Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

' I 40 The Principle of the A(iignation of Di.-vine Honour Chrifr, the Apo111e demonfirates at large in l1is Epifrle unto the Hebrews. The enquiry therefore is whether this blefTed prefiguration of the :Lord Chrifr and his Sacrifice, as he was the Lamb ofGod taking -away the fins of the World, was an effect of the Wifdom, Goodnefs and Will of God, or of the Wills and Inventions of men. And let it be confidered alfo that thefe men who are fuppofed to be the Authors of this wonderful Reprefentation ofthe Lord Chriil: and his Sacrifice, did indeed know little of them, or as tile aiferters of this 'Opinion imagin nothing at all. .To fuppofe that thofe who · knew no more of Chrifl: than they could learn from th~ jirjl Promift, which as fome think was nothing at all, ilwuld of · their own heads find out and appoint this Divine ftrvice, which confified only in the prefiguration ofhirp and his Sacri~ :fi~e, and that God ihould not only approz·e of .it, but allow it as the principal means. for the Efrabliil1ment and exer– cife of the Faith of all Believers for 4ooo years, is to in– dulge unto thoughts deviating from all Rules of Sobri. ety. He ~hat f~.es not a Divine Wifdom in this Infiitu~ tion, bath fcarce ferioufly exercifed his thoughts about it. But I have elfewhere ·confidered the caufes and Origi· nal of thefe Sacrifices, and lhall not therefore farther infifr upon them. Y/) 15 y; 4· Our firfi Parents and all their [Ioly Pofierity clidbelie.-ve · this Promifi, or did embrace it as the only way and means oftheir Deli"Z>~erancefrom the Curfe and fiate of fin, and were thereon jufiified befoPe God. I confefs we have not infalli– ble affurance of any who did fo in particular, but thofe who are mentioned by name in Scripture, as Abel, Enoch, Noah, and feme others. · But to quefHon it concerning others alfo, as of our ./irfl Parents themfelves, is foolifh and impious.This is done by the Socinians, to promote another defign, namely, that none were )ufiified ~~!ore God on the bel~f.!ifthe fi_rft • ... .~;:- · Rromife, "'