Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

·~ S T_IJe Perfon of Chrift the Foundation cHAP. IV. The Perfon ofChrifl the Foundation of all the Counfels ofGod. SEcondly, The P€rfon ofChriflis the Foundation of all the Counjds ofGod, as unto his own Eternal Glory in the Vocation, Sanfrification and Salvation of the Church. That which I intend is what theApoflle exprefleth,Ephej r. 9,-1o. I-Ia1.Jing made known the My/lery of his Will, according to his good pleafure which he purpofed in .himfelj; that in the di.f penfation of the fulnefs oftime he might gather together in one, all things in Chrifl, both which are in hea·ven, ancl which are in Earth, even in him. The Myfieries of the Will of God, according to his good pleafure which he purpofed in him– felf,are his Counfels cortcernihg his own Eternal Glory in the fanchfication and falvatiop of the Church here below, to be united unto that above . .. The a'bfolute original hereofwas in his owngood pleajure, or the foveraign Afring of his Wif– dohl and W.ill. But it :was all to be eff{£red in Chrifi, which the Apofrle twice repeats; he would gather all things into an Head in Chrifl, even in him; that is in him alone. Thus it is faid of him with refpefr unto his future Incarna- – tion and work ofMediation, that the Lore/ p~Ueifed him in. the beginning of his wtrys, before his works of old, that he was Jet up from f'7.Jerlafling~ :from the hgim:.'ing or ever the eartb was, Prov. 8. 22,2 3. The eternal Perfonal Exijlence of the Son of Go-ct!s fuppofed in thefe exprefiions, as I have elfewhere :txoved. \Vithout itnone of thefe things could be affirmed of hirn . But there is a regard in thein, borh unto his future Incarnation, and the accompliihment of the Coun• · .fds of God thereby. With refpec:t: thereunto, God pdfl:_[fecl ·.. him, in the hg,uming of hjs waies, and fet him up from e·ver~; ' . lafliJJg.