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of Sa!uationa~td 1Jamnation. AndthtirtWNi,httii<<Hftng DIU """her, <7 excuJing. ' That which the conCcience hath rcceiued of.Ad•m,i•theimpurenest~ereof.Tit.I·I5· To themthat"'' dejiled•~vr.»elll•ing nothing il pure, '•t 1•e• their 111inde1 d1Jii cor~f~ie•ces are dtfild. This impurity hath threeetfeas:·the firft,is to excufc finne; as if a manferueGod outwardly,heewill excufe and cloake his in· ward impiety.Muk.IO.I9,>0. Thouk!Jowefl th4 ctunm:~ndlri'Je#ts,Th~u (/r4ltttet,(j-c.Tbmhe anfrpemJ,a~ fi'id,M•fler .a thefotbingr h4Ue I o~jiruedfrom myyouth. Againe,it ex~ufeth in– tents not warraated in Gods word.1.Cht.13. 9-When they""'' tothe thre~Jingfoore •f Chi– don,V<.r:.4 p•tforth hu h•ml" hold the .dri«, for theoxtn did Jl••k! it. The fecond,is to aq:ufe and terrifie for <lo. ing good. This wee may f:c in fuperllitious idolaters, whoare grieued w!len they omit to perfomlecouncerfeit and idolatrous worfhip to theirgods.Coloff.z.! x,1z. Touch rMt,tajJt mt,h•ndle not,Vohicb•Rperijh 'With '!Jfing, <tnd are after the CIJTIImaundeme?Jts «nd daEirinet (Jf mm. E(ay >9·'3· .AndtheirfearetoV.Ard mee w.u taughtthemi>y theprecepts ofmm. The third,is toaccufe and terrific for finne, Gw. SO. I$. Whenlofephs ~rethrtnfow that theirf<thsr w.ud..d, theyfoid,Ie ""Y bee tb<t Iojipb 'l!lillb•re vs,& VoilP'1"'ag•ine<Uthe •· ui/Jwhich wedid'!Jntohim.Ioh.S 9· .Andwhen they hiardit,beingaccMfod~}their ownconftitn. cts,theywentoHlmebyo•e.,,Ioh.3·•o· lfo•r heart citlt11111t fls~ GtJdUgrtAterthm our beltrt. Thougb the confcience lhall accufe a mantru– ly,yet that will not argue any holinelfe in it: whichappeareth, in that .Adam in hisinno– cency had agooo,yet no accufiog confcience. A to engeoder,to mooue,to perceiue.Secondly, iA euery humane a}li6,that is,fuchu belong toallmen;andtherCfore man hathfree-will in outward aliions, whether they concet!le manners,a family,or tke common-wcalth,al– bcit, both in the choice and refufall ofthem, it bee very wtake. R()m. •·14· The Gtnriks Which h•ue nittht law, by nat•re do thofo thitl!t WhichariOftht IIIW. The will receiued. I. An impotencie, whereby it cannot will; or fo much as lull afcer that, which is indccc!e good; that is, which may pleafe, and bee acceptable to God. I. Cor.z, 14· The nnt•r•O maspcrcii. oetb..tthethingrofth:JPirit of God, for they B 11refoeliflmeffi vntfl him: neither C41J bee Jelow the.,,becAHfo the7areJPiritually difcermd,Rom. 5. 6. Chrijl,wbm"'"'"'J"ofno fo'engtJ., at hu timedi<dfor tht '!Jngodiy.z.TinM.z6. Phi!. z.13. It is God 'Which wor~eth in }••both rhe wiaandthe Jude,e•.,ofhis good pl.eafort. I I. An inward rebellion,whereby ir vtter– ly abhorretb that which isgood, defiring and willing that alone which is euill. By this it appcarech, that the will is no a– gent, bur a meere patient inthe 6rll aC\eof conuerfioa to God; andrhatby it felfe itcan neither beginne that conuerfion, or any o– ther inward and found obedience due·to Gods law. That which the affi:C\ions receiue , is adiC. c order, by which they therefore are not well affelted, becaufe they cfchew that which is good, and purfue that which is euill. Galat. 5. 14,Th<J thatare Cl>riflt, hai.ecrucifiedthtjltj/1 'With theaffiFJiom .ndi•fls thereofRom. r. z6, ThtroforeGodg••ethem•uer tofilt":!,I•Jis. r. Kin,>z.S.7'hek.!ng ofIfraelfoidvmo feb.foph.r Tet isthereone ofwhom thsu maiefl tM.e CMtl~ jeO,but him I hatt,&c.ond Zl + Thmf~eA– chAb came htJme to his houfo dift(mtmttdand •n– gryfor tht 'Word Which N abal fpak! 7Jnt o him, andhe laid htmjil[eon hisbed, turning""'"Y hit faceltf/ he P10uJd we mtate. That which the body bath receiued, i& h1purendfe increafc:d in theconfcience, is firfl fuch afenOes numnes, as that itcan hard. ly accufe man offinne. Eph.4. 19. Who bting pajlfeeling h•utgiutn themfol•ts to 'PMntonnejji, to! All vnclMnneJ!e~ eumwith greeJjnejfo. I :rim.4.1.Hauing theirconftimcesb"rned'With an hotyron. This fenOefi1effe fpringeth from a cuflomein finniog.I.Sam.>5·37· Thm in the m~rning Whentht\\1ine wa&gone outsf No~tbal, hu Voi{ttold him thofo Words, and hu heart ditd D withinhim~~tnd he \Va~ U~eaftone. I I. Some ~rieuous horror, and ten0ur of the confcience.Gen-4-14.Behold th•u h•ft CA~ methi< day[romtht earth,&fromthyf-.efha/1 Jbehid.andver.q. My p11nijhmentwgrwer thtni ca•bt•re. The Symptomesof thisdi– feafe, are blafphemies, trembling of body, fearefulldrcames.Atl.14. zGi.A~as he difP•· tedfl[rightloujnet,4ndtemptrt:~nce,a,Jthe iudg– menrtocome, Fe/ix trembltd, &c. Dan. s.6. Then the Ki~tgs ctnmtemmce wa~chAnged, And histhougbrs troubledhim,fo that the ioyntsofhis J.ynes 'Were loofed,•nd hir ~eesfmote one•g•infl theerhcr. I.fitne!fe t() beginne linnc'. This dorh the bo– dy in tranfportmg all obieC\s and occafions offinne to the foule.Gcn.3 .6.The womanjie– ing thlft the treeWMgDod for meat, andpUi'lfaNt In the will,the remnant ofGods image, is a freechoif.;.Firfr,in euery naturalaltion,be– longing to each liuing creature, asto nourilh, to theeyer,&<· toof<toj thefru•tthereof,and Jid t4tt. I I. A fitnetfe to execute !inne ::J (o fooneas the heart bath begunne it. Rom. 6. 1 3.NtithergiHtyour membersMweapons of in~ ifJffice tofinnt.and verfe I9· .Asy cubnuegiutn yoltJ' memh1rs tU ferut:nts to vn"eanne!fo andini. qHit) 1 tl c1mmit iniquiry,&o. Of•ffMHfinne. AFter Original finne in Ad;,;, pollerity, aliuall tranfgtefsion raketh place. It is either inward or outward: Inward, is ofthe minde,wiiJ,aRd affections. c z The /