Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Si 'Theorderof the caufes o~ne flefh., bare ourfinuet in hU htJd], on the tree, A tfi_lan,bHt inbim.Bernard in his Sermon ("dmit~,.t \\lee b~mg dtltutt·tdf~pmJimu, jho11!d ltue in lttes templi,cap.I 1.) Mors in Chr~li rmrtefu.gangb_te~uJneJJ.e,hJ \\Jh~:fo /lr:.peJ 7eare ~ealed. tur, & Chrijfiinflitifl ncbil imp•tawr: that is, Imputation 0frtghteoufi1effe, IS the other Deathi• il putto flight, and the partoflufhficauon, whereby fuch asbeleeue, tHj/i<e of Chrift il imp~<ted~nto vs.And in his6a. haumgtbe~ml:of thetr finnes Coucred, are fermon vpon the Canticles : where U ther~ a1'i) acco.unted mllm the fight of God, through refl (faith hc)b•t in the woundtofo"r S•uio•r? 1 Chnllsnghteonfneffe. >Cor.5. 21. P&l. 32 .r wiUfor eNerfi•g ./>tit 'IJih.rlmineowneinflice! nay, BL1jed tJ heJ whe~ft wickednts i1 forgirm?, & whofo 0 Lord,l"';aremember th.J iufii'ealone: for that jitJuco~trrtd.Rom.q..thewho1echapter,where · U~tlfomyiuflice. Forthouw~f/ mttde ofGod<Vnt 9 the Apofile repeatcs imputation eleueritimes.: me iuPice. But jho11/d Ifttare 1 wbuher that oneiuPhil. J.8.9./ hatte counted•/I things loffi, ttnddo I flice rPouldfujjice 11..? ••J• it ilnot•jborrclo•~e 11}8g.e thrmtq bedun.g,thllt 1might Wtn Chrift,and I thlft u ttble to couer acouple. Thy iuflice U;ufliii ~htb;fPund in hmJ,tbat il,rtit h•Hing mint ltJnt for euermore,anelwiHbg'th couer thee ttnd met: it i.i r~hteo_'!]ms "'.hidJiJ6Jt,hclaw, butt~tZt k\1hich is large!Jlt~rge~wdttern•tl iuflice: ttnd inme it coue.. thro•gh thefmtb o[Chrift, ••mther•gh"'•fneffi rtththemulmudeofmJJi•ms,&c. Auguj/.lib. de whichiso(f•ith. B JPirit• & liter•,c.p 9• & 26. We m•fl vndt~j/4nd The forme of iullification, is, as it were, a ;hufoJingfo. The doers •f•h• L•wj/1.Ube iufofi. "kinde of tranOation of the belceucrs finncs ed, th11t we m~1 ~•w, that there11re no doerJofrbe vnto Chrill:, and.againe Chrills righteoufl•vo butfuch .uArt i•f/ified;fo tb•tth') •renotfirfl neffe vnto the b~leeuer~ bya recir.rocall or doers •[1ht I•P<, •nd tbeni•Jiif-~d, butfirfl i•(/ified, mutuallimp~tatron. A:ns apparent m ~his pi;: •ndthendocrs of the la'IJI.So itis 1iud,thqfi,.U6: chu:e followmg. . i•fltfied, asifit lhouldbe £\id, th:Jfhallberep•· · ted iuft ttnd.ll"ounttdiufl• .n ch:iniu~.•i<>n.: r~;:i!~~~~" Iuftification hathannexed vnto itAdopti· ~ ,j,r . on,whereby all fuch asarepredefi:inate to bee adopted,receiucpower,to beac:9:uallyaccoun· ted the fonnes of God by Chrill. Eph.1.5 .who h4th predeflif!ittl' 111 tobee ttdopred thrrmgh· Tt{llt Chrifl, vnto·himftlf:,•ccording to thegoodple.ij~rt o: rf of hilf'iJit/, ' · ' · r~w JJ • Byrheanesof adoption, Goa bath bellow- :o, ;;,.,, ' rl ·' edmany notable priuiledges vpon his·Chil- _,..,o, .· " r , Cl dren. I. Thty are the Lords heires apparant. ·.