Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Doe£;oorl Wr~WU. Sermon in the ~ount. he may keepc fro•n,vs this fierce v.:rath. 1 A · !innC grieuoufly who·ar~-c~uctous,thatt~ey ~~;.~~':~7~d. q h · b 1 will giue nothing tO the poore: fell they wt~; ' v. 42· zue to tmt at M~ I •nd!cndalib, vpon a good pawne, forthctr l.eth : amlfiomhim that would OWilC aduantagc:but by frc.c gift they WtiJ part ~ with nothing.Thcfc aremdcrahlC perfonS,\\~0 borrOW ofthee, tUrrJe not a~ do what thcvcan to condcmne thcmCclues;fOr Go~s com~:lnacrnem·binds 111tn in c~fcitnce' l:emiirt :1ftd 'Jl1tty. tO glUe VntO the po.orc,~ that freely, 'I Ct h~rc l fclli,n~~~;&".! ChriO: hauing fo 1 ;bi4dcn .priuatc rc\.k:nge, wcmuilkn.ov>', tharnorondyrh~y ,._·ho gate ! b.r ':""'.:~s of dorh here wmttl:md the reqUital ofgood tor cfreely doe a v\'orkc of mcrd~; but alfo they ' mc:IC/c. uill, in rwo p'articub.r examples o~weU-doinlj:, who lend and fell, when as their lending and taken from giu1~1g & lending: by both which, felling will as mulh profit the poore as gwing: though nor cr.prdfdy, yec 10 fence and meathis in cffctl: is ahncs deeds here alfo comman~ nwg Chrdl would teach h1s hearers rh1s deJ: ancl (bcr.t.:~Qr.c Iofcph is ~?mmcndcd). much; LutheM 1 tn hewh11thew:ll, doe thoHgood ! not ondy ~or gtUtng, b.ur for. fclll~tg '.~rnc to 1mtt~himforeHill. . 1 • 1 . the Eg:ypnans and othc:-~s 1h tne hmc of For the fidl, Gill< to him th~t tUk.!tb, &<. B' de>rth . . Thefe words mull nor be tahn limply, but in Thirdly, rhisbeeibg a <Ommandcmcnt binthis fcnfc: Gifle vnto him that ask.JtiJ on a i.•tjf eonfcic:nce 1 mult fiirre vs vp to doe all I cA:~fe beeini poore, th~ugh he c.inmtr~quite the~ gooddur}es ofrclcefc: wid~ cheer.cfulncffe,rhat .tg4inl, nay,rhoughhe had done rbce •.vrong; fo m~ccc: and decent proutlion for the poorc & wcte thin~cncmic.This.expofition i$ plaine, inay r1ot onclybebcgu11ne,but alfo 'ommucd: 6. for hauing fer do•Nnc his commandc..: . tOr it is accepta.?Ic vnto 90d. . men.t for gh~ing, v. 3o. he tt!l.icrS this reafon . A fecond pomt here tO b: ~bfer~~d IS,\\· .thcrofin dtcCt.;brc.tufe thr; cam;ot rrqyiu the-e kmd of cornmandcmem this IS : Cl_me to hm, . mufi.bc·to the poore. , forts, Affirmarme and Ncgauue; and 111 the : ~ g~tiut: -ag!',v. B· whh:h plainely impons that it 1 rJ~atMk,tth . . ma,ndc~rnts l.l'c.~ft\·\'0 Here now firlloblenle,the forme ofChtiJh Moralllaw the one is alwaics comprehcndc.d ~.r.~~ce~f~;- vr~. ,, ~~::i~l:~~~ owrrewbat we will.. .words, they l rcCOIBtnanding, Giur: to him,rjrc. in.the other: now this commaru!cment is affir..: ~~n~~i:e. 1 whence I gather that aman is bound in confci.. matiuc, whith rnufl: bt nored,bccaufe tleg;ai~c ence V}>.onthe paitte of death to giue Almcs preceprs kty a llraighter bond vpon tbe conand rcleefe, Manh.