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ofSa!uation and'Damnation. bim with glorJ and"'"'"'• ond h.jl (it him .Wo•• t"e wor'<tofthmeh•ndt.8, ThoH haJI put•llthingt ifl fub,efliJn vndtr hi4 Laliofall, they hiue the Angdsas min!– ll:ring fpirirs attending vpon them .for. thm good. Heb. I. H· Are th<J not itHmmtff~••g fP•– riH,jintfmhto mioif/erfor their{4kft \l?h~eh Jh•O be oeimoffol"ation?Pfal.3f· 7·The tfngeloftbe Lordpft<heth rol'nd •houtthem th4tfe•re him,•nd deliuerttbthem. , . Whence it igapparcbt, that the flithfull a– lone haue the true vfc of the-.Lords goods, I· Becaufe theirpe,fons are in Chrill: acceptable vnco him, in.whom alfo they hJue rell:itution mad~vnto~hem of rho~ goods which they loll: mAd<m, that they m:ry wi<h agood con– fcience vfe them. 11. They vfe.thpm with "B th~nkfgiuingto their ends appointed by God. A is fhll augmented and enlar~ed. Firfl:, we re– c.eiue th~ lirfl: fruits ofthe fpirit, then aconti– nual! increafeof them. Eph.4.23• Be reu,.ed in thefpirie ofJOIIr mindt. ~4· Andput on the "ltll' man, 'Which d{Ur God j,s created;, righttoufncjfo, f!nd trj(e holines. Eph. 2.1. And ]ON hNtb he quic~n.ed tht~t SPere deadin trefp•Jfos andfinneJ. Gal.2. 2o.Thm 1/iue,yet not 1now,~ut Chrifl inme: ttnd iMth_at I no~ liuein thejl,jiJ, lliHe b;thef•ith •f the So11nf ofGod,'a'hoh~th loued me,efrghun him filfe for,;.,, Rom.8 1J. We "'hich haHe the firfl Ji:uits•f thefpirit, eHt'l 'Hiet doeJi,gb in oMrftlues, W4itingfor the•d•pt.ion,-tHintheredemftioll 11[DI4T b1diu, 1. Cor.I5·45· Thejirf/rmn Ada,. "'"' made • li•ing f••ie, And·the focond eAdam "'"' · m•de • quic'<._•ingfpirit, · The meanes ofViuification, is avetrttede- ' riued from Chrifl:s refurrcchon, to thofe.thar. are quickned which maketh them to rife vp lm"]k..••l~ · him,an-Jthe vertue tJfhUrtflwn£1im. . CH A.P. XXXVII!. Cmcetning the thirddegree ofth< J,./ara– tionaf Goat/our. ThepowerofChrifl:s reflllre<'l:ion isthat, whereby he lirfl:,did in his owne llefh.ascon· quererouer death and fin , begin to line with THe-third degree,isSa.n<'l:ification, whetGod, be exalted aboueeuery name:and by ti~<:h as beleene, being deliuered from then in hisme.mbers, finne beeing dead and the tyrannie offinne,are by little and little reburied, he caufeth in them an endeauour and nuedin holinelle and righteoufne~- I .!oh.J·9· purpofeto liue accord"ingto the will of God. · Whofoe•er u borne •f9od,ftnnerh nor: for hit fte<l The officient caufe ofthem both, is the holy remJinerh in him;neither c•n heftnne,b"aufo heit Ghoft,who doth by his diuine power conuey 6orneofGoJ. Rom.8. I. Thert Unocondemntttiora himfelfe into the beleeuers heartS, & inth~m, to thofo 111hich4(t in Chriflle[UJ, ><hich ll?•il{ftol by applying the power ofChrift his death, IX· •fterthefi•P•,b•t •fter theJPirit. refnrre<'l:iou,createth holine!fe,Job 33·•4· 15. Sanctification hathrwopatts: Mortilicati· C Romaoes 8.9. N•wJ' •re not in rheflejh,bm in on, and Viuificoti<>tl. .. , thefpmt , btc.Hfo the [pirit of God dw,!lerl> i1> The mortification of linne, is thelirll: part )DH : h•tif ••J m., haue not th< fpirit of Chri~, offan<'l:ification, whercby thepoweroffinne thefomeit not bit. II. But if the Jpirie of him is abated,and crucified in the faithful!. Rom. that r•if<dvp /e[ut fiom the de•d dw_eN in;nN, hee 6._z. How fh•U we)h<ta,.,dtAdtofin••· liue yt thatr.ifodvp Chriflfoom thedead,fo.Val(i q•ic. : thlrein! 3.Kn"'Wye not,th4t aft \\1t t\1hich h4utbi,. ~en yor~r m~rtal61dier,be'""fo thllt hid[pirit dwel6>ptii.•d1nto lejJU Chrif/, h•ue ~in bapthed '"'' letbinyou. hitde4th?5. Wt '"' 6umd then with bunhy bapFurthermore, thi• inherent holincs is to be t•fm• mt~hl4 de<th, th.r lrkE .u Chriji!IIMraifod dill:inguifhed into parrs,according to the feuevpfiom the dwl, b1 thet,IJryof the F•ther,[o we rail faculties of the body and foul• of mar>. •lfofhouldwal~e~nner.nt!Jeoflift. Ecclef.5.6,7, I .Theff.;·•3· The 7JtY} G•d•fp••ceJ4nCiifi•;•• I I,r z,r 3• Galat.;·•4· 'J"hey whwhare Chriflt thro•ghMt:4nd I proy q,J, thatJ••r wh•le(pirit,- h•H«r•ciped the~'fh, ~>iththe ajfeCiion,.n<l•fls fot~le. •ndbDdJ"'"l lm k,ept biAweleffo• 1JniO the thereof. . . D comming o{o11r Lord lejiu Chrijl. The meancsofmortification, is the death I. The holine!l'e or renuing of the_minde,. and bunall ofChrifl:, from whichproceedeth which is the illuminationtherof,to the knowfuch vertue,as at the lirll: ~iuing fin·!llis deadly ledge ofthe will ofGod. Colofsians I·9· Wee W?undJ doth bereaue it of~ower .t.o rage and ce•fe not t9 pr~ for J9M 1 4nd to rleJ!rerh~tJ' might mgnemman, and caufeth 1t to die and conbef•IIJ filled \l?stb knowl•dgeofhu wiO,•c •N wife. fttme,as it were in agraue. . donte, .md[p;ritua/J vnderff,mding. x. Corinth. The venue of Chrifts death , is a certaine 12.8. r ""' u gi••• b1the_fPiritthe [peech •fwifo· P?';l'er,iffiL~Jg,from his Deitie into his hnma. dame ,.ta aoother thefpeech •f k,noll1/edge , b; tk~ mttewlten hedyed, whereby heedid in the fom~fpi_rif. fame hnmanitie vanquitb our finne imputed Ulumimtion,is eitherfpiritu:Ulvnderflanvntoh1m, beingour furetio.,. as well in regard ding ,or fpiritu \ll wifedome. ofthe puniflvncnt,. asof the guilt thereof, Spirinull vnckrftanding, isan illumination that in like fort b)' the fame power hee might of the minde, whereby it acknowledg<th the abohrh the corruption of finnc- in his memknownetruth ofthe word ofGod. bcrs. , Spiritnal wifedome,isan illuminadon ofthe ,Viuification;is the fecond part of(mfH5ca• minde,whereby the &metruth, isapplyed to tton: whereby inhcrenr holinesbdllg;!:egL~,~good ordering of p>rticulat both things H ~ aud ,