Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

76 OftheRkh Wala,andLIZ011t, buriall with their prefencc,or witha good werd. Thereare fuck as buried this richman,and defpifed Lazoas. Sofarre for that that concerned this rich-min in his body , that fol, lowethwhichconcerned hitninhis foule, Verfe.2 3 AndGoing in hellín tores:nt,. For thisrich mans elate in his foule,it was-miferable and pittifull , though his buriall were glorious. Here was a change indeede, not more hidden the i f arefull to tanners. Alittle before ruffling in wealth; now his foule is in hell, and bis body among the 'wormes. So;naznyat this day, flaunt it in great bravery s and thenext newes'we heare,is, their bodies are- ingraue, and their foules God knowes where. Yea manydie, andbecaufe we hear: nomore of them but that they be dead, we neither regard how they died, nor what islike co come ofchena, dying without re. pentane. Therefore this terrible exampleis.ieftas a wars ring to vs, in time to confider what fol!oweth alter death: and thatis,a lifeafter this life,either to m y vnfpeakable,orin torments endletfe. For with the Iafi breathe in ourbodies, we goe prefently inour foulss toheauenor hell: good men toheauen,bad men to hell,Hebr.9. z7. Though men line asbeaf}s, -yet they 'hall not die as beaus : that is, ifthey liue wickedly anddie in finne,the beafts -death (hail befarrebet. ter then theirs. For, they in their death end their mifery; thofe in death, doebut beginne theirs , that 111111 haueno end. But tocorn to thewords themfelues, it is raid, that the rich mans foule was in hellin torments :and here is (hewed whither his foule went, to wit,to hell ; and what followed there. For the firti : hell, or theplace ofhell is here de fcri-- bed by thofe paines of fenfe which are in it :and they are Called helptorments. For hell is not onely a place of cufl©o dy as priionshere ; but-of cuftody and torment : therefore, is this rich manfaid to be inhell in tormcnts,He thatdwelt in