Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

9 t ofthe Rich wan,andLazarus. what hope to bee fruitful!? Lazily, there is no mercy of God with aut faith in God, but eyther here faithfull,or net uer,I.Cor.I3.ro.t3,& z. Cor.s 7. A:z inílruaion, if we will haue mercy, to turtle to the Godof mercy, whiles itis called today, Heb. 3. z ;, 2. Cor. 6, z. not to cry for it with this Rich. man in Hell: nor with the foolifh Virgines, when thegate is thut,ll?.atk. 24. to,t r. the gate ofall comaa(lioi and mercy. Bow we fay toGod as the vnmercifull man to his neighbour ; Come anise to mrrow, Prot. 3. 28. That is, wee fl ill put off, though we know not what may be to morrow,or what the daymay bringwith it. TOmorrow,fayth Pba. raoh, Exod. 8. ro,To morrow Pharaoh? And why not ta day ? Wake zt,hiler yee haw ligI t, fayeth Chriti ,. John i 2.35. that is,whiles youmay bee faued , ftriue to faluation by the light ofthe Gofpell, left when it is rema, ued, the darknetfe ofdefpayre come: andWhither will ye walke, not knowing whither ire the darke? A terrOur to all that defpife repentance when they bee called to it in this life. Such are like to a condemned ma. lefàtor that putteth off the getting ofhispardon, till the A('iifes arecome, and till it bee too late to feeke ir; then hewould be faued and cannot. Heremen make a mocke offin= ; the reafon is,they feelenot the weight of it here,. in Hell they (hall, and when there is no hope of. cieltue_ ranee from it : for, as a peece of-timber f ernet_h light upon the water, but draweeto land will íeenae as 1tí3 : fo (ìnne bornevp with the patience and mercycifGod here, which is asagreat Sea, fecmeth light to offenders : but poore foule, when thou flak beareit without thefe vnderfets of patience,or mercy, in the darke land cfthe damned in hell, then thouwilt cryeout with as little hope as this rich man did, though not Father Abraham: yet God the Father of46raham, Have mercy vonmee. And what hope ofa tree when it is cut downe, and burneth in the fire? fo what hope of finncrs,cut downe by death for the fire of heU?