Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

78 oftheRich rm4n,andLnzdrus. here,and paffe from affeáed daiknesto vtter darknes, from one darknes to another. We reade of torments inuented by men, and ofcruell ones indeede, inflk ed byheathen. men vponChrií}ians:as fornaces of fire,caldrens ofboiling brafen Bolles, and that cJVoloch in the valley ofHan. norrn,where Idolaters burnttheir children tothe dive!!: i.King. i 1.7. But heil is larger then fo,and the thing exceedes aft report. I.Kin g. io.7. Ne6uchadnezars fornace was heated pile,: times : Dan .3 . i 9 : this morethen feuenty tines feuen. To be !hut vp in the bellyof a brafen Bull oiler a fmall fire; and thereto be till thebeatekill him, mutt needes bea lingring and terrible death : but hell is muchworfe , and without end. Therfore doththe Prophet Efay compare hell toTophet : Efa 3 0.3 3 : andMathew,fpeaking ofit,calles it Gehenna, Math,S.z z, That isTophet : becaufe of the la. mentable fcreakings ofchildren,facrificed in that fire : but the fcreakings ofyoung and old in the Tophet ofhell, the fire and burning there,is both intollerableand eternal!. Thus hell torments mutt needes be great in refpec`t of theextremities Thereafons. Thegreater fufferings, thegreater torment. The fufferingsfpokenofareexceeding great, and yet farre leiTe thenany of thofe thatare prepared for the damned in theTophet ofhell. For thefeearthly maybefexpretfed and conceiued, thole in hellcannot e Secondly,thewrath ofGod (hall then be executed to the full again it tannersand vpon fnne,which is executed more fauourablyhere,and with fomemixture ofclernencie. Al. fo, thediuels are in place andput inoffice to further the of flidion in that lakeoftorments. Thirdly,ifthofe tormen is that afic4 thebodyonely, be fogreat and intollerable, howgreat and intollerable mutt they be that (hall afflict both fouleandbody in hell e The tormentsofhell are vniuerfall in all the parts ofthebody, and tender powersof the minde together: all at once (hall be tormented. Thepain esofthis life are (for the mot}part) particular, in