Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

d l!ph.pS.,3 Propertic$ in2~iucr. Of:llrnes– giuingbya. "'"' ;• Augutlepift. ,,,. s.W'hnis cobc,iucn. Almesde– fcribed. ' L VInExpojition ofChrifls ' M;utb. 5• ~~~c-~~~--~~~~~~--~----------------------- V~ 'that harh bur a fmall portion ofworldly goods: A gifts that tend ro preferue this natural! tempoand therefore the rhccrc rhat Hole for wam~ i~ rail life. 1forbiddm to ftud~, and commanded to labour·, I I. Qj;eflion. Whereof are 11/mn robe 1·.-~ifcd? WhereoF d" th11t hema; h:me to gi1te to him that rvanterh: A,"tf. FirH,ofour own~goods: for aman ,ougl}t ' bcu?.~11~d~s an_d the poorc widow is commendcd ofChriH, not to giuc th:\t which is another m:ms: and 1 that c: of h~r pen11rie f.411e to the treafurie hut therefore thofc that oV./c more then they arc two-mitt!. Now in a giucr there mutl be nvo \·vor~h, cannot gi11c almcs, but arc rathcr.f!t eo things: firtl., a right vmo the goods he giucth: rcccJut, for all that they hauc in right and Corl-- for a man may nor giuc that which is Hot his fcicncc btlongs w for'nc others. sd:ohdly.; our •. ,__ ·ownc: fccondly, a plcntifitll proprictic in the Almrs mufl brof ourfirfl fruit!: things holePtoT.l,9•... things he giucth:;(vnlcffe itbe in the cafe ofnefomc and good, and fuch as arc fit f0r the per.. ceffitic:) and by this arc children and fcruants fon rclecucd. They n1ult not be the rcfufc cif excluded from giuin_g, vnld1C they haue fame our goods, \.vhich we know nor elf<! What tO things of their O\~·nc, or doe it bfcdmmand. doe with: NchCm. P:n·t of the f~me, and Qsj}. Whnher may the \Vite giuc rclccfc of the[wutrm11jl hr font to them> for whomnone vnto the poore,\virhout her husbands confcm? is proHiJrd. Thirdly, Almcs muft be ofgoods An armcicnt anfwer is this, that many \viucs B !awfHI(J gotrm: for cuill gottcn goods mufi ·in giuing arc Abigai/s in regard of their husbe rd1orcd, either to the owncrh( if hee be bands, who arc like vmoNabal; and therefore knQwnc) or to fame of his kinredJ m: to· the may giue;a.nd yet fome other auncicm Diuines Magifirate: which fll.ewes, t·hat the Vfurcr ·addc thiS, that the wife c:mnot giuc, where all ought rather ro rcfiore, then to giue ahncs of co(lfent of her husband is 1 Waating, ~becaufc' his gainc for\.furic. Fourthly, our Almes tnufi- ..,. both fhec and all her po!fcffions belong vnt6 ~b~ giucn ofour ownt:, \.\'ithdijforence•r:;-;):l.ifb:e- -~::;.I:~i~~~n. him principally: yet here we arc to kt1ow,that · tion: cucry mans goods fot:thc mo.{J: pa.'rt•may gttifi 1 (J, there is a double confcnt of the husband, exbe into fourc dcg~ccs: fil~.fl~~fO"mC l p~c;ftd in open wordJ, _wli~-rcupon.' t·H_crt is no arc necdfaric to prc[cr'uc Hfc, without<;vhich~a qudl:ion, bur the ·wife may lawfully giuc: and ~nan ::l!ld'l_Jis fa1~1ily cannot liuc: (ccondly~ fbme fe~;·,t, whicp is threefold; firfi, when the ~us._. _arc_ncecOiry-tO mans dl:atc, as thofc g·0oQS by band doth nor ditfenr;fecondly;wh-en he glUts wh1ch a man piltterh in praclife rh-duties of , .·-: •. ~onf~ntgenerally, as when lt_t ' her to his calling, fuch arc bookcs vnto the>Studcnt, -giuc,b.