Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

It 64 of tube Rick nol,andLazaras.' their fight,thenbefeeu eth their highperfons, and theho..; norablebirthofa Chriltian. And now, that we are (all cf ,vs; before God in theMinificry andat prayer ; let vs fpeci. ally take heedchow we dcmeaneour fclues; left the Ano gels , that grace our atfemblies with theirprefence, when they returne toheaven, cornplaineof our vnchriflian irsci. uilirie in this holyplace. As ifthey thould.fay to God : we were in fuchanatfembly,profeng thy name andworship, but whiles thou waft fpeaking to them by thy word and Minister, Ionawere talking,fòrne girdingat the-Preacher, some laughing and fleering, tome makinggaudes and m©uthes, fomc flat along, not in prayer, but in a flouenly rudenelfe,perhaps in their droufiedr=us..kennelfe; and tome were fast aflcepe. Is this a good report e and fhould we netdread tobe thusfpoken of to God ? Further , let them confider this, whowhen theyare private, care not what they fayor doe ; and what Names they fend vp of a corrupt and vnfaucq dunghill within, in all their taIke to their private acquain tance, without any grace to thehearers. Such forget that the Angels areneare, whowant not cares, as they be full of eyes ; that is,arenot Howe to. heare,as theybe quickee tofee: and how can they then be hidden ? Thisis to grieue the Angels, and to make the God of Angels to grieue them. So farre for the perfons that caned the foule of Laz,Arrrs, theplacefolloweth,to which theycaried it. .'rte Abrahamsbop;m Theplace of comfort to which the Angels brought the foule of Lazarus , is here called Abrahams bofome by a tropeor figure : becaufe, as the fathers boforne is theplace ofthe childes felt :fo heauen is that boforneofeternal' reft, intowhich Abraban, the father. beleei er, with all the chilo dren of promifewhicharcbelecuers, arereceiued, in their foules, till the dayof the refurrecion. And it is noother but the bay or hauenof repofe from all &apes mortali; whereinto l,