Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

72 of the Richmmt,,andLst4Rrdl.i. that his death was not a Martyrs death, though his fain.. Lion wasextraordinary : for thePapifls owne dceirine is, that they who iuffèr as Martyr's, mufi íu:fferasvoluntaries for Chrifl , and with intent ofmaking íàtisfa&ion toGod byftach martyrdorne : but the theeuespunithrnent w s for himfeIreosaely agaitafI.his will,and without that fatify- ing mind that is required in a Martyr, buk 2;.4t. And ifany had needs to gee to Purgatory for the end that the Papills±end their dead thither : why not this con- ,uerted theefe, feeing hee had fo fliart a time topurge inaf terhis mnuerfion ? But for Saint Paul, though her were a Martyr for Chriff, yet where doth it appcare, when hee fpakethefewords: 1 de/'re to bce looted to_bee.wití Cbrsfit: that heknew heefhould fo fuffèr forMin? Indeede it wasprophefed that bee fhotil. bee 'boundat ,ferlf;iletn for him, 8î1,1 I. d i. Icwasalfo faydein gene- ral terms,That bands andaffli ?iixs didabide him ineuery city, A. 20.2 ?. But it cannot bee 'hewed that he .thenknew certainely that by Death hefbculdgloorifie God as a Martyr . True it is, that bee was readynot tobebound onel v, but to dye at lerufaler for the naineof.the Lord ,I ekes, A t.z 1. I 3: Yet how doth it appeare that he was certaine hefhould die for it there, or otherwherc; But why fhouldMartyrs bee exempt more then other saints from Purgatory.? It feenaes that this Apofle oftheGentiles, (thougha Martyr) ,did not exempt himfelfe from the common effate of all the bleifedafter death : for when hee had fpoken of fuck a liccions as theFled fuffer here, &ofthe glory tocome: bee immediatly fpeaking in the plural.ofallSaints,addeth, wee know that whenour earthly hosfe it de: royed,:we haue building giuen vs ofGod, 2. Cor. 5.1. As ifbee Mould haue fayde, So 'bone as wee lay downe the one, we rep ,ce`ïue the other ; fo Toone as wee remoue from the body, wee dwell with theLord, 2. Cor.5.8. and fo íoone as we put off corruption, weeput on glory. This is thecommon fauouróftheElea, and not the particular priuiledgeofone more then of another. So Pure