Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

DftbeRich man,oadLazarak 7'3 Purgatory prayers areput out cf cffce, and Purgatory fire isproued injurious to the peaceable deaths of thegod- ly departed in thefaith ofChriLL. Thur farce for the eflate ofLazarus after his death, the contrary eflate ofthe Richman after his death fol- Ioweth The Rich manalfo dyed,andmarburied. Weebefore noted, that death is the common reader way ofrichand poole : for PS dyed, and theLich man alto dyed. That,that folicweth r fret his death is the next thing tobe ccnfidered. And this coi;cern{ th him in his body or Tonle. That which ccncerneth him in his body is That tt was buried; I doubt not but folcninely, and in greatpompe. The old Tranflatór fayth, Flee etas kririeetto Hell, as it were in his owre Parifh i but we reade no fuch;thing in the originall Greeke : Itfayth onely,He was 6'tried. Lazarus (belike) was not; Cr not withfilch a traine of foll::v°ets, becaufehewaspoore; therefore his Buriall is not fpoken of. Which thereforedoth not condemne the burial of the doád, but their 6nfull partiality, whofollow the rich (though wicked) to their graues, and neglecl the pore { thoughgodly) to hone(} their buriall. Theduety ofreuerend buriall is a neceffary Chriflian duty, and it is not reproued here; fauc thatit was a good duty ill done, and to a perfon vnworthy, and vainely dune. Fromhence learne,that:the bodyofa Chriflian, the Doi.; fouls beingd parted from it, is reuercntly to beput into the earth. It srfallen a(leepe : 1. Theft 4. r4. And therefore Chi ifliarts muff lay it to bed by decent burial ; It is the.c.:rE/ fledTemple sj theHoly Goff: s.Cor,6. i9. The members o Chrifithereforemuff reuerently bury it ; It (hall bepartaker with thefoule inglory and therf re as the companion ofa glorified foule, it cannot bee negle- L c`éed