Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

i. . The Preface. {fa-ith he) alfo it tvc:U contained in t-/;e ·Scripture, rJ3ehold I lay in Zion achief corner flone, eleEl and precious, and be that be:: lierveth on him, jhall not be confounded. Unto you therefore which belie1Je, he is precious ; bttt unto tlmn that are difobedient, theflone whid1 the :Builders difollowed, the fame is .made the Head of the corner, and a ftone offlumbling, and a rock ofof fence, e1Jen unto them that ftumb.le at tl;e Word, bei11c_~ difobe::: dient, whereunto alfo t1)ey ))Jere appointed, 1 Epift. Chap. 2 . ver. 6, 7, 8. .Unto them that believe unto the fav,ing of the Soul, he is, he alwaies hath been precious; the Sun, the Rock, ·the Life, the Bread of their Souls,- every thing that is Good, Ufeful, Atniable, Defirable here or unto Eter... nity. - In, frotn, and by him, is all their Spiritual .and Eternal Life, Light, Power, CrovvTh, Confolation and Joy here, with everlafting Salvation hereafter. By hitn ftlone do they defire, expect and obtain Deliverance from that woful Apofracy from God, \vhich is accotn- . - "' . panied withal, which containeth in it virtually and me– ritorioufly, whatever is evil, noxious and deftructive unto our Nature, and which without relief ·will iffue in Eternal Mifery. By hitn . are they brought into the . nearefl: Cog~ation, Alliance and Friendfhip with God, the finnell Union unto hitn, and the moft holy Corn- -1ntmion \Vith him, that our finite Natures are capable of, and fo conducted unto, the ,bternal Enjoyment of hitn. For in him jhallall the feed oflfrael be juflified,- and Jhall