Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

, 'ibe order ofthe catfes ., fi.l[ne, ~h<n Ada~ cltended,1Jis poficri– ·tle •:as m1)1s loyoes, from •:ho!Il they fhou!d by the courfcofnature i/fae:& therefore rake partbfthe'gilil;ineife witb him. Heb.7·9,10. Am,/ to fay .u rhething is,Leui,&c. l"J<dtyther to M,el,chife~ecf'!' he"''"yet in theloynef ofhu [41ber Abroh•m,wben Melchifedec ""'him. CHAP. XII. A Godhead, •rejime-hy the·<r<Ati•n ofthe '1<11/d, 6t~ng .&Q11flderrd;, hi6\\t~r~ts, to the inttm they j/111Jd be witpout txc•fi· · Mens mindes rcceiued from Ad•m: t .Tg– norance,nameJy a)Vant,or rathera depriuari– on ofknowledge in the thi.ngs ofGod, whe– th~r they concc:rnc his fincere \i'orlhip, orc– tero•ll happindfc. 1 .Cor. >.14. Tbe n-.>r•O m.:f,percfiuethnot the thingt ift htJPirit ofGtul, [Dr.theyareforJ/iflmtffi wzto him, neitherCllnbee ,~no~ thtm)bectt1t{e they ttrt!JiritHil/ly thfctrt~eJ: Rom.8.7. The wifedome ofthejlcjl~ is enmity-to OVt of the former transgr<fsion adfeth God,font" notfubteflto the"'"' •1 godJitithtr ~nother,nameJy Originall finne,whichis indrede c11nbe. col"uption ingeQdred in our lirll conceptio~, I I. Impotency, whereby the minde ofit whereby eucry facultie offoule and body IS B felfe is vn,bl< to vnderfiand fpirituall things, prone and difpofed to euill. Pfa!.51, 5. 1 'W'f' though they be taught.Luk. 24.45. Thmope. b~rnei~i11iquiry, ttnd i11 Ji'! httth my methereOnn:dh: their vnd~rflttnding, th4t thry might 1mcti1Jtdme.Gen.6. 5-Tit.3·3· we OHr fo!utt \\!ere dtrj1411d rhe ScnptHrtJ. 2.Cer.3. s.Notthllt Wt inti•m p•fl vnUufo,difobedient,deceiued;ftrHint. artf•fftcientofourjiiHts,to thin~t Anything .uof the lofts .nd.Jiumpk4[um, lit~i•g i•maliti••f ourftloes:but ourjufficitncy u ofGod. we.s andenuy, h•ttfu/1, .,d hating one another. I I I. Vanity, in that themindethiQkcth HeQ. I':- I. Let vscafl avray e•ery thing that faUbood truth, and truth falfhood. Ephef4• preffith"down,andthifin.that h•ngePhfof-Jion. I7. Walk!m mort .u other Gentiles, intht-vaBy t!iis we fee,that fiaJs notacorruption of 1 njry ofyour ~nderfla•ding.t.Cor.l. ~I- It pit•- maosfubftancc,b,utonc!y offaculties: etherltedGodby thefoolifhneffiof,preaching, to [aut wi[ane.ither could mens fou!es be immortal!, rhoji l!'hiih l~rleeut,2.3. wepreach Chrif/ ""''· nor Chri!l take vpon him mans nature. - fie4,tf the /ewes • f/•mbling block•·• Mt to tbt ~11 A<i'"'!' pci!lerity isegually parta.ker of Grecj•nsfo;lifhncffi. Prou..J4.12. ·'J:bm si • this corruption :the reafon why it f11eweth w•y'wh!<hftemethgood inth"J" of''"", bot not it fe!fc equ•lly in all,is becaofe Come ~e tbeendthereof;. death. the fpiritoffanl:tilication,fome tl1e fpirit pne- C I v. Anatural! inclination one!y to canly to bridle cotrilption,fomenoit~er, ,, ... c~iue and d<uifethe thing which is cuil!.