~.; :t.'\ · 1 P,••~. · ~v:;,.:<· :f , Rom.8.t7.lfwebechlltiren~lJie~eRljoheirts>tllert ,g ·Y,tttilr. ~J · .. nr - ththeirtlo{G()d. ~.' .... ~.~~~_.",,:;::.?,·~·t ' ~~~:;: · ~~ II. Theyarcfellowheires\~dthChriil)yea ~ - .... ' 1 ~ kings.Rom.8.t7Reu.r.6•..Andmo~~devJ"Krngs l•J't'~if olie~icr.l:~· 'O'f' Chrill:' is:ealled the, •nd Pritj/ S,tNtn fO Godhis FArhtr. Rlghttdu'fneiof od;and ofCbri{\-. ·OfCod. I I I. AI[ their affiifrions, yea eoen their I.·hbt;btc·aufeit l iliGod, butof God': for wants,and offi:nces, are turned to trials orfait';~khh ~ll the po'Y,~r a~~mcrirl:Jiatli from· therly Challifemenrs, inAifred vpon them for thedcitie C>fthe'Sonne:l"hence ltls that !eretheir good. Rom.8.z8. We k,_novo th•t aD tbings ,nii~'faith, !thou<hdn~Righ"••Jn'.lfe', 'I I. God 'I!Pork!19gtthirforthe bef/,vntothtmth•t''"'Gad, ,cloth oncly a>;c~~ ofit f~rvs, beq\ife tliat u Voriuen.[orthyfoke.rewe ~iUedaUtheda7 londmkesv'slioidiJ fo'approach vl!to Gods ton~:'I!Peartc.,mted a.Jimpe forthefl••ghter. 37· tlir'dn~dfgrace;t\uJwe mayhau;p\u'dou for Ne~terthei•!Je,in •0 th~ftthings, we are more then our.(innes, and q~ re>emed·todeqtall hf~: It' D conquerotm •h.roughhtmthat lo•edvs.Pfa.89.32. itlji!o dtred iHcll.ight;e?nfne!Tebf<;:hnll!be1 lii>Ovrjit '~"""nfgreffw•"''tbthmd,•ndtbm e!nfeGeln~ot:tn:lfv's 'it 1s 1n t\1e ·humamue of '"'1"'t" unth flrokJs. 33.Ttt mJ lot11ng k.!ndno wsO Cfifilt a~lna fubrect'. > · · · :·.· ''· ·0 lnotu~eft-him.z Cor.Iz·7·Thmw.ugi•e• ·•'Obiffl! 1~' N<>'lfui/iis made i)Ill: by any o• vnto nte• pr'fck!iothefhfls, the me!fenger•fS•f•n the! tiJ.ns iU.flit~."'"' ,J -: • J.-: · ~ ''-' ' Ill b~tjfet me~ bec;ruft IjhoHltfn~t betxtJlttdeut of '~ q nfl\1/r!' 'Phi1itd\i2eiiboth,_~rtothers,and' meafure. z San\.7·14· JwiUbe '!'IIIo himafather, otu~':rlfo. I An /)Hi )!f.~ ;becaufe i! IS iri Chrill: as aiidhefls•U_De tome afonne:•ndifhefin,IwiO th•· in ~fubiecr: our~·' b~caufc by me~ncsof fhe flen h"" l>tthtlserodofmen, a•dw11h thep/.<glm fi\r~!tmed vnio/ !Cprill:, ·Mth ·I.Uhis beneofrhtehtldrmofme#, . . · . fitS H11Jadebhrs!t,.d, "' "~ "· "''• • ' I V .They haue donumonouerall,crearu'res, :•' 05ie,fti~7.· ·I 1;!,~h6 ~-nt'ii:ht Fa~hers _neuer yet fo,as that in this life the¥ ~~ue ondy r~g,~J~ dr~~cd ort¥.l$itil~t1tal:l.ue iullice_,_ !ind)t may t<>the tlung·; but after thrs hfe they fhalltau~ ft;emctob<'c ot'i16'lll'eater·contl~atitc then rightinthe fame. 1 Cor. 3·U•'3· Whet"''·y~~tl!$_. ;. <S. ~~ ···' ). .'t.! ~"" • _ . bt.P411I,or Ap•N~J,tr Ctpl~'"' Dt~P~wurld,O:.Iifo~ -~~n~tr-, ·(ff;i's }~~Bttt~falie;·atH.l\~·~wus·to or dtath, \\'berJ;e~.~~rybe thingJpreftnt,orth:~~~ l1 af(!rme. Ai~u!t.);Ullt'f.vponloM,l'aith, All eo"": eue?•HmyourJ. Heb, >.·,7· Tho" m•d•f! JP.chM are jufhji1db] Cbrifl,"re tH/f not mrhem1 hu» !Jttle 1n[cr11JHr to the Angels, 7hoH croWneJft · -- -~- him