Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

in andconcerning the Perfon of Chrift. I 1 I In procefs of rime this Faith which wrought effeCtually in the Church of lfrael, degenerated it1t0 a lifelefs Opinion; that proved the ruine of it. Whilfi they really lived in the Faith ofhim as the Saviour and Redeemer of the Church from all its fpiritual Adverfaries, as he who was to make an end offin, and /;ring in everlafling Righteoufnefs, unto whom all their prefent Ordinances were fubfervient and direCtive; all Grace, Love, Zeal and patient waiting for the accomplifl1ment ofthe Promife, flourifhed among them. But in pro– cefs of time growing carnal, trufiing in their own Righteouj~ nejs and the Priviledges which they had by the Law, their Faith concerning the Perfon ofChr~[t degenerated _into a cor– rupt, obfiinate opinion that he ihould be only a iemporal ./(tng and Deliverer; but as unto Righteoufnefs and Salva~ · tion they were to trufi unto themfelves and the Law. And · this prejudicatt; Opinion being indeed a renunciation of all the Grace of the Promifes of God, proved their utter ruine. For when he came in the fle1h, after fo many Ages, filled up with continued expeCtations, they rejeCted an.d df:Jpifed him as one that had neither form nor comelinefs for ·wh1ch he :ll10uld be defired. So cloth it fall out' in other Churches. That which was Faith truly Spiritual and Evangelical in their firfi planting, becomes a lifelefs Opinion in fucceeding Ages. The fame Truths are fiill profeffed, but that profeilion fprings not from the fame Caufes, nor cloth it produce the fame Etfetl.-s in the hearts and lives of men. . Hence in procefs of time, fome Churches continue to have an appearance of thefame– body which they were at fir.fl:, but being examined, are like .a l~fel~fs, /;reathlefs car~af!i ; wherein , the animating Spirit of Grace doth not dwell. And then is any Church . ~s it was with that of the Jews; nigh to defiru&ion, when 1t corrupts formerly profeifed Truths, to accommodate them. unto the prefent luih and inclinations of men. CHA<?~· "'