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' ofSaluation andVamnation. i11to tht lan.i'Whicb 1haueiium them. I I. When the heart approoueth in affe. Ct:ion and conrenr. Hither may wee rcferre both the Minificrs and .the Mlgillrarcs con· ccali01g and winking at offences. r.Sam. ~·l3. E/i.foid,why da yefuchthingr?far ofaHthupe.– ple I heart tt~ilt "fyou.'])ae ;10 mare r»J fonJ,&&. Now that Elies will agreeth u•ithhis fonnes finnes,it is manifcil,ver.29.,1'bouh9nourtp thy children librmc m6. A 1 k_'"'wing that tbt ~ou•tifulnes of Gadle.derh thee to reptnltmce. . , The fifth difference, is to finne vpon knowledge and fet malice againfr God, and to this is the finne againfr the holy Ghofr refwed. CHAP. XIV. Oftbecamrmn p«r.if/,mcnt offinne. 11 !.In Jccdc;by counfcll,prefence,intice. menr. Rom. 1. 3I They do noton!J du thefame, bnr.lfof••a~trthemthntdoetbem. Mar.6.z5, Hitherto wee haue intreated of finne, 16.Shcc[aid"'"" h"· mather,whar jl,./1 I .ul({l wherewith all mankinde isinfected: in andJhefaid,lahn 'lJaptif/r head,&c. Mt.11. zo. the next place fucceedeth the punifhment of when tiJtb/.,dofthy MaY<yr Sre•m "'"'JI"d,l B finne,which isthreefoldc. Thefirfr is in this •If• fl,,i,y,andconfonred vnro hi& death, •nti life,and that diuers waios. The fidlconcerk!pt the clather•fthem that jlHe him. neth the bodie, eythtt in the pronifion with The Cecond difri:rence,is to finne ignoranttrouble for the things ofthis life, Gen.3•'7· ly, as <V hen a man doth not cxprcOy anddiora pronenefl'eto difeaf<s,Math.?. 2. So•ne, flin&ly know, whether that which bee doth, ~tofgoadcomfm,thyfin•es beforgiHenthet.loh. b~ a ftnnc or not, or ifhe know it,doc not ac~ 5·14· B(h()"!,thou4rt mtVit 'IJihol~, fi~'~ 11s ntore, knowledge and mark it. J.Tim.x. t 3-lw.ub•· ltft • Ymfothingf•l vponthee.Deut.z8.a,u. fore ab/.{phcmer,andapcrjicutor,andan opprcfThe Lord lfraU maftt the pef/iltnct ci<Aue 11nto fo•r:but I wa<rmiuedto merr:y.for I diditigno. thee,vnriR he h.rh cmfomtd tbet from the land, ra•tlythrough vnbeiuft. Numb.3S'->Z,>J,>4· &c.Or!bameofnakednes. Gen.;.7. Or in Ifhe punijhed him vn•duifodly.&n" of hatred, womens pai11cs in chdd birth,Gen 3.16. Vnorcaft vpon him••y thingt>ithout l<ying•f"'•it to tht "'•m•ll hefoid, I Willgrwly incre•[t thy or anyftane(whmby he might beflaine )and JaW o~rowes, •nd can<ept,.nr : ••firrow fo•lt thaN him nat,orca•fodittof•/1 vpon him, and be dye, brmg forth ch•/dren. a.dw"' nothi& enemy, neitherfought him any I I. ~he foule--is punifhed with trembling harme:tben the congrtg•tionfh•liiudge berweene ,C ofconfc~~:nce,care, trouble, hardnes ofheart, tl"flayer,and the ••mgerafb/aod, according r. and madne<.Deut.l8.a8.TheLordjhaUJmitt tl!ejelavves. t. Cor.4 4· I kit•Wnathingby my thee with mAdnejfo, rmd"WitH/indne§t,andWith filfe ,yet am lmtthmby iufti{ied. Pfal. I 9· I 3· •Jion;pngofheArt. C/ear.Ji "''frommyjicmfinner. • II I. The whGle manispunifhed. r. with . The third differ<nee isto finne vpon knowfearefull .fubielii<>n tO the regiment of sa. ledge,but rct ofinfirmity,as wheo·aman featan.Colo!f.x. I J.Whicbfreed VI fr•m the pow. nug Come I'nrntnent d:mger,or a~nazed at the er ~fd~trk.!neffi ~ tt~nd tranjlflled'Us into tbe kinghonour ofd<ath,doth againfl his knowledge domcefhiJ belaued S•nne,Hebrewcsz.x4.Hee deny thlt truth, which otherwife hee would •lfo himfcifo t.. k! P"' with them,that he might acl<t:owlcdge and embrace. Such was Petm dejlroy through death, him th<t had poVPtr of fall,ariGng fro;n the ouer.much rafimc£fe of dwh,rhat is the diud/.z.A feparation from the the minde;ningled with Come feare. fellowfhip ofGod, and tremblingat his pre- . Thus men olf,nd,when the flofl,, and inorCence.Eph..f.t 8.H4uingtheirc•gitati,ndark!- dmatc defires fo ouer-rule the will and eucry ••d, andbcei•gftrAngmfrom the life •f God. goodcn~eauour, th~t they prouoke man m G::n.1.1 o./ hMrdthy vfJi,ein thegardm, and that,wluch he from hts heart detelleth.Rom. D "''"afraid,becaufo I was ••'-!d, tbmfire I hid 7· I9.! doe >IDt thegood thing o•kich I wau/d,but myfi/fi. th~ em!! tvhrch 1. doe /. I V. Vponamans goods,diuers C3bmitks _The fourth d!tference,ts prefum~ruous fin· anddamm•ges.Deut.l8,•9· Th"' Jh•lt euer mng vpon knowledge. Pfal. 19 q. Keepethy b"ppreffidwith wrong,& bep••ltd, andna man ft~JI:illf frrnn prefomptU!IJI.Ifinnes: let them ntJt fh~/1foccour r/,:e, 6-c. to the end of the chaprasg,Jeomrm_ec. HI~hcrro~elongeth. I. euery tc:r. Tothis place may be rc:fc:rred diftinCtion Gnnecommmed with anl11gh h•nd,that i•, in ofLordfi1ips: and of this commerh a care to fome contempt ofGod. Nn<l)b·I1· 30. The inlarge them,and bargaining with all manner per(..,. hat darhprefamptuoufly,&c Jh•fl bee cut ofciuiU fcruitudcs. •ffframam•ngjl hupeople: bcc••le he bath deV.The loffeofthatLordly authority, wbich {piftd the 1vord •f the Lord, andh>th bYDk!n hi& man had ouer all creatures; alfo their vanity comrn,.ndem'?'· I I. Prefumption of Gods which is not onely a weakoing,but alfoa cor: mercy m domg <Uill. Ecclef. 8. 11. Bec41t{e rnpting ofthatexcellency of theverrues and fcntt~ce "gainft An utia wor5e is ~ot tx~cmed p0werswhich God at the put il'lto them. !feedtly,th:nfore the heart.of thecbtldren if mm Rom.S.2.0,1I.TheCreature is ft 1 bieCftoV4nit_}, u full)• {it mthem to doeeu.l/.Rom.z+ 'DefPinot •fit 01one wi//, l>ut. by rt•fonofhitll, "'hich foft tbouthmche"f huboumifulncjfo, &c. not hath[ubduedit '!lnderh•pe,&c. c 3 VI. In