Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRichm113,41ndL4Z.irs1s, 9 I In his fpcech I note the reguefl hee made, and the tea fon ; FLr 1 am tormented, &c. His reguel$ is in the maner, or matter thereof '; The manner isfayde to bee with a crying fpeech, & with the calling f°braham,father fibrakam. Becaufe he would not be warned in time, hee 'cryed, or wasmade to crye when timewas pall;! and bee that wouldnot be Abrahoons Tonne in obedience,defireth t obee withLaz.aru.r in 4br4hams bofeme. He fhculd haue thus cryed while hee was i n the way: and before the eternal' barres had doled hin in. Where wee learne, that this life is a lifefor nnercie,and Do that there is no crying for mercy afterit. So faith Chrií , Theriht commeth, to wit, ofdeath, «hen 'no man can worke, /oho 9.4. And Saint Paulexhorteth theGalathi- ens, and in them all Chriflians, To doe good r. hile they haue time, Gal, G, to. Asifhee had fayde: Yee fhall not al- wayes haue it,nor after death. To this effect the Prophet T ~_ Seek,e the Lordwhile bee may beefound, Efa. 55. 6. That is, in this life, andnot inh !, where there is no find ding ofhim. Ahrahamleftfacrificing when the Sarre went downe, Gen. r 5. r 7. And when the Sunne of life fetteth ouer vs,there is no more facriñcefor fumes, Beh. ro. 26. Therefore,fay.h Salomon, All that thine hard¡hallfinde to doe,doe it nob, all thy power, Ecclef.9, t o. Thatis,prefento ly and here. The reaten 'is, There is neyther worke, nor inuen- tion, nor knowledge, nor wifedcme in thegraue, whi- ther thougoat. His rneaningis,when thou art dead,thou can[1 neyther doe nor deuife any thing for thy falcati- on or peace in the pit ofdarkncife,and ofdevh. The Reafon:., After death there is no reward, Ecclef9.5. And then is a timeofiudgement, not ofmercy. Second- ly, mercy is from repentance, and repentance from the Miniflery of theWord, w hich onclyhath power in this life, 2. Tim, 2. 25. Apcc. 2 2 r. Thirdly, when the tree is cut downe, what hope of fruits r So after the axe of ¿cath Lath Lecne vpor vs , N z carat