels,but perifh rather in theoppoiltion. So, what could Senacberabdoe withhis great boll ofmen, aided (it is WO by as manydiuels as men againft Flezekiah, G -d. King?And fpanifla SeKachcrib,in theyere, i 5 8 8,what could he doe with his great hofi offhippes, afliified with what the diuell and all the dìucls Angels could dceagainfl Lliz beta ofErigland , Gods Q ieene ? Was not Sen;acherib of Afy..tr ouerthrowne by an Angel z. 9.3 S. An theSraaeheribofSpai;ief)eede better ?When the threwere maws ofGod were call into the fornace, feuen timer heard# , the Angels that kept the flamefrom them, turned it vpon thofe that tookevpSbadraesh,'i efhach,and f16edaezo.D an. 3.2 2. AndGod Phut the mouthes ofthe Lions by his Angel, whilehisowne feruint was in the den , but opened them when he was brought forth , and his accufers cal} in ç his and the Lions had the maficry, andbrake all their bones be fore theycoadld come at thebottomeof the den,Dan:G.x2.24. Thuswe fee the defenceof the righteous,and the danger of their enimies : and what can the cliucll andhis infiruments doe mare then they haue doneagi ina them: Is not Titan with his Angels fens away confounded from their death. beds, when Godby his Angels receiues their f )ales, as the foule.of Lazarushere, or did God fo gard Lazarus then 3. andBoth he not fo, and as Wrongly gard acid encompa(re the foul °s ofth e godly now ? An infiruftion toChri{iiansnotto carry themfelues vn reuerently at any rime in their words or wayes, becaufe of the Angels. So the Apofile S. !anal wouldnot hauewomen vncoareredin the affemblr, becaufeofthem.i.Cor, z 1.1 o. Ifa noble man were in place, wouldwe vnciuilly carryour felues : and !hall we forget our holy calling in theworthy prefence of the Angels: fhall we make their waitingvpon vs tediousvnto theni, by behauingour feluesotherwaiesin their 2.