Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

EjfeEl ofDivine Wijdom and Goodnefs. 3:; Death and Mediation of Chrifi alone. By them peace with God mufi be obtained, or it will ceafe for ever. But 3· When any perfon comes praftical!y to know how great a thing it is for an Apoflate finner, to obtain the remifiion of fins, and an inheritance among them that are fc'mchfied, end– lefs Ohjeftions through the power of Unbelief will arife unto his difquietment. Wherefore 4~ That ~hich is principally fuited to give him refr, peace and fatisfaB:ion, ancl without which nothing elfe can fo do, is the due confideratio~of, and the acting of Faith upon this Infinite EJfeft of 'Divine Wzfdom and Goodnefs)n the confii– tution of the Perfon ofChrifi~ ,This at :firfi view will reduce the mind unto that concluCion, Ifthou canfl !Jel)eve,all things . are po.lfible. for what end cannot be effeCted f1ereby? what end cannot be accomplifhed that was deftgned in it? Is any · thing too hard for God ? did God ever do any thing like this; or make ufe of any fuch means for any other end what– ever? Againf\: this no ObjeCtion can arife. On tliis confi– deration of him,Faith apprehends Chri£1: to be as he is indeed, the Power of God, and the Wifdom ofGod unto the falvation of them that do believe, and therin cloth it find refi with 1~eace. CHAP,