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of Saluation andVamnation. 97 tak<n indeed fomerimcs in the gopd part , & A ning euery mans eternal! both f.rluatioH and fpokcn of the Elect and faithful! called, as damn••ion,is fromall <ternity let do>1me, a!:d Rom.S.;o. whom he prtd~flinatcd, them a/. immutable. The n:afons: I. Tefi.lmonies of fo he ea/led,and whome heecalled i themalfohee Scriprure, Rom 1I ,z6. Thegifu ar.d calls•g of Uljlified and ftlhcm btiujlifiedfhtm al[o heglwifi· God tl;ry ~re «~'i'T«,Uh·n-ra, (Nch tU etre witl:out Yted. So~retheEphefiansfaidobepredejlinare P'""""· Math· 24. 22. Thm Jhah •tlefal(t intotheadoprioofthefonneso[God,Eph. t.) .Yet {hrijls, ••• f•lft Pr.phtts : and (/,ad oe .C"·" may this word Preddlination, neuerthelelfe ftgnes andmi~•cles ,fothat [if it were pofsible J generally be exteded vmothed~creeofGod, they fhould deeeiue llstn the eMI.Rom.8.3J.Who whetherit bethat ofp!ede!hnat!Onto eternal! jiMDlay any thing to t!Jt_chnrge of Gods ch;(tr.?it u life,orthe othervntoeternall death. Therea· Godth•t iuj/ijieth,whojli4/lcrmdunnt? 2.Timd. fons:I.Ac't-4->7·>8. They gatbmd thcmfl/ues I9.The fowndati.nofGodjlandtth(ure, andh.,b log<thtrag•i•ft thincholySon•e lef~s tod" \~h.rthufoaie,The L"d lz.•orrtth whaa>·d;u. II. Ercfouur thin~ hAnd .tnd thy 'ormfe!Jhad determmtd ftibn and reprobation :rre in God,r10t in men: (or for~-ordained,or prede!linated, "ff~""" now there can be nothing in God which isnot beforetobe done. I!. Auguft. de Bono perfev. immutlble.M;I.J.6. llthot~ahamnotchanpd, Chap. I 7• hecalleth Pr<dejlin.,i•• the diJPoft- B Efay 64 IO.MJ coun{t/1foal/ fl••d, and I J>tll do tion of[•••re \l'or~es:and in his I 5. booke ofthe wh"[""" iwi:l. III.Ifthis Popifh conclulion Citie of God,chap.l'. he diuideth aUm<okjnd fhould be granred,then WoGId it follow ofne. intfl tf119 tiriet:\t'herefJfone i1 predejltn1tef~ re~ne cefsicic~thatthe foreknowledge of God mull: with Glltiettrntl/1], the other predeftinAte to vnder. be made voide, his power weakf'nt'd, and his .~et eternaOpnnifbmtnt ~ith the diudl. Atld i~ his will changed, eachofwhich is impious once Manuel to Laurentios' chap. I oo. hee faith, to dreamc 0~· F~>r hee which changerh his Th41 God horhiwft11prd:jlinmd wicktd men '!)ncounfdl, or hts wdl,doth therefore chanoe it, to p•nifhmtnt, & mercif•OJ prtdejlriwed theg•od either becaufe he at the f!engrh feeth tha~ hec vnto .~'""· ThomasofAquine r.-part: qua:fr. mighthauetakenbc'tteraduife, orelfein tha~ 23.artic+ f<ttMtttrethnllin rtgardo[ hefecththat hee could flOt b(i~g his former ofpredejlin•ticn,ll'httber • m•n be[•id 11 btprede.. purpofeabout as he would : Eith" ofwhich· jlinmto lift mrn.tBornot. are farre from our Lord God·. I V. Ifwe reFurthermore, fora man to fay that the Refolue that the wunfell of God is any wayes probates are fore-knowne, and not predeftimutable,it wil by this come to pafle, that euenate; is \'cry iniurious: becaufe Gods