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The P~t.E JACE ·to the whole Epiflle. the Jewijhrume. Jofepb. Antiq lib.10. cap.t6. Of fo gru1t tem– perance, th~rt he tir~tnk... neither Wine nor jlrong drink_, and~te No fofh. So pious, that hu kneel were mttde lib,e 11 Cammels hoofby . . / frequent prayer: liis death hAppenedfix]~llrs before tha~ of Pe– ter, thiri.J eightyeArs before thAt ofJohn, tn the jixtj th1rdyear ofChriS1, if Chrot~ology be true: He dyed a~Marty~; thq wc~ld hAve him perfwade the people to abandon the Do£lrme of Chrsff, Which when he reft4ed, and pre./[cd the tfNite contrary, he was thrown down from apinnACle of the Temple, ~tnd hu brains dafoed tmtwitha Fu!lersclub,andfogaveupthe ghoft. See thcfethings Jet forth At large by Eufebius, lib.2. cap.z3. & ibi cicatos. Thirdl], For the TimeVPhm thu Epiftle was Written, it cannot he exailly fttt.ted: •ris placed firfi among the Catholique Epiftles, either as Jirft Written~ 'or firfJ received into the C11non, though in ~he rankjng ofit there be ~t, varief.J: In the Greek,. Bibles it fujfain– eth thefame place which we ajfign tl it, Some think.,the Epiftle of Peter was firft 'Written: But in fo great an Hnctrtainty who can ~ determine any thing L {ertain we .fire, that it was Written after that Hereftn werejomewhat grown, and beforeJerufalemdrew to its end; Jo; what St. James thrMten~th, St. Paul ta~eth notice fJf f Ex&ztata fuit - ;~,s accomplifoed, I Thef. 2. I 6. (If the people ofthe Jews, temport Apoftu , hefaith, Wrarh is (:ome upon them, its" -r~ Tilt~;to the uttermolt, ftolorum op·ni11~ which is denounced in {hap•.5, ofour Apojfllf'. The critical Rea- fltfftce~ folai!J der, th~et wottld m~re of the time andorder ofthis Epif!le, 1 fit de1fl1.t; fa!u< ,r: E r b" N . b . b d 0 . . tm o" .nw re 1 er to u1e IU! .euem ~rgms, li .1 I. e ngine Sacrx Scnp- darn, ji 11 et turx,)cap.I5·- maxime bona Fourthly, The Perfons to whom he.'Wrote arefpecified in the opera' ntglige.– firfl Verfe .To the twelveTnb~s;&c. Which \\Je jb11ll explain anon; rentur '. ~~'IZtra l . j ,.n:;. fi .. L r; h h . h h. fi.' b .r: q•~amllpzmg?Jrm et zt I!.JUMcc or !;o~·pre1 ent, t .·~t ewr1t~t c ze ") to t o 1 eamong AptJ.flolicte E . them that Wtre gazned to thefaztiJ ofChr1{1, thoughthere be many pi(Jo!z Petri, ]'Affages inter{perfed which do concern the u11believing Jews: fee Joh~nnis, J:t.. Chap.s. v.t . ll.ndthc Rrafons ther-e -11./ledgcd iiJ the Expojition. cob1.• Judz. p;r. hi F h fi dr , . h maxzme dtrtc z 1 t _t.J, or t e occa ron,matter an 1cope, you m9 tat<! zt t ~ : gunt i?ztt?Jtio- (e.rtalnly onegreat occajon was that whzch f Aufbn tak._eth notzce nem J;t ve!Je .. •f, .to wit, the growth of that Opinion in rh~ ApoHies days, That ammttr adflm· abate naked faith was enough to Salvation thouoh good works a iJt .fidtmjm Were' "-"gl~4 d ~-7" ' l h t· r. h 'h. 0 d b opmbus mh:t .... ~-ce , .L zs c ear t &t 1 ome J f4C t mgwtts crye up ?] . d iF A the School of Simon: N o_wSamaria,being nigh to J erulalem, ~ur ):~. ~·etFid~~t Apoftlt., infjefli~n W>fJ rmfl'.J confined to thofe {hurchu, Operibus!: might.