Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

m, 'The order ofthe caufes ' felfeis by littleand little aboiifhed in all men. A I. The reprobates are feparated from the CHAP. LV. prefence and glory ofGod. I I. They are punifhed witheternall con• Oftheftate •ndconditionofthe Reprob•tes fufion,and moO: bitter reproches : becaufe all whentheyaredead. their fecret wickedneffcs and finnes arerc:uealed. zThtff.I·9· Whichjhdbeponi(hedwitheT H • death ofthe reprobate, is afeparatiuer/Aj/ingperdition,ftomtheprefenceofthe Lord, on ofthe bodie and the foule : ofthe boandftomtheglory ofhi<porm.Math.5.8. Blejfei dy,that fora time it may lyedead in the earth: 4rethepureinheartfortheyjhal/fie God.r Ioh: ofthe foule, thatit may teele the torments of[ z.z8. .Andnow little children abide in him, tb:~t hell,euen vntill the timeofthe !all iudgement: when he.fhallappeare,wem11yb8bold, 11ndnot bee atwhich time the whole man fhall be call into AjbamedbeforchimAt hi.rcomming. the moll terrible and fearcfull fire of hell. r. 1 I I. They haue fellowfhip with the diuell Pet.3.19· Bythewhichhe..l{owentand preached 1 and hi• angels,·4I· vnt~thefPirits that areinprifon.Luk.S.z.. 2 Pet. I V. They are wholly in body and foule •+ For ifGodjparednotthe Ange{sth•tfmned, B tormented with an incredible horrour and bNt caft them downe mto hell, and deliuered them exceeding great aoguifh, through the'fence intochai11es of dark.!neffito bektpt 11ntodamnatl• and feeling ofGods wrath, powredout vpon rm,&c. them for euer.Efa.66.>.Andthryjhallgoeforth, The reprobates when they die,doe become & looks vp~n thecor(tffosofmen, that hAuer-;anj. withoutfence and allonied like vntoallone: grejfedagamftmee: for th<JrWormejha/Jnotdie, or elfe they are onerwhelmed with a terrible neicherjha/1theirfire beqt~enched,andtheyjluuJbe horrour ofconfcience,and defpairing oftheir 4n abb.rring '1/nto 46jlejh. fa,luation, as it were with a gulfe ofthe fea o· Hereupon is the punifhment of thofe that uerru.rning them. 1 S~m·•5• 37· Theninthe arecondemued,calledhell fire,a worme,weemormng whenthe wine"'"~go~eout ofN abal, hi< ping and gnalhingoftecth, vtterdarkeneife wife r.ldhimthoji words;~ndhi& heart diedw~th- &c•Reu. 21 . 8.Butthefearoful/,4ndvnbeleeuing inhim,andh.,v.ulik.:aftone. is. And•bout ten andthellb<Jminabk, andmurtherer.r, andwhore... daies after the Lord/mot Nabal tbathee dyed. mongers,.andforcertn ,IJ»dld41ater.r,andlf!J~ars, Matth."•7· 5.Andwhenhee hadcafldoriPne t~ejil, ]hallhauetheirpart mthe14/et whzchbtm1et With MerpeectsJil the tempfeJhe deparud, 11ndWent llNd fire andbrimjione,whu:h i<theficond <leath, Mat. hangedhzmftife. ' C 13·42· AndjhaOeaftthemuztoafunt~~ceofftre, there fha/J be weepingandt.""fltmg oftteth. Efa. CHAP. LVI•. "'; 66.l<f· Ojthe condemn~tion •f the Reprobates in ov£ Coro!Jarie. A No this inhefuU execution ofGods de- .:. the/4ftiutfgement. .. • cree of«.probation, ~herebyappeamh IN the Iall iudgel)lent-.,. at the found of the t"e great m!hce of God m punifhingfinne : trumpet, the lining b>ing llri~l:.en witll horfrom whence alfo commeth Gods glorie tour anclfeare, fhall be changed in a moment, which he propoundeth tohimfclfc, as the !aft the dead fhall rife ag.rine to condemn~tiQIJ: and chiefell end inall thefe things. Therefore both the liuing and the dead lhall then haue let euery Chrillian propouod the fame end immortall bodies,bilt\Vithout glory:andrhey Vnto himfdfe. Rom. 9· J 4• WhatJh•ll weefay !boding vpon the earth at the left hand of then? u therevnrtghteoufoeffownh God?GodforChriflthe iudgc, fhall heare the fentence of b•d. IS• Forhefa•dto Mofts, lwia bane mercie condemnation: Dep.trt ftom meyee,curftdinto onhim,te whom l wi/J Jhew mmte : andwiO haue euerlaftmgfire;whzchuprepared/or thedine/land compaffio11 o~ ffl:m,on.wh~lwinhaue compaJJion. hu•ngels. Matth. >5• 41· Andtheyjhallcome Ji) 1 6.So then,Jt u.n~tmhJmth4tWilleth:norinhim fo~th that haue tlonegood, vnto the rifHrreaton of thatrmmeth,butin God thlltfoewethmercie, r 7 . life: but they that haue rbneeu,/1, vntothe refor.. For the Scripturefaithvnto Ph4Yaoh, For this relli•n ofcondemnation. Ioh. 5. >9· 1 Thefl: 4• fome pnrpoji h•ue1f/~rrfdthee "P• that{ might 16. Forthe Lordhimftlfejhal/defcendfrom hea. ]hewmy power1nthee,andth~tt my11amemight be uenwith afhout, andwiththevoice oftht Arch~ <leclaredthroughoutallthee•rth. 1 Cor. 1 o. 31 • ange/1, andwith the trumpetofGod, andthe dead Whether therefore yee e11te ~ or drin/c!, orwht~tin ChrijljhaO.rift firft. 17· ThenJh•llwe,which fteuerye dae,doeaO to thegl•ryofGoli. /zue~tndrem:une, bee 'aughtvp withthem itlfo in CHAP. LVIII. theck;, __ d:es, tomeetethe Lordin the ayre: llnd fo Of the Appllc.riunof Predeftination. IJh:<ll we beeuerwiththeLord. CHAT>. LVII. THE rightapplying of Predellinarion to Ofthe ef/atcofthe Reprobates in hell. rhe pcrfons ofmen,is very neceffary:and AFter that ti( fentence ofcondemnation ·· it hath.two parts. The firfl, is the iudgeme!lt ofparticular predfll!Oatton, and the fecond is is pronounced, then followeth euerla.. thcvfeofit. ' lling death: whereofthis is the eftate• The iudsemeot and difcernin!l of a mans cwne