~t names not !ny particu1ar;thirdly,whe and tooles vnto the trades man; a third.fort arc the vVifc bath a•pl.'obablc conicCture and prcfuch,as at-e rc·quifitcfor thc·de~encie ofa.nian·s. .fU'Jil.ption, thae if her husband did know, h~ - .C eflate, and· fuch at'e thofe that make)a' man -would allow of her giuing. And in thefc cafes ;.valkc in his calling with comforrf citfe,1profir,' of fccrct confent,thc Y\'ifc may alfo giuc: but if and dclightnhcfourth fon·of§oodsr:t·rc fupcr~ {hcc hauc not his,confcn~ :1i\y' of th'cfe \-V~ics~ , ~uous; that is, all that p·onion which' a.rnan. ·fl1.e may not lawflilly g'uc; vulcffc itt' thcfc ea.- may '-''3nt, and yet haue.'things. nec;.d13.riC for {es: 1. that fl,c ·-harh fome[hitii:; priuatc ofhcithisl;fe;and cHate,andfor the de.cencie thcrof:· 3 .ownc, either by exccpti011 bcfol:C,Or bY graunt thcfc twO laH dcgtccs are--in Scripture cal!cd! after marri;J.gc: z. that her giuiitg fcrues to ,Pre..: abm1~ncc.' And_ anfwe-r.l.bly,~hcrc arcJt~o de. s.Degreefof• fcrue the l~fe or good cfiatc ofher husb3'nd and grecs of poucruc; the firfi, ts-..etJmmon,.want, p.aumir~' • family, as 'Abigtri!s did when fhee g~uc to D.a1 when a man caldiuc withollt rccciuing Alrnes,· ' 1 uid:_; .that the ncccffity of the.t:ec.ciuer reguir~s ·but Yet very har4ly: the fccond ·is,: eX/reame. pre{em rclccfc, for cxtreamc llC.Ccrficie difpc~~ want, when aman \\lithounelccfec-an~o.t pof~· .fcth with ?tOj).ridiC.. ·:" .,;!··-: ~ · fibly maiQt:une l1fc :now in common ...want WCJ Il.Poini.W is to be giucn?llamely,.AZmu. . muij glUe' of our :tbtlridance; that 1s; both of ·, : "~ ~ J: ·HctC cv\ro qudl:io11S arc t"o hc··Skanncd: I. ourfup~rf1uitic,as~lfoofour nchcs thatferuc what is almcs : I I. whereof almes arc. eo b'Cfor deccndc: Luk. 3· t I. Hee )Phtch~hatE twp "taifC~: Fofr~c.~r!l-, .A/me1 is afie~· gift, tending 0 ! coatu, let him part n;o~t~ hi"! ·that hath ~one: 'to ·preforuc the 'tempora/1 !tfe of o'!'f neighbour: , . now he that hath tWO"coats,ts not he·.hath ·f1dl, I Call it ag~fr,vnc~:edlanding-It Iargclr,be-· a coatc and·a cloakc,for fQ had s Pa~1l ,-·andyet. ~3~.1'im.•• ' tatffc for oinlng to them that arc not able to retained them both lawfully for h1s vfe: but ~}r;i~ :mt;lmcs-~e'ed. SecOndly) I.1~a~free~·to: ChrHls ~eauing is, that 'he \.\'!lich ha~h·thi~gs .di£Hncuii1 1 it from fubli.dics to Ptlnccs, and '.t1eccffarrc,and bdidcs fame thmg ouer,felUmg Tcnt1~s-giuing for the flipend ?fd:rc Mini~er, for d_eccncie 2nd fupcrAuit~~mull giue tllcrcof ~nd filCh like. ]1-itfc arc g1fts·but no free g1fts: to htm rha-t ~acketh. Ami m extre~me ncc:!fifcirthc people rC"cciue proteCtion fi-om the Matic,he rnu!lgJuc ofthofc goods :wh!ch pe:-t.aJnc giH1'atc for their fubfidics, 3nd inf~rutl~n frO, nccdfarilY to his life and.c!latc: for ou~ ndgh. tHe Mini!lcr for' their Tcqt)ls.Thirdly,ll'ay,thc hours life muO: be preferred before our o:<-Nn~ end of Almes u to prefo"iiJe temporill/ life f to' •tcmroral_l· soods·, ::md outward; h Pa!'l h l.C,Or.S.J. dillinguifll it from fpirituall gi\ts· '·\~hich cOn-, ot th~ .A1accdor:ian~, tl'e e::-:- l -,, of mcrdc whether they concet;p:c the bodie their" pu:vcr, 7ea and be;_o~d tl~ctr p~we~: orfoule,to bC3h]lCS; butalmcspropcrly;arc 1. vpon.th1s ground the Chnfil:lfl5 m the~ pnI 1 , ccfnc the foulc : the P::~p'tfis m.1.kc a.ll workes treame ,.;ec4fit1e of the ·SamtJ , rh? gmr.e. to · · mitiue·J ! . ----'- -- -------------------....:.:.. - .--. -