Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

unto the Perfon of Cl:wifl. I 39 of the world, Rev. q. 8. And it ~s fir~nge ~o me that any who deny not the Expiatory Sacriftte of Chrifl, ~~uld do~1bt whether the Original of thefe Sa,crifices were D1vrn~ Infhtu– tution, or the Invention of men. And it is fo amongfl: others for the Reafons enfuing , · . ' I. On the fuppofitwn that they were ·ofmens ftnding, . o~t, andvoluntary 0/Jfervation, without any previous Divine Re· velation, it mufl: be granted that the Foundation of all accep– table Religion in the world, was laid in, and refolved into the 'Vifdom and Wills of men, and not into the Wifdom, Au– thority and will ofGod. For that the great folemnity ofRe– ligion, which was as ·the Center and T efiimony of all ~ts other Duties, did confifi in thefe Sacriftces ev·en before the givingoftheLaw, willnotbedenied. Andin the giving pf the Law, God did not on this fuppofitiol,l confirm and efia– blifh his own lnflitutions with Additions unto them ofthe fame kind, but fet his feal and ap1)robation unto the Iwuentions of men. But this is contrary unto naturallight,and the whole cur– rent of Scripture Revelations. 2. All Expiatory Sacriftces were from the Beginning, lJpes 'and Reprefentations of the Sacrifice of Chrifi, whereon all their Ufe, Efficacy and Benefit among men, all their Accep– tance with God, did depend. Remove this con.Gderatton from them, and they were as irrational a Jervice, as unbe- . coming the Divine Nature, as any thing that reafonable Creatures could fix upon. They are to th1s day, as reafona– ble a fervice as ever they were, but that only their refpeCl: unto the Sacrifice ofChrifi is taken from them. And what perfon of any ordinary underfianding, could now fuppofe them a meet fervice whereby to glorify the Divine Nature~ . Befides,all Expiatory Sacrifices we'reofrhefamenature, and of the fame ufe, both before and after the giving ofthe Law, But th~t all thofeafrerwards were lj.picttl of the Sacrifice of T 2 Chrift . I