Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

ojthGRic(,(MAI and LaczirIFs: fail to returne,when drift retssrseah to the BarthOtt :t ,r, dnai tbefpirittoGod thatvaseát,Ecclef7,)he faid to thegood fer cant aadfaithfull; Enter i, toshy Maftersioy, 1tLtth.25 21. a 3.That is, into ioyesvnfpeakeabie and glorious; a.Pét.r. 8, or , fuch as the Mailler hath prepared for all hisfàithfull Servants,, after theyhaue ferued their courfe and timehere. He faith not, enter firflinto the fire ofpaine,and when that hath well purged thee, 1 will take thee to ioy t But without anymoreadoe,receiue that ioy, whereof as the fountaine had no beginning,fo the ricers that come from it, fhall haue no end. Receiue thyMaillers ioy in that, and in thefe. So that there is nopaufe or flay made by the Lordat thedeaths cfthe godly,but prefently theypalfe from deathto life ; not painfuil,but truly joyous and full ofpleafures for euer.The voicefromheauen Laid the fame, and the Spirit fealed to it for fo faith the Spirit, that isfpeaketh fo, and nootherwaies then the voice fpake : which is ; B!ell-co are the deadin the Lord,thatis, the godly dead : and the reafon is, they,to wit immediatelyafter fuch a death,refifrorn their labours5 Apoc. 14.1 3 : not in the purgatoryofPapias where is no refl,but in the paradife ofGod where is trueioy, and the plentiful) redemptionoftheSaints.The ApotilePass)fai.h,Thofe that (leepe i i Iefass,Godwillbrin r with him,:t .Thef.4. 14, His meat, ninon benoother , but that atfoone as they fleepe in Chrif ,ordie in him ; God path them prefently in his hand and keeping :who will keepe them till the time come that he bath appointed to deliuer themvp, &to tellifie whó he bath receiucd.Thus .it is plai:ne that the godly.enter vpon happinesprefently,.&fofòóneas they goe henceby death. The reafons. Thevcicefromhcamenfaith [eland fofaith the S'pirit,Apoc.'i4, F 3. Twowitnetfes without all exception: which being fo cloth not thelawfay, that in the nwith oftwo orthreesratneffcs emery ward (hail beeftablifhed?Niat.i8.16. ioh.8, 17. But thefe twofrom heauen aremore, and more fore then a thoufandon earth : and therefore whatthey fay is fure,and muff (land. Secondly, how !hall the day ofdeathbebetter to the righteous,