Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The order of the cau{es The confutAlion.. A 1 tO good wor~s in Chrift, thllt thq might w4/~ This is manifc!Hy falfe.For,I. infants who thmin. In which places, good workes they fu foone as they are borne, depart this life, are made effects ofpredefhnation;but the effeeing for want of rime they cannot in this feCI: forefeene can not bee the caufe of his life vfe the means offaluation,albeit they may caufe:for that eucry caufe, in the order both haue life eternall , yet obtamc they it not by ofnatnre & knowledge, dorh goe before his vfing the mcanes vato the fame. II. That effect.ll.Tit-3-5 .Not of 'limit.;• which tue haue which the Lord indeede actually doth,the vedone, but .cc.,Jing rohi,nerciedid Godeirtl and ry f1mc hathhc determined to dae. For hce fauevt.III. God in elcctingvs,did notregard doth nothing neither vnaduifedly, or vnwilanythingoutofhimfelfe, buiin himfolfe did Jingly: bnt he aCtually forfaketh a very great he electvs,Eph.t+and9. Therefore didhee part ofmankinde,the which being fhut vpvnnot regard future works.!V. Some ofthe p 0 • der contumacie,he dorh leaue to it felfe. Act. pi{h fchoolemen confe!fe, that PredeflinatiI 4• I 6. who in times p4ff fttjf#:rtdat/ theGe11t1ls on, doth put nothing in the partie predefiina.- tB sulk! in theirownewaie,,.Hencealfo is it~that ted,inrcfpctl: ofhim,for which God did preEph.z. I 2. all the Gen:ilcs are f., id to be ''"" dcflinate him. Thorn., .prima:. qua:fl., J.arr. without God inrhe world. Thtrefore Godci<- B z. V.EieClionisonclyofGodsmercy. Rom. creed toforf1kefome men in this hte,& con9.16. VI. God fawnogracc in man, butthat feque!1tl)' he ord.tined not all men to t~eoi>- which he himftlfe mule beflow vpon him: tainingof eternalllife. Nay ifGod once but Whtnce it is app1rent, that in election the would in his fecrct will, that al men fhou!d be beginning thereof proceederh from grace. faued,it were vnpofsiblefor ony to perifl1: beV!I. Seeing there is nothing either a&vue caufe Gods willing,is his doing ofH:and if he God,or greaterthen God,it mull: needes bee that was ordained to f.<luatio perilh,then mufl impiousto a!figne any caufe of his will,either God now needs haue left off to will that, out of. or aboue his maieflie: and ther<fore which he would fro al eternity,or elsbeing to th.t his fore-knowledge offaith and workes wil that, which before hce would uot; the fhould bee accounted the impulfiue caufe of which cannot be faid ofGod, without blafhis decree, concerning maus faluation, wee phemJe. II I. Paul, z. The!f.z.Jo. f.1ith, that doe rightly denie. · there be certaine menJ ~Mu1,u~o,, wh1ch p(rtjh, TheP'.€rrour. an<l them he d!flingulfheth from the elect.v. By B•pti[me rightly •dmiRij/red,not o»e/ythe I 3,Rom.9· 2 I, 22.. H4thnQt thtpotttrpower,&c. guiltines,but f,/lfo tht corr14ptionoforigimtUjinne , U where there is not onely mention made of C fow•Jhed•ll'•y,"'th•titunot•Jterw-.dpropn-!J velfels ofglory, &mercy,but alfo ofcertaine, accounted t~~Jinne: made,•nd fa01ioned in God• eternallcounfel, TheConfowi••· as ve/f,ls of wrath. Now Iooke whome God We contrarily dothus diflingui{h oflinne. hath made to wrath and deflruClion, them he Sinne, in regard of the g11ilrine/fu of Gods neuerdifpofed to obtaine eternalllife. wrath, and alfo in rcgard.of.the punifhment, The Jf'. Emur. together by one atl istake awayin Baptifme: Prideflirution~ in reg•rdofthe lt~fte/ftEll ther. bur inregard ofthat errour and corruption of •f,hath hiscau(ein man,th4t isJin m4ns free-wii, nature, it isnot at the firftqnite taken awJ.y and l'!!or~es:for theywhome Go-i h•dforefoene, th4t but ftJCcefsiuely ; & by little and little it is ex~ they woHldrtCI uegrttce ~ffcredin Chrip, & leude tinguilhed ;euen as our renouation wrought their life ac<ording t.eheL•w,tloem hepredtflmaby the holy Ghofl, isby little and little begun ted/'lvtofworkes,but tJfhiJmtr'];Ytt fo,,uth•r he andincreaft:d in vs. Rcafons. I. Paul would hAdrejJt£1 vnto wor/?-!s, "todeii/6 wirh them •te~ not fogreatly bewaile his original finne,ifafcordi'ngtotheirwor~u:or( tll jthersfoJ)It~ t~rdaine t~r Baptifme it ceafc:d any more to be finne, f th~mbytheirrtJor~tJfortfeene. .Asfor'"""'Ple:God {ctJfairh he,anotherla"' in m] members, t·eluUing didfrom •11 eternuy(.refee •ndJ.rt~no,.th4t 'Pt· D ag•injl the l•w •fmJ minde, •nd J,.di•g '""cap. ter ~.~uld he{11ued, tWd IHdiU condemned; 6e&4Nfo tiut ,.J11tolh! 1.-w ttjJinnt ~hich is ;, my members. he[ram theforne ettrnitie didforefee & [6re~no\i', 9 mtflrAbie mAn! whojb.t/J deliuer met from thir thAt Peter would lfCCtptofthe ~rAce ojfirtdvnto ;Qa,o(dt'.d~J?Rom.7.23.24· n. Originallfin, him,•ndafrer vfo thef<me oright: ••d bee dia •ifo is calledafinneout ofme•fimjinfitb,Rom.7·13· forefee rht~t /ud11s jiJould receiHt thegr4ceojftrtd, And,.Heb. 1 2.1. 11fin,ethMi hangtth[11jl ~n, or, ree •orwithfl•ndi11gby re•fm •f his per•crfe wsU, e"filrcomp•Jftth•t. I!I. Concup!lccnce vfo thefame ptr:mjly. is the roote ofall a<'l:uall finne: and therefore 'Fheconf•t•ti••· euen after Baptifine,i·mufl properly be a fin. This theirforged deuife of fore(eeneworks,- IV. Vnle/fe that concup&ence were a finne, I. PJul dorh !hew to be plainely counterfeit, where would or could bee that vehement and when as he faith that the Ephefians were e/e. hot combate betweene the fldh aod the fpiElcd in Cbrifl before the foundation; •f the world rit? Gal-5-17• wm /aid:Eph,I.J· aud that not becaufehe did forcfeethat they would be holy, but tbatther I Tlu n. EmNr. "ight bee holyand vnbl•me•ble before qod with \ B•ptifmt is •hfol•ttl] necef•~Y tD f•i••tion, I ~·~nd c. •·.::'.:.' o. he faith, t.!!eyccw:::e~r:::e_::cr:_:e:::•':::ed:_....:;'fi!Lp:::ec:::i•::D~~fi'•::.·-------. The