Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

70 of theRichman,andLazarstf. vnderflandingin part: but this, in part (hail bee done a- way; and wee (hail bee abfolutely wife, abfolutely wee tliall vnderiland, know and loue God : abfolutely wee fhallfetue him, an keepean abfolute Sabbothto him: Heb, 49. Ef 66.7 3 . There flrall bee no more igno- rance ofGod, nor diflrufl in God, no more contempt of Teachers, nor needeoften.hing, no more Magiarace and Subie61, Pallor and people : for Chrifl/hall bee ourTen- pie, Apoc. z I. 27. Oarffode, that is, oar fpirituall foode shall bee 'Metre( oflife, Apoc. 22. I. Our Teacher and Gouerrour (hall bee God, and Chria themfelues ; for then, God Ad/beeallin all ontoVs , i Cor. z5. 28. not mediatery, as heere by theWord and Sacraments; but immediately without thefe, and directly by himfelfe, without Magiflrateor Minifter. And for the body, when it is come to the foule at the Refurrec`Iion; what a comfortable meeting will that bee of tw©fuchfriend$ ßnd louers,fo long kept afunder?How will the foule welcome hercompanion and yoke-fellow in the crotfes and tempefsE,fthis life? How louinglywill they enter together into their Mafters soy ? Wherebefore it was full oflores ficknetle and paine : now it (ball be a found body for euer; in which(hall bec neither ficke- netTè nor pine hereafter. Itdid hunger and thirfl,it Thal neuer hunger and thirf}any more. It was a mortall body, now it fhall neuer dyeagaine, z . Cor. 15. 44. It was dull and lumpifh, it (hail bee as the glc rious body of le. fus Chria, Philip. 3.2 z. Light and ac` itte, able as ípee dily,and with as naturali a motion to afcendvpward, as it is to goe downewatd. It was a forrowfuil and weeping body, nowAllteares'ball bee lviped away, Apocal. 21.4. it Ihal forrovvand weepeno more. Finally, both body, and Ioule in 'cuingarmestogether,fha11 reignewith Chrifl foreuer.They Thal walke in thepathoflife,their glory Thal be greater in thepleafures ofthe Lord,thenwe earl cäceiue, or mans tongvtter.And therfóre as it was laid at the crow- ningof Sakmor,that thepeoplefo rcioyced,that is,with fuch aN