Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of the Rich ino,etnci Ldzartes. 67 righteous , then the day in which they are borne (as the Scripture fpeaketh) ; iftheywho gee hence: corne not out ofpaines butexchange thern ?nor end their mifery,but it ? nor be in happines, but be troubled Gill ? Ec- cle 7.3. Thirdly , the fpeech ofAbraham to the rich man mutt needes be true, which is, that La_;a, ass (now dead) is cnn- forted, Luk. a 6.25. But how comforted after death, and wherein, if heewere notthen inpleafures, as the other was in Paine Thereforethe preferment ofthe godly is great bytheir Vfe. z. happy death, Pfal.97.i t. Here, Theypmedin teares,there theyjhall reape in io,, 1Pfal. i 26.5. HEre, vpon tempeflu- ous fcas,thereat anchor in their owneroade, and porte of peace; Here in their bondage, there in their Jubilee ofre- dem.ption : Here in trauell, there delivered : Here taken from the focietie of men, thereadmitted into the fociety oftheAngels, and oftheperfea fpirits ofiufl men : Here in their +}range Countrey, therein theirownehoufe.Here liuing by faith, there by fight : andhereabfent from the Lord,but there inhis pretence. Ne eye bathfeene, nor ere hashheard, 'tor heart can cance:ne shat Godhathpreparedfor theft that lame him,fayth Saint Paul, t. Cor. 2.9. Wehaue feene many fÌrarge things, we haue heard ofmore, and the heart that is fo large, how can it but conceiue more then eytFer Eyecanfee, or eare hcare of that is, not onely more i+range, but moll wonderfull things? And yet one (fpeaking ofthis great glory of the Saints iu Heauenly places) ffyth, Ifthou feeft any admirable thing, fay, it is not it;for then thou fhouldeft not fee it: And ifthou heap ref} ofany excellent thing,yenfay it is not it; f,r then thou lhouldf} neuerhaue it. Or Iaflly: ifthou cant+ conceiue, (asthou mayef}) fotref}range thing indeed, and palling wonder full : fay alto, it is not it, for thenMould it not enter intothyheart- And then can any greater prefer- ment befallthe deati inChrif+, then to bee rayfed to that, whichno eye ca ice, noreat imamof)nor ileartmortall K 2 con.