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The P·R 1 r A c E- to the whole Epifile. · theGQ/pd,]et'ifyou co'IJjider it more throughly, you will finde ma– ny p~JJages /ofJk.jng that WIIJ; The Epiftle of Paul to Philemon, h~th been hitherto r;eputedCanonical,yet it trutteth not of the me– rits and death ofChrift; I confefs th-e flile Which the Apoftle u(eth is more rouzing , much of the Epiftle concerHing the carnal He– brews, as Welt as thofe that had takfn upon themfelves the profeffi– on ofChrift; in fhort it bath a force .Hpm the confcicnce, And is not •niydeliveredby the Church, but foaled up to onr ufe and comfort by the Holy Ghoft, as other Scriptures are; ~IWt:U written b] an A– poftle as otherEpiftles tak£n into the Canon,fls the inj~ri~tion fheW– eth; and there u tJo rea/on 'WhJ We fhould doubt of thu tttle, more -,hen ofPauls name before his EpiJUes: ~tu true, there Were Jome jpuriom Writings that carried the names ofthe Apoftles,cu the Acts ofAndrew,theLiturgyof S.James,theCanons oftheApofiles,Luk_es Hiftory ofthe Acts ofPan\ and Tecla, Marks life of Barnabas,Jhe· , Gofpel ofPaul. But aft the(e by the j?tft hand of God h.adfom_e m~rk.. 6finf(lmy imprej[ed upon them,.by. the e?'}jorcement ofm.1.tters [11/fe w ridiculBUJ, or contrar7. to t.he truth ofDoClrine, or HiflDrJ. But thu Epi{tie bath nothing contrary to the truth of Religion, nor unbe.feeming the gravity ()fit, and the majefly ofother Scrip– tures; therefore upon the whole We maypronounce, that it being, reprefented to u.s with thefe lldvantllgt.s, it hath a juft title to '-our re[pe~ and belief, and jhould be received in the Church . 'With the fame efleern and reve*.nce which we bear to other.Scri– ptures. Secondly, Coneern-ir~g th-e fubordinate- Author lames, ~there is fame contrrwerjie abof!Jt ft~tting the right perfon, wh9 he 'Was ; in. the genera/l #tu certain he WIU an .Apoft/e; no Epiflles but theirs being received irttf} the rule ofF~tith; and •tu no prejudice that he. flileth himfelfe the fervant of the Lord;for fo dothPaul often; M We · ~ltprove anon in the explication of the fir{t Vtrfe.But now among_ the dpoftles, there Were t.'Wo calledby thu m1me ofJames, James · the fon ofZebedee,and James thefon ofAlpheus; Many of the An- . cients indeed thought there Were three of this name;Jacobus major, Wl . 1 . or ofZebedee; Jacobns minor, or of Alpheus; andJ ames the br.o- ~end;~cd1 b~ ~her ofthe Lord, cfliledalfo n Chobliham, or Oblias , or J ames the (:Lemens, JUI1, whom they.thought not t~ beanApofile, but Bitbop ofJeru- ~oJu) id.;d,i! falem. Jerom calletk himdecimum tertium Apofiolum , the thir- c, J'1x.cuoa-J n 1 t·'C.enth Apoftle iN Ifai. lib. 5. c~tp. 7• Dorothcus rn:.dzeth him one By Ep!phanius of the feventy, the firft in hu Catalogue, but witbout rea{on, .7iix_cri:-id r...rf.:( , A 3 .Fo ·