Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftZr' Rich wag,471e1L tzatrrtr 69. curiogts ; and what I had to teach thereof by the Scrip. tut.s, I haue written already in aSermon (6) .on E,fc ,.1The rttiird 57. 2. vastly, as one very well fayeth, Gad fend vs termon or thither,and we will be contented with the lowell roome. lire , íßd. Yet to íày fowewhat. more, andnot much, ofour great d.ez.ii. preferment in h aler:,andasitwere, tofetitinour eye, for tiie better raylilgofour mitades thither ; Let vs got vp with o1er into mount Nebo,and fee at a bl,,fh, and Dew, farr,t off the heaucnly Canat.an;or with Ichrathe Diuine, in- , 2.3 4. EL) Godsmountaine, and with a likequicke, but carp. AFoc.2 t.te tight, behold (as in fotaae fhort Carde or Mappe) the Je- rtiipilem about, that wee may withdraw our light from the Deuils nountaine ofthings below ,: Math.. 4. 2. The place is Hcauen, called by the Apollo, 7/26 thi'dhearren , z.Cor.i2.2, and elfewhere, the Bftde roones Chamber, Apoc. ¡9.5. Math.z5. io. A very large asad princ ty roollae, Lightnedwith theglory ofthe Lambe, Apoc. z " : z 3 , The company good;as wee heard,and the time ofour be jog there; world without end: though the company were good,yet ifthe roome were flraight andvnplealant, it were nothing : and though the roome were large and pleafant, the company beeing naught, it would little de, light a good man. And though both were, as heart could delire, for themfelues, yet if our time in them were Ilaort, our departingfrom thetas would bee as vncemfor. table :but herethe root e,company,indtime,do all till ee confpire to make our ioy full. Pfal. 16, i d .. AFoc. 21. 25. Further, ffrthe happitaetfe ofthefoule after death, be fore the bodycome vntoit at the refurreUion, the happi- neifeof it rruílneedes beegreat, feeing it fh.ill ceJife to iinne, and (hall beewholly ioyned to the Lord in truth , and neuer difpleafe him any more. The knowledge, the wiíc;d,,ra, she vndei i}an ding of it, darkenedhere in this mid -vale, fhall in that cleare firmament, receyue..a gicri ous'tkning by the face ofChrill,that Sunneofrighteouf-_ nes.. Itfaall bee no more knowledge and wifedome,and. K 3 vndcra