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~--1 . ofSaluatidn andVamnation. . ._ 1i1 carfe, W4<f not.anyforekztorvnecaHfe, eitherthis or A of lJrac/~ andj/ntngcrs fiom the c.oj.(,entmts oJ.prll ~ th•t,bHt the mme ~>illofGod.For he dijpojitf,./1 mzft, •,andwere rmh•ut Godm the things not o~&byhisk.t.Jorvlcdge,b!lt ratheraccorwo!ld: but n~~yc llre. n~moreJ!rnngers andfor.. dif!g to rhefomc. But thefe things, albeit they remer~, Wtth_rheSIWits,&c. vcd•I 9· may feeme ro be fubtile deuifcs, yet arethty Obutf. They are fatd to bee.. U~"''"~"""] not alrogether true. Reafans I-. Th_e Potter n,?t limply alien,ued, but abali:nared from when he purpofeth to make.fome ve.Dell, doth uod:now how could they be abaltcnated, ex" notcon£idertheday,andregar.!in ltfomeiO· cept crthcr they or thetr predecclfours had herent qu:Uitie, to make fuch aveDell, bnt hce bm m,the couem1nt? Anfw. The Genules are makethitoffuch and fuch a forme, tothis-qr notfa~d to beabalienated, from the couenant, that vfe euenofhis alone free-will and plea• but from the common.wealth of Ifrael: befure.II.Rom.9·ai. Hath ~tth!potter powerto caufc: that Ood ha? th,en by certaine !awes, makt ifthefome /nmpe one veffi/1 to honour, and ntes,and ceremomes,vtterlyfeuered, and dtaJJothertodijhonor? In which place we may not lhngm(lled the people of the Iewes from all vnderll:and by the namelumpe, all mankinde other ~aticns.. . . . corrupted & fallen, and foto be B Ob~t!f. ,Tins generall calhn!l, ts uot to bee Chrill:: forthenPaulwould nothaue fatd, vnderll:ood limply of the mmtll:ery of the that God made veQi:h of wrath but rather word,butofthewilofGcddeliuered prefentthathedidforfakethemafterthe/weremade• Jy after the fallinhtsvnwritten woul: and afIII. This feemeth prepoll:erous thatGod did terward inhis written word: aiid this all men lirll: foreknow mankind c;eated, fallen, and ought to know,although many, through their redeemed in Chrilh and that afterward he or· o.wne default know it not. An(wer, But the dained them fo forekvown to lifeor t<>death. Scrijnures were committedto the cullodie of ' For the end is the tirO: thing in the imertrion the ChurchafGod,&euery one was not cre- 'o'f theagent : neither wilt' a very vnskilfit!J pitcd wit~ them.Rom.;."' Vntothe Iewes were worke-man firll prepare meanes by which he ifcreditcom~itt_cdtheOr4CiesifGod: r Tim.;. maybehelped to doe a thing, before he hath 15·The Churchu the p•llar & thegroudiftruth. fetdoWne.inhisminde all the ends, both fuch Pfal L'f7·,lf!.HeJl~twed/mwurds vnto lacob,and as are .mail peere, and themrhat'are very far hif.f/at~t« &kwes totJ,e houft iflfrael. zo. He. off. Now we know this, that mans creation: hath not 4f•(t fo with euerynation: thmfore thry and his fall in.Adam,are but means to execute ha!Jt Pot k.!!o~>nehui4~>es. Pfal.76,x.TheLordu Gods predellioation,and therefore are fubor- C famow in (Hdca, andin lfrael uhu namegreat. dinate vpto it: bottheend ofGods decree, is Obietf. Thecouenant of Grace was made tiro manifellationofhis glory, in fauing fame, with A damand E\",andin them all mankinde and condemning others. Tnerefore wee may was (cceiqed bpth into tRe Church,and couenotoncc tmagine, that God did Brft confult nant,& alfd calJed tO fhF k~owledgeof God. ofthemeaneswhereby he determlnedtoelil· Anfw. I. Thineaionwantctheuen common ecute hu decree, .before he deliberatedof the reafon and f>nfe, to fay thatGod giuing his eletlion,andreprobationofman. · promjfein!h~daiesof Adam and NMh, di!'l . The IV. Errour. intlwmcafla!lrpankindethatlhouldcomeaf. Godscal/lngtothe~nowledgeifthe GofPe/1' u ter..II. Adamoefore his fall,,did indeede revniuerf411,yea, ofallmen, andrneryjing~<larperceiu'e the grace soth fod•imfelfe' and for 0fon, ~>>thout exception, thers alfo; and in the fall, bee lol1 it both for The Confutation. , himfelfe,and for all cthers:but after ;he fa! he . Thisis a very vnreafonable poGtion. Reareceiued the promife for himfelfe alone, ;nd fons .I.Godwouldnot haue all men called vnnot for rhe whole wodd; otherwife the fir!l: toChrif!.Math.,o.x6.Manyarecalled,b•tfe!1> ~dam lhould notonely haue beenealiuing are.chofon. Hefaith not thata/1, butm<>ry·are D crearurc, but aquickening fpirit, the which is called. Chrill: in his Difciplcsfir11 embalf;ge; proper to 1h.c fecond Adam.x.Cor.t5·55. chargeth them that _they Jhould not preach · The Conclujion. t\)the ~:nules of hts c?minmg: and to the . Ifwe 0\oul~grant this dochine to be troe, Canamtlfh woman he fa~th, Math.I5.:6 it" then muf!we need~allowofthe1<: abfurditics not meete togiueth! childsenJ breadvnto doggei. in Diuinitie which follow .r. ThatGod would Math.q.u. lt is not giuen toeuery one to k__now haue,all,& :ach lingu[ar man to be faued :and themyf/erusofthek!ngdomcofGod.Ram.x6.>5· withall he would haue fomc ordained tohiThemyjf"iCJiftheGo!Jel(whether it be meant tredandperdition:or,That in regard <;>fGod, ofChntl:, or the calhng of ~he Gentiles) w.u all m~"are elected,& redeemed, but.iQ~egard k!pt ftc~etftom rh: begmnmg ifthew"':ld· II. of the euent many P>ri1l1. II. The~:uilt of Thereuemany mdhons of men, whrch bane Ad.tm11inmu11not be irr.putedtoany one of notfomuch as heard ofChn!l:.AI1.x4.16.G~d hrs pollcrmc, becaufe <hat God, hauingmer- ••t~mupaflfHjfered all the GentJ!eJ to watkf m Cle of ~ll generally ~\1 <;:hrif!, did take into thesr ownew<m. III.- The greate!l: part of the the col)enant of reconciliation all mankindc. world hath ener bm out of the couenant of Now. ifbut the guiltineffe of Ad.t'mJ f:tll bee grace.Eph.>.rz.Yewere,/foy,atth~timewith, taken away, the.punilbment forthwith ~<aout ChrJft,&wert altantsftom th~ Comon-wealtll feth to bee a punifhment, and cormrtion it fdfe