Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

t!;e Nature and Caufls ofit. 127 He is able to fuccour them that ·art t~mpted, Hd. 2. I 8. Here– on are they drawn, confl:rained, encouraged to make Appli– cations unto him by prayer, that he would de1l with- then! according to his Compaffion and Power. This is a feafon rendring the Difcharge of this Duty neceffary. And hereby have innumerable fouls found Confolation, Refrefl1ment and Deliverance. A time oftrouble is a time of the efpecial -ex– ercife of Faith in Chrifr. So himfelf gives direcrion, John 14- 7· Let not your hearts be troubled, _J'e /Jelie·ve in G_od, /Jelieve alfo in me. . Difiinfr afrings of Faith on Chrifr, are the great means ofSupportment and Relief in. trouble. And it is by efpeciallnvocation, whereby they put forth and ex– ert themfelves. An Infl:ance hereof as unto Temptation, and the Difl:refs wherewith it is attended,.we have in the Apofile Paul. He had a ihorne in the fiejh, a Me{fet.~ger of Satan to buffet him. Both expreffions declare the deep fenfe he had of his Tempta– tion,and the perplexity wherewith it was accompanied. For .this ct1uje he !Jejought the Lordthrice that it might depart from him, 2 Cor~n.7,8. He applied himfelf folemnly unto Pray– er for its Removal, and that frequently. And it was the Lord, that is the Lo:d Jefus Chrifr unto whom he made his Application~ For fo rhe Name Lord is to be. interpreted if there be nothing contrary in the context, as. the Name ofGod, is o t theFather, byvertueofthatRule, I Cor.8.6,7.· To zu there is one God the Ji'ather, and one lord Jefi.es Chrift. And it is evident alfo in the context. The anfwer he recei. -ved unto his Prayer was, JJ.fy Grace is Jujjicient for thee, for my Pou.·er is made perfeCl in weaknefs. And whofe Power that was, who gave him that anfwer, he declares in the next words. Mo}l glarlly therefore will I glory i1:1 my weakne{/es., that the Power of Chrifl ,may refl upon me, that -is, tl-e Power ofhim on whomhe called who gave him that Anfwer, ff!y Power is made perfeCl in weaknefs, • 2.Times