Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

The Faith ofthe ChurclJ undertl;e OldTeflament jt"fvJ.f?d it was counted u.'!to him folRig,hteoufnefs, Gen. 1).6. For ~-- f he faw the day ofChrifl: and rejoyced,John 8. 56. ~ ~- The Faith that Jacoh infl:rufred his Sons in, was, that the ·. ~~~1:a_~hilo (houlcl come, and unto him .fhould !Je the gathering, of the · Nations, Gen. 49· 10. ]oh Faith was that his Redeemer waJ the living, 011e, andthat he jhouldfland on th_e Earth in the latter daies,Jo!J. 29. 2). . The Revelations made unto Da·vid principally concerned his Perfon and the Glory thereof? fee Pja/.2.45·68 72,1 ro,r r8. eipecially Pfal4\th.and the 72jl.comparcd,which give an ac– count of their apprehenlions c,;oncerning him. · The Faith of Daniel was that God would j.bew mercy for the Lofls Sake, Dan. 9 17. and of all the Prophets ; that the Redeemerfho.uld come to Sion, and{rom them that turn from Tranfgrej]ion in Jacoh, !fa. 5'9· 20. Of the fame Nature were all his PerfonalAppearances under the Old Tefl:ament, efpecially that mofi illufirious Reprefen · tation made ofhim unto the Prophet lfaiah. Chap. 6.And the glorious Revelation .ofhis name, Chap.9.6. It is true that both thefe and other Prophets had Revela– tions concerning hisfufferings alfo. For the Spirit of Chrifl that was in them teJ1ified /Jejorehancl nj his fu.ffering and the glo– ry that Jhould enjue., 2 Pet. r. 1 r. an illufl:rious Tefiimony whereunto we have given us, '1'fal. 1. 2 and !fa. 55· Never– thelefs their conceptions concerning them were dark and ob– fcure. It was his Perfon that the1r Faith principally regard– ed. Thence were they filled wirh Delires and Expeflations of his cof!1ing, or his -exhibition and appearance in the flen1. With renewed Promifes hereof did God continually refrefh the Church in its firaits and difficulties. And hereby did God call off the hotly of the people f~om truf1: in themfelves, or boafl:ing in their prefent priviledges, which they wereexceedingly prone unto. · In •