<:;en. The propagation of{inne,from tqe parents 6.5.The Lordf•w that the "'ick!dnesof'"'~"'"' to .the children, is eyther bccaofethef~ule is ~~,., vpon earth, .nd .Uthdm•gin.riomofthe ihfetl:ed by the contagion of thebody; 3S a thoughts oftht heArt"'"' •••ly ••illcontinuaUy, good ointment by a fuflie ve!!ell; or bccaufe Iorem-4-22.Thryart "'ife to doe tuiN,b•tl• d11 God,io the very momentof creatio~ and inwel[thry hAHe •• /qlowildgt. fufion offeu!es into infants, doth vtcerly forHence it isappatent,that the originall,and fake them. For as...Ada., rcceiued the image ~ as Imay fay,thc matter ofal herefies,isnatuofGod,both for himfelfe and others: fo did rally ingrafted in mans nature. This is 'O'orhe !ofc it for hi'llfd{e and others. . thy the obferuationoffiudents in diuinity. But where>s the propagation oflinne is as Theincreafe of linne in the vnderllanding, acorn(Tlon lire'in a rowne, men are not [o is ·I.a reprobatefenfe,wben GOD withdrawmuch to fearch bo\V it came,astobec careful! etb the light ofnature. John u.4o. Htt hath· hoiV toext!n~:ui(hir. _ . I bliniledtheireyes, and htrdned theirhe.rrs, le[/ I· ·Tbat wee may the better know Orjgi.nall theyJhould fee with theireies, andvndtrjlantl finnc_in the feucrall faculties ofmans nature, D with their he•rrs, ·~dI jhoold hNieth<m, And tfiree circum£\ances mufi be confidered. theybeconumed.Rom. t .28. Asrhey regorded J. How mucb.ofGod• im>gcwec:.ycrre-, notrokno'W G•d,foGoddeliuered ihem vpvnt• taine. 2. Howmuch finnemanrecciuedfro"l. Areprob4t: minde, to doethoft things which ~~r: Ad-:"'~3· TJ1e increafe thereofafterw~r~. .' '"! conumi<nf.•· The fpirit ofJ!urnbcr. Rom. I. In the minde. The remnant ofGods t· 11.! GoJhathgmen thmsrhe[pmt ofjlumber, rriage,is cenaine notioosconcerninggood& e;-c.3.~ fpiritual druokennes.Efa.>9·9·Thry ~lilil!~as,that there !sa God,and that the fame ~tre drunk!n,(mt no~P'ith wine', thf)J!aggtr, but Ood punia1ethtranfgrefsions:thatthcreis an npt·..ithj/r<,:. 4· Strong lilufions. •· eueflafiing life: rhat wee mufl reuerenceour The!f.>.I •· godJil•llfendthcm f/rong lllufiont, (upcriours, and nor harme otir m:ig~bours. l,!ndt~eyfl,,;/tbtle~l!cliu. . . . !lut eucn thcfe no.tioQs,thcy a~e both g~:'neral , }he;emnant 9f{!;9~SJmage mthe cpnfcJamfcorrupt,ana haue n~neother vfc, 6ur to ence, tsan~obf~r~l.9g ~nd "'.'archfull~ power, bere~uenJilngfallexcufebeforeG(\clsi~dge. li!<J'the eye of'!Ierper, referued in man , meiit'feate.RQ[i1,1.,r9,20. Thar ..hich,,.ybt par~ly ;to reproQp,, partly ro rep~lf'lc the ) ~;e~-wm.cof"!~iog'G',a,·;. m••if•fl. ini~~:n . :for vobri.dc!edcourfe of)l,i~ . .P. ffcelionj.RqQWp.2. (;id {he'diidit vntothem. For tht '{ii,ifble t.V!fhieh Jl"'li' fhe ejfiti oftht la"' IV'f!£'~ tn ' things ofhim# thdt"' his eurn,1J pow!r. llnd tht(r; hcttrts!tbei~f~~~~:ttif,t!!ifo b!•ring:if~lf~l, ! . - - ~