Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

2 titheRicbmoynel Lazarus. wouldhee hale all men alike ? as ifchey had thus rea!oned again( him , as again( one that fpake bothabfurdly and Ver.i 5. impioufly. But ver%r 5. hee tels them, thatdefire ofriches and loue ofthemfelues , had fo blinded them , that they fatenot where theywere , nor in what dangerous wayes and that becaufe they held rhemfelues wife, therefore they iudged him foolifh,and his doìrine (that was wife)ridicu. lous : but that that pleated them, Cod abhorred : andfo he commeth to the Scripture, now read,v. r9. which I take to be, not any f}ory or thing done, but as was faid, a parable wherehis chicle purpofe Is to dif wadethefe Pharifes from cruell hardnes and a carnall life by the exampleof this rich man,hung vp (asit were) in chaines in h( 11 for terrour to others,becaufe hefedhimfelfccurlouíly, and fed not poore .Laz,arp.r. And heere vnder the personsofthe rich manand Laza: rats, we haue two forts or (aces ofmen ; fuch as were them in theworld, arenow, and 11-ia11 be to the endoftime. In both which, we Lay note their different Oates , and that hich is common to them : their different flatesare heere on the earth,orafter they left. It in their Hues theydiffered eerymuch,and after their deaths, much more ; for, the rich man was finely clothed, or clothed with foft and gorgeous raymerit : and for hisfare,it wasdelicateandofthe bell cue. rydays.19 the beggar and Lazarus vasvexed with fores and hunger, delring the courfë( bread , or crummesof bread that fel from the richrnans table.v: 20.2 a After death, the beggars foule was g?orified in the boforn of fidraham, being caried thither by the Angels : hurof his burial! there is no mention. I'herichmans bodywas gloriouflyburied in the earth,and his foule pittifully buried in hel.v.22.23.and this is common to moth , that they both died.v.2. z. Thus (andeth the fcope and íurnmeof thefefue lira Lac, 164 verfes,and tlae femme ofall is to aduifemen to fpend their goods well,and not %Ton their lulls : not to forget mercy, and to be. liberal! to Chrif}s poo4e , that theirfountaines, that is, their elate and poiTefIions may be bleffedveto, tliena.