Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

1 2'8 Honour due to 't1:e Perjon ·of Chrifl; 2~ Times of gracious Difco'veries either of the·Glory of Chrifr in himfelf~ or of his Love unto us, are feafons that call for this Duty.. The Glory ·of Chrifi in his Perion and · OfEces is alwaies the fame . And the Revelation that is made of it in the Scripture varietl1 not. But as unto our Percep· tion and Apprehenfion of it, whereby our hearts and ~inds are affefr~d with it m an efpeciaJ manner, there .are apparent feafons of it, which no Believers are unacquainted withal!. Sometimes fuch a fenfe of it is attained under the Difpenfa– tion ofthe Word, wherein as Chrift on the one hand iJ Jet fonh evidently crucified !Jefore our Ey~s, fo on the other he is glorioufly exalted_Sometimes it is fo in Prayer, in Medita- . tion . in Contemplation on him. As an Ability was given un– to the bcdily fight of Stephen, to fee upon the opening of the Heavens, the Glory of God, and Jefwflanding ,at his right h~Ails 7· 56, )7· fo he opens the vail fometimes, and gives a~lear aff(£hng difcovery of his Glory unto the minds and fouls of Believers: And in 'fuchfeafons are they drawn forth and excited unto Invocation andPraife, So ihomaJ be– ing furprized with an Apprehenfion and Evidence ofhis Di– 'Vine Glory and ·Power after his ReCurrecrion(wherein he was declared to be the Son of Cod with Power, Rom. 1. 4· cried unto him, my Lord and my God, John 20. 28.) · There was in his words both a Profeffion of his own Faith, and a Solemn Invocation ofChrift. When therefore we have real difcove · ries of the Glory of Chrifi, we cannot but fpeak to him, or of liim. Theft things foie! Ifaiah when he j{Ilv his Glo1y and jpake ofhim,Joh. 12.41. . And Stephen u110n a viewofitin the rnidfi ofhis enraged Enemies, teftified inimediately,. I fee the Heazens opened, ancl the Son of Man flrmding at the right banc!of God. And thereby was he prepared for that Jolerfm I nvocation of his Name, which he ufed prefently after, Lord ]e}its receive-my Spirit, A[f. 7· )6, 59· And fo alfo upon his Appearance