Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

-~- 36 The Per[on of Chrift the rnoft ImJfab!e fa7.:ed? In this Enquiry the ACts of the Mecliato1y Ojjice of Chrifr are in the Gofpel firil: prefented unto us, efpecially his Oblation and Interceffion. Through them is he ab~e to fave unto the utmoil: thof1= that come to God by him. But · there vvere Oblations for fin, and Interceffions for finners un– der the Old Tefiament·. Yet of them all cloth the Apofl:le affirm that they could not make them perfect that came unto Got! by them, nor take away confcience condemning for fin, Heb.2.1,2,), 4· \\Therefore it is not theferhings inthemfelves that can give us reft and peace, but their Relation unto the Perfon of Chriil:. The Oblation and Interceffion of any other would not have faved us. Hence for the fecurity ,of our Faith, we are minded that God recleemed the Church with his own blood, AEl .20.28. He did fo who \Vas God, a~ he was manifeil:ed il\ the Flefh. His blood alone could purge our confciences from dead works, who did offe~ himfe1f unto God, through the Eternal Spirit, Heb. 9· 14. And when the Apofile for our Relief againfl: the guilt of fin calleth us unto the con!ideration of Interceifton and Propitiation,he mindeth us peculiarly of his Perfon by whom they are performed, I John 2. I, 2; If a'!)' man jin, we. ha·ve an Advocate wiih the Father, Jefus Chri!l the Righteous, and he is the Propitiation for our fins. And_we may briefly confider the order of thefe things. 1. We fuppofe in this cafe confcience to be awakened unto a fenfe of fin, and 9f Apoflacy fi·om God thereby. Thefe things are now generally looked on as of no great concern~ ment unto us, by fome made a mock of, and by the moil: thought eafie to be dealt withall at time convenient. But. ' when God fixeth an Apprehen!ion 9f t1is difpleafure for them on the foul, if it be not before it be too late, it will caufe'men to look out for Retiel 1~ This Relief is propofed in the Gofpel. And it is the Death