forery man mull: bee vncertaine whether he bee knowledge,may in nothing which is to be, be C predefrinate to life or not:wherby tha~ notafauercd fiom his will and eternal! decree.For ble flay and only ground of our filii aairrance that, whichbeeing hereafterto bee, is foreto be faued, is vtterly fhaken and ouenutned. knowne of God,.that afluredly will come Wherefore let tliis truth bee maintained of to palfe, nnd fhallbe,& that eitherby thewill vs,r~amely, that both_the eleClioil i~nd reproofGod, or without his will: ifwith his will, banon of God ftand Immutable, fo th.ttnei~ then nodoubt, he both decreed & preor-daitherthc Elect can become reprobat", nor nedthe fame: if withoutor againft his will, the reprobates ek<'t; and confequently n"yhow is God then omnipotent? AndiUrely cui! therthefe befaued; nor they condemned. it felfe, albeit God will itnotinhis approuing Againll this doctrine, the popilh fort ex· orallowingwil;yetwillethhethefree,&wil. cept. Ifyoufpeakc:' in a compound fenfe or ling permilfion therof. Auguft. in his Manuel meaning(mF•fo ccmpoftto) lt iswry true that or Enchiridon to laurentius, cha. 1 oo. hath the predefiinate cannOt be damned, no; fuch anexcellentfaymg to thispurpofe. Althou~h ' asareforeknownebefaued: but if iAa fenfe ( fa!thhe)th•t thoft thmgs Wh«h areeusll,rn th., diuidcd(l•fin/is di•ifi•) itis not fo.This dillinthey 4r~ eu,ll, g~od,y~t.th4t there Are nrJt ~iorH's plaineby this example. WhitCcor"our ~nely good,but •lfo eu,!J t~mgs1 1t 11 wrygosd:to J he D in a compound meaning cannot bee blacke, .n~tnt th.ct aJ:cr amarurslons & vnfPe~~ab!e m11n~ becaufe blacknes is repuonant aRcfcoritrarie ner, that.thmg "!lfJ not bee bifidu, or with~nt hi4 towhitenelfe: But in adiuided·fcn!C: white wt/1, wh~<h alfo u dooug4iwft.his WiU, bec••fl it colour now may afrenv-.rds be made'blatke. ft"•'" ""be do~e;vnltffi hefsiffored it, neither J.,h In like fort, one predeftinated to f.rluation htfoffmt,•g•••ft hu \l'tU,b., wsPtngt;. may, by reafon ofthe free-will he bath, linne, .The 1_1. t'rro•r. . and fo bedamn~d. Anfrl'.Theli: are fitly fi,Jfcs, Th4t Predeffe~~~~~on u mHt11ble.. For, (accord"'$ and ~eere fophdfnes, becaufe fuch as are pretDthec~mmonop~mono[ tht Pttpijls) .whofoeucru defimated to the end, namely, faluation, are prtdtj/miite,ht UCor.tmgtnt!J prtdt{/,114te IU 'We// nes~fiarify predefiinated tO the meanes and on Go~sp~rt, 44 on '!' itJo.llo(toetb,that faluation, thewhich theycannot but vfe, a 11 d he wh;ch uJmdejlmaud,that u app,nttdtofalu•- by them come to cl1e endit felfe. on, "''9 becondnbned'; tmtihe ~hichisfore~no'J'fne The 1If. 8rrotn:. th"tUJappoinud to dlfmrtlltion? tnaybefoNed. ·- A_llmen. Arepredefh,att, th 11 t ;r~ tfi{P"fiJ" ~:ml The c~.nfUtAt~fOn. . . 0-~~amed of God,-' fo d4 they might IUTio:Nt lftrna/11 The contraryto thiS then· dodrwe ts moll li/e.Seball:.Catteneus in his j' true.Namely, that the decree ofGod-~oncerPredcfi. · . --.----- - i 4· 'fk