Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRicb naan,anel Lazarus: 3 themProu.5. 18. But, let vs returne to the rich man, and heare what is Paid ofhim, Tberewas acertaine Richman,erc; The text ipeakethofa certainerich man, but without a- by naine j or ofa rich;man, not named : becaute (as one faith)God takes no care ofthe wicked , neither remembreth their names: Where we learne that finners are in nocredit Doetr. with God : the wicked,and him that loueth iniquitie, doth his foule abhorre, faith Dauid,P /41. a 5.that is,fuch are fo farre from hauing credit with him,that hehateth them ;and not fiuperficially, but fromhis veryf3uïe. Yea,they (hail well know that bee hates them, by rainingvpon them the raineoffnares,of fire and brimttone, and [formic tempeff. v.G he whole countenance beholdeth the ,v.7.will not fuffer finners to (land beforehim.Pf. I.4.5. lob faith, God wiL' not take it michedman by the hand. Iob 8. zo, robs mea- ningmay well be, that hewill not glue him fo much coun- tenance , as men giue to a man , when theygiue him their hand ? orhewill not offerthemhis hand ; and ifthey offer theirs,he will pull awayhis : flare it is , that as he will not caflaway aperfit man , fo he will not helpethe euill doer. Iob. ibid. He that made the remembranceoflofiahashonk in all mouths , Syr.49. r,put out thememorial' of4malek; Exod. 17.14. andbee that Paid to Mops , 1 know thee by name, Exod.33.12) faith to all wickeddoers, 1 know you tlot.iWatth.7.22.& 2 4.1 2. God bath threat ned to ediAowO'r them : ,T .Samuel. z. Rearms. 3°,AndDauid, Gods king and foíower, will make no mention ofthem.Pfal. i 644.Secondly,theybe the enemies that he will roote out,and who, exci pt hemeane toditfemo ble, (whichvileaffec`Uon is farre fromGod) will counte- nancethofe,whom he manes to dettroy ? Thirdly, other- wayes God fhall thould doe as much for the children of wrath as hee dothfor his Beare children ; and that which hehath forbiddenas euill,to fpeakegood ofeuill,Eja.5,2O. B 3 himfelfe