Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

plrtII21ich m.at ;,aM Ltz2ral. 9 3 If this bee terrible, better now preached, then felt; in hell, where is no reiernp ;ion, Knowing therefore chefs terrors of putting offthe day ofviiitation, a , Cor. s. z r . why fhould wee not be refolued to feeke and find mere cy.with true and prefent repentance for ail our fumes? O therefore take no moredayes to that, that mull bee done to day : fo (hall wee finde mercy, that is, in due time, if wee f:.4 feeke it. Further, for this damned Rich man, as hee cryed too late, fo hee begged (as wee fay) at a wrong doore: For, bee fayd, Father Abrahan,going tohim for mercy;where the righteous goe diretly,and onely to God,and to none ofthe Saints. And here it may beenoted by the way, that the do' &nine of the InuocatingdeadSaints mutt needes want a good Prefident, comming from a damned perfon in hel, and a perfon that faredneuer a whit better by fpeaking to Abraham, The voyce from heaueut is, Call vpon tome in theell ofthy tronblc, Pfa,.5o.t 5. Upon mee, fayth God , as ifhee had fayde, r»n;nee onely: and it is fo refolued by Cnrift in the farneargument ofhis father; feruice, Mat. 4. t o. They that fay, and doeotherwile, let them Phew v: where it is fo written, and wee will doe after them -: but when God hath charged vs with an abfolute feruice forhimfelfe, how can wee, and why flaould wee, with- out a difpenfation from him by ,his word , (hare it be- tweene him and his creatures? Go-i (as weheard) bathcomnaatznded vs to call vpon hirn byIefìs Crarifl, in our wants,with promife to heare vs : and how thencan weecall vpon him with others in our trouble, without offending him i a his word, and difirulling him in his p,onife ? but thisonely by the way, and yet worthy the taking vp. It is-fayde in the text,that this Rich mast called Abrahwm, Father; where heboa(led ofthat to which hehad no right,nor good title;onelyfome colour oftitle he had to it by the carnali birth ,being a lew . F$e would not followAbrahams, in giuing hofpitality as N3