>5 ·4' ,.p.Chrill adiudgerb fcience then the affirmatiue' and rheicforeare fom<:to bell for the neglcC\ of this dutir: no\V the precepts ofthe Moral law forthc moll part there could be no fuch curfe, if there were no C propounded ncg:ttiuely: forthe ncgatjue prc" commandcmcm that did bind their confcicnce .~ept binds arilan to·obedienct" alwa!cs 1 and to to·do that,for want whereoftheyare condem- .all and eucry rim~ : as when God faith, 'Tho11 ned. Againc,in the Clxr commandemcnr,we (Ire fhalt 11ot k.JII, a man is n<ucr e,.emp~ed from 0:" bound todoe all duties that m:ty.prcferue ou.r bedience hercumq: but an affinriatiue. corn.. neighbours life, ofwhich fort is giuing.rel~efe mandcmcnt,though it bind afwaics, yer not t~ vnw .thc .poorc, without which they cann9t a~l mnc~, as this of Chrill for giuing almcS', it liuc.I£ it be faider that '-.l.D.uJiel made Almcs: b.iodcs not all men, but obclythofe,that·arc indeeds. no comtnandemcnt, bu~ a' matter of abled ro giuc; notyet ro '!ll timcs~but counfcll ynto Ntbuchadne:t-2;-ar: I :mfwc~, that then onely when iuHoccalion of giuing is ofthings commaunded,may be propounded by _fercd : and the fame may be faid of,eucry.affirway of counfdl: fo cloth Chrill to the Churcn matiue commandemcnt; as of keeping an hqly of Laodicc:J., b 1 counfollthee t.ohl{ie of megold, rcfi VlltO the Lord, it binds a man for cucr, ·.but &<. Againc, Daniel vfcd this forme of fpeech nor at all tiines, on.dy for the f~;auenrh d;)h1i!d '// ~ . . J ~, ,' to the King, Let "~T <-fill 6e pr<ti<t<J vnto fuch like. , o:' .. thee: not becaufc it was no l'Ommandemenr, Yet further to lay open this com!lJ.~~4f- . ~f .. (lnt~s~ · but becaufc he would fo tcmpar his fpech, th~t D .tncnt touching.Almes, -w'e will hc:r(in handle 1 ~~~~~·~c~~~ itmight bettertakc place in the !tout heart of eight potnts: I. who tno giue:I:(..whar is,tl14• ' this proud king.And whenasP4Nl(l.Cor.8.8) gtucn' IlL towhome we mufi gtUe: JY.Jn fpeaking ofAltnes faith, heJPeak.!thnothJ order; V. h.owmuch: VI. in what place: m:mdement, it is to be vnderllood not fimply V I I. at what time: VIll, in what manpcr of Alm::s.giuing, but of the tneafurc thereof, we mull giue. . . , as the formerverfe dotb plaincly !hew. Forthc fir(\: the pcrfon that isto giuc,is not 1 r Here then we fee thofe men .mnfltted euery one, ·butfuch as God hath fer apart for ,.ho "'"!! 1 which f..'ly_, they may doe with their ownc this. dntic! fOr, :Matth. z,-. 41·43;f0mc•arc Sill<.\. I \\'hat they will: this is not fo, for mens goods there made to rc:cciue, as the h11n;;rie, thi1j!ie, 1 >re not their owne f\ITiply, but Gods alfo; •nd . nakffd, (ick.!, &c. and others. are tnadc fit to they in~cc? ~re b1~t the: Lords digiuc cl;thing,foode-, comfo.r.t, and fu_ch like. Ahd fpofc ot the as hc. com:mds: 11:0\.\' htswllls,that S. John rellcth vs who JS .npdc f;it to giucf part theroffiJould be giuCto them ?.<hie~ war. namely, c hu that hath thegood! of thinJ·otic/: c J.Joh.$ , 1 Secondly,. we fee here alfo rhattbofe men nor·ondy hccbat hath abqnd•nce butcucn )<c . - . - ·-· . . - . --'~~u ____