Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of the Rich rnan,ami Laz4rus. 75 A reproofe ofthe Papifls,who profeffe tokeepe the reliks ofSaints; that is, fomepat ts oftheir bodies vnburied5which (if they wereSaintsindeede)they fhould bury withhonor, and not punifh with the reward ofcondemnedmens meni bers,or ofTraitors iufflydepriued cfburiall: Thus moll diuinely,our SoueraigneLordKing Iames,in his Pixmonition. A like reproofe of fogne great ones a. mong our felues, whodenie, or doe not performe to their dead thisduty,fo feemely, needefull, andcharitable; either out offomeeuil cuiome,orfor nowarrantable abflinence. Which,what is it but topierce .(thoughnot Chrifl himfelfe, yet) the faithful! in Chrift with the fpeare of a fecond death,after death ? Ioh.i 9.34. That is, after one death, to put them to another. Our following of them to their graues isthe teflirnonyof our loue ; by it we witneffehow we affec%ed themaliue : and loue (ifit he foundlone , and without guile) will g©e as farre as itcan. It is alto witnefre ofthe reucrence we bore thêforgood things; as our mour. ning dothfhewe our loffe,bythe loife ofthem tovs in their deaths. If then we truly loued our friends, hbw can we tarry at home, not accompanying them (as farreas may be)in their way to the earth,thehoufe ofall the lining e Why dothnot our loue goe with them as farre as it can,ifwe lowed them and ifwe reuerenced their goodparts ; why doe we not fhewe asmuch, byexpr erringat theirgraues our griefe, for fomany good things buried with them ? But fome goe too far,as thefe come too fhort,who drown thecredit of Chri. 'Tian funerals with immoderatehowlingsand takingor..A. gain11 fuch the Apoflle : Sorrow not as they rrho haueno hope, I. Thef4.r3.C'hrifl weptforLazarus, lob. z 1.3 5 :butnot fo. And they that mourne fo immoderately,giue fufpieious tokens that theyweepe for their owne lotTe, rather then for the loffeofa friend : and that theymore efleeme their owne good,thenhis gaineby death. Somefor their bellies,or for a mourning gowne follow the wicked rich withpraifes to their graue a who yet will nothonefi a godly pooremans L z buriall