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24 'The order of the cavfes V r. In a mans name , inf:tmie and igno.. A iHdgtment to the Gtxtilts. Efh. 1.4. Het l:ttrh min:ef~metimesafttr his death.(tr.Z4-6• chofm vs in him,rneanins (.Juifi. Tnefecond, isatthclafl gafpc, namely, f2!!eflim. lio"' can <.hri!l bee fubordinare death, ora change hke vntodeath. Ram, 6. vnto Gods clcC!ion,feeing hee together l>'ith 23.The wages offinm is de4rh. c rhe Father decree all things ? The third is,after chis life,etJen eternal de~ eA. Chrill as he is a Mediator, isnotfubO:ruClion from Qods prcfence, and hise}(cecordin:~.te to ihe very decree iffclfe ofekction dmg glory.z.Thdf. 1.9. Wbo fhafl bet p••ifhed but tothe execution thcrof only. I.Pet.r .:w.. \"it.b cutrlaflin,~ perdititm from the prefincc of Chrijl'B'IU erdllincdbtforc tht.(etmdatt~n ofrte God,and theglory ofhu power. World,Augufiine in his beck< ofthe Predefiination of the Saints,cha.t 5. Chrifl "'"' prcdtfiinate that he might be cur head. CHAP. xv. In Chri!l, wee mu!lefpecially obferuc two OfElraion,and ofIefos Chrifl th~ things,his lncJtnation,andhis Office. To the working of his Incarnation, confound~tion thtrfof. B curre three; things: firll,both his Naores: fecondly, theirVnion: thirdly, thdr Clion. pRedeflination bath two parts: EleCtion Chri!ls firllNarure,isthe Godhead, in as andR<probation. r.Theff.5.9· Godhoth muchas it belongeth to the Sonne, whereby mt appointed vs to~rath,bm to o6t~tinefiduaii{)n hee is God. Philipians 2. 6. ·Who being in tl.e by the m~ttn~s of 011r LtmJ !~flu Cbrift. forme ofGod, thoHght it no rohbnyro hee ·fqt~a!i Eletlion, is Gods decree, 1Vhercby on his withGod.Ioh.x. I. {n the beginning Jt•PAthc o:rne free.will,he h:ttll ordained certain men Word, ~tndthe'VY,-dWM With God, ~tnd that to faluation,ro the praifc of the gloric of his Wordw-uGod. grace. Eph.x.4,))6.Hchmhchojinvs in him, It wasrequiftte for the Mediator tobe God; be[ffrethefQ:md.1t!dr1 of the Wirld, according /(} t. That hemight thebetter fuHaine that great theg"d plraj.,reofhinWI, to tl>< prai[eof rbe mifery, wherewith mankiode wasoucrwhelgloryofhugr<ec. med;the greatnes whereof, thefe foure things Tf]is decree is that boo!<e of life, wherein declare:I.The grieuoufndTe offinnc, where3rewritccn tht: names ofthe EleCt. Reu. 20. with Cods 1\laie!ly was infinitely offended. t 2• .AnothcrboCJ~ \\MJ openeJ~Which Uthe boo~c c I !.Gods infinite anger again!l this fin. I I I. oflife,and the dead l>tre i11dged of thofe things, The featcfull power ofdeath. IV. The diuels that Wrre \\lr:'rrtninthe bt~o~es According to their tyranny,who is princeoftbis u·orld. 2. That Work!_s. z, Tim.l.LO. Thefahnd4tio1J o[q.uite. hccmjght make his hum:mc nature both of m:tir.ethfi;re,and h4th thiJ ft11le 1 the Lordk...,no'Wplentifull merit,and alfo offuflicient efficacy, eth Who Are hi4. . forthe work ofmans redemption. 3. That he The execution ofthis decree, is an aB:ion, might infiill into all the eleCt: erernallJife,and by which God, eucn as hee purpofed with holineffe.Efa.4J.I2.1am the £gydandthm u himfelfe,workcth all thof: things effeCtually, ntmt brjidts 1'/U aSauiour, 1h1ue dec!Ared,ttnd1 which hrc decreed for thefoluation of theEhaueJtmcd)and 1hauejlm'Ved~whcn there "' lea. For they whor,, Go~ d <Cted to this end, jlr11ifgegodamrmg)'QH; thcrejore)'t are my witthat they fhould inlmitc etetnall life, were ncffos,foith the Lord,thl't 1am God. alfo elected to thofe fubordinate mcanes, J fay, the GodLead, as it is the Godhead of whereby ,jSby ficppes,they might attain this the Som~e,is Chrifls diuinc Nature: not as it \ ende :and without which, it were impofsible ' is the Godhead ofrhe Father, or ofthe holy to obt~inc it.Ro'T!.8 29,30. Tho(e which bee Gholl:forit isthe office ofthe Son , to haue lmw before 1 ht t~fo predeflin.cte to be made like t~ n. the adminifiration of euery ourward aCtion t 1 he i.m.1geofhi& Sr;1et1c. that bee might be·theJirfl ofthe Trinity , from the Father,by the holy borne aw-~11gft 'lmtn)'bretbren: Moreot~cr,\thCJm Gholl.r.Cor.8.6. And he beeingby nature he prca'eflinare,them be caRed, 'Wh"tn het Cif/led, the Sonne oftheFather,brfioweth this priuith:m he illf/•fied,anJ whom he i•Jiified,them•If• ledge on rhofe that beleene, that they are the hegiO>ified. fonnes of God by adoption.Jch. r.r z.As ,,,._ There appertaine three things to rhe exeny tU rtciiuedhim~to them betgttltt po'Wtr to bee tutionofrh1sdecree. Firft.the foundation.SethefonnesofG•d. condly.rhc meanes. Thirdl_1)the degrees. IfcJtherthc F.rher,or the H.Gholl fi•ould The foundation is Chrifi Iefus,ca!lcd of his hauc bm incarnate, the title ofSonne fl1ould Flthcr from alleternitic, to performe the of. haucbin giuen to one ofthem, who was not ficcofthc:Mediltour, that in him all thofc theSonnebyeternal gencration:and fo thete which filould bee fr..ued, might bee chofcn. fl1ould be more fonnes then one. H~b.). S.Chrifl tookt nQt to himfi~re thU h~nor, Chri!lsother nature,is his humanity,"'·her. to bee-m.t4e tbe>(Prieft,but he tiJ~t faidvnt(} by hee,the Mediaronr is very rran. 1.Tim.2. htm,1him artm~Sohttt, thi? d4Jbcgat /thee, >·One God, 11ndone Medi4t~JJrbetweeneCiod gaue it him.&c. fJ.41. 1 .'Behok!e'I'J!Yforuant:l and m•n,theman Chrifl/ejiu. h4Ue ptll my JPirit vpen him, he{IMDbring{Drth It was neccffary that Chti!l 01ould bee J man