Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

~-------~---- ~ The_ Preface. ~ __ ·foal! glory, lfo. 4 5. 15. For IfraelJhall,befaved in theLord, 1VitlJ an everlajling Sal-vation, ·they jhall not be ctjhamed nor cone founded world 1Vithoutend; ruer. I 7· . , . · On thefe arid the like Accounts, the principallJefign of their whole_Lives unto whom he_ is thus precious, is to acquaint themfelves with hitn, the myflery of the \'Vifdom, Grace and Love of God, in his Perfon and Medi!tion as revealed ·unto us in the Scripture, which is Life Eternal~ ]oh. I 7· 3; to trufl: in hitn, and unto him, as unt? all the everhfi:ing concerntnents <?f their Souls, .. to love and honour hitn vvith all their hearts, to endea-· vour after conformity unto him, in all rhofe characters of Divine Goodnefs and Holinefs, which are reprefent– ed unto thetn in hiin. In thefe things conflft the foul, life, po\Ver, beauty and effic::~cy of Chrifl:ian Religion, without which, whatever outward orna1nents may be put upon its ·exercife, it is but an ufelefs, . lifelefs car– ~afs~ 'The \Vhole of this Defign is expre1fed in thofe heavenly words of the ApofHe, Phi!. 3. 8, 9, I o;'i I, I 2. · Yea doubtlefs, and !count all things but loft, for the excellency of the knolvledge of Chrifl Jefus my Lord; for ,w!Jom I ha.--ve , jujfered the lofs ofall thinl:.S>' and do count them but du~~' that . I mig!Jt ~in Christ, and be found in him, not having mine oum · rJ\.ighteoujiufs, iP!JiclJ' is of the La))), _but that 1Vhic!J' i5;. t}Jr~~rrJ~.;·; the Faitb of Chr!ft, the ~ig(3teot,frzejs 1V7Jich is ofGot! bflr_aitl;:, , _tha~ I may know him, and the P'ower ofhis tR~j1-trrec1ion, and the fel!owjhip of his Sujferings, being made conformable :mto a h~