Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

The Pa :&FA c • to the whol~ Epifl:le. b And no F_orjndeed_rher~ Were but b twoJam~..s, thulatter J amcs being more are theJame Wtth ht~n of Alpheus; for pi11mly the hrother of the Lortl rcck·)ned byd is reekf;ned among the Apojiles, Gat I. I 9· ~tnd c~Jlcd aPillar ctem ens an G 1 Jh . ll d b f ' E~fb ;us, yea a.2.9. ~nu etsc.~. . e the :othero theLord,becaufehe\V.ui~ by the Swp· that FamdJ, to "Whtl:h Chrift waJ numbered ;fame {uppofe hu ture, among Mothers Siftersfon, tbefon ofMary ofOeopbas,Wha WM Sifter to the Apufiles ; the Vi,rl7in • nawCleophas and Alpheus u all one cM a leArned {; M 0 ' ' cc an~t·~/i~ Aut_h~r_ fuppo{eth, th1ugh Ju?ius cofjtritdiaeth it in Epifl. Jud~ ~· 17 1 8. fub mitlo: eA"nd Rabanus fasth, after the death ofAlpheus foe c Her/Jert marriedCleophas: But however it be,thu James u the fome;Vfhich 7'hormli_ke. ~f · u e-nough for our purpo(e. Well thm, there being twa,to Which of ~e Prumttve thefe is the Epift!c to be afcribed? The Whole ftream ofAntiquit] of~h~~l~1~~~~. carrieth it for th_e Brother of the L,ord, 'Who (M I [aid) 'utbe fame pag. xx,x~)13 with J acobus mmor, or the fon of Alpheus; and with goodre~fon, w~o difcu{fetn the }on of Zebedee being l~ng before beheaded by Herod from the ~~;~em~t~i;l~ ve?/egin:;ng ofdtbhe pfre~t;hing tJt the Gof}el,1~Ct.s 1fc2.2. B~~thu ~ . f'.cr Ef1;•1e mu;• nee s eo a111tter t~tfte, a4 altuitmg ta omepaJ1 t~ges ,au~ a IOn. t d · d · h 1 · ,f' h h h h· h a rea 9' 'Wntten, an nutmg t e aegenertlltton 6; t e.9 urc , w ~c wM not fo very prefently. There are fome few indeed af another d f b. Judgment, M Flavius Dcxter,Julius Toietanus,Didacus Dazor, ar.d N . :~b~r~t~ tJthers cited by d Eufebius Ndrembergius, a SpAnijh Jefuite, who d/~riviae sa~ alfo bringeth the Authority of 11n t~ncient Gattifh Mif[.tl to this cr.e sc;iptmx~ purpofe, together with Reafons to prove thu ta be the jirfl New lib, u.cap.xs Tef!amtnt Scripture that wasWritten, andall ta devolve the ho16•1'1·,xsj19• nour of the Epiflleupon the Spanijb .~aint Jacob~s major; Which' . yet u contrary ta the Decree ofthe Trent Council, which afcribet~ it to J ames the Brother of the Lord. Well tbm, James the lefs u the perfon Whom We have found 'to be _the Inf!r'!ment which the Sptrit of (jodmarle ufe of to convty tbu treafure to the Church. , J'vf uchmay be (aid ofhim, but I foal! contri4Cl Pl!l inta a brieffum : e cl~{{!15:)1 b• He w.u by his private Calling an c Husbandman, b; publique Of– 'p~f,0;11;,~6t .. jice in the Church an Apoflle, and ejpeci~lly ca/Jed to the infP_eClio~ ofthe Church inand about Jerufalem, etth" becaufe of hu eme– nepcy and tJear relation ta Chrift, o.r for the great efteem he had gaine d 11mong the !ews; and therefore when the other Apoftles were going to and fro dij{cminating the Word of Life, J ames u of– ten found at Jcrufalem; fee G:ll.I. I 8,T9.Atl:.r.r4,~I. & I).&c. For ht:s temper, ·he w.u of ri n t·xaU j?: riElnefs, exceeding juft . and 1 kerefore calledOblias, and J ames the Jufl; y ea fo jLlfr, th.Jt Jof<:– phns m;tk.;th the vialei~Cc offer-ed ta bim to be one of the cat<~fes of · · the