Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

ofthe Richman,andLazarars. 79 in forne part ofthe body, or in forne facultieof the foule: and yet how extreame they fometimes proue to be', and how infufferable , they that feele themcan tell.Thetooth- acheis but thegrief: ofonepart, perhaps but ofone tooth ; andyet íbme hawing it in forne extremitie , haue willed theinfeluesout of the world : the like ofthe (lone, flrangu- ry,and the like. What then , when euery part fhall berac, Iced , and eueryf<tcultie tormented ? and when they flnll crie out in hell with this rich man, 0,1 am tormented i4 this fl one iLuk.i6.a4.Ùne,fpeakingatthe crotfeoftholetor- M.Hcnry tures to which that curfed parricide, Rauilhack(tfae tnurde- Greens^:oocl rerof she laft french Henry) was put veto , writeth at i awls thus : "off ` His arme that did that curfed a was taken from his fhoulder :his nailes pulled from his hands and fcete : his flefh piece bypiece , fet from him with hote burning pin, cers, and burnt beforehis face : and herent afunder in the end,with foure horfes. This is much ; but thebooke writ. tenofhis terrible and defcrued death 9 fpeaketltofmuch more : andyet all this and more might, withoutany pulles or the leafi touch ofthe foule, hauebin endured,if thecaufe had bin good for which he fo died. Butin this lake ofbrim. lone and fire that is neuer quenched ; all parts , as head, armes,legs,hands, feet,&what not,all lhalbetormented and euer tormented ; not in an artificial fornace, as that of France,but in the .great wine- preJe.oftheoral; ofGod,Apoc. T 4, 1 9, and in that horrible burnrngw wch the breath of the Lord, (1tl e a rimer oftrtrvff }lone) dothkindle couti«tally,Efa. 3 0, 3 3. Some piecesofflefh fhail not onely be fet from them, as from that french parricide with burning pincers ; but if this be a t>rrrsent,'as who can deny it) all the fleíb on their backes Ell! be fo, or rather much worfe tormented bydi, e Booke uclsin hell His nahes we pulled fromhis fingers and feete of the ter_ once:they hhall be tormented euer, as iftheirs were euer fo. r',bte Gad One arme was taken from his fhoulder; the (c) booke deaçh o faith 'by confiimn,ing it in terriblemaner, in fire and brim.} F; .,nc,s Ra- flone : here,all the membersof their body (hall euer burne trilliacke. in