Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.. I < . . . I ~;,~'~;,:~ I ches by :.h~ hclpc of ~atan, no~:a~::,~~t:On ~~:~:~:we icehow many arc dccriued ! %~:.~~ r~in·. fclfc can caufc ramc, as many thmkc; fon;. IS. cucry where, With C'IUJII hondlie ·for if a man ! k·lUdl ho_ne· ~ God o.lwaics that r:tincth. The dcuill indeed Is Hue vprightly arncmg his n<:ighbo'urs, and doe ~:nr~cuuu thePrince ofthe ayrc,and by Gods pcrmiffion abfhinc from mu~thcr,. adultcric, opprefiion he may ioynC' himfclfc vnto a lrorme,,and tn:lk~ and fuch like finn.cs, he is prcfcntly counted~ it mo~c terrible and burtfull ; ~s he-e did in good man: fuch a one indccdc may be counted a lo;,b ,,t6. t_hc d~!lruC~ion ofa loh.r cattellnnd chi!drm, bJ . an honcH man ciuil!y, as~ .Ahimdrchwas, but c Gcn.~:~.l, 'J,, fire fi"om hevutr:n, andby "m('/}Jtiewmde: but ycr yet this outv\'ard honcHi<;: makes not a man iuH ~ Vnfc:~fon:t~ bler.ti"c Godspuni– lli;ncnt:. h7 -=~.nnot make the matter of ..,,·ind,or ofcainc, a?d goo~ in t~1c fight of God; fo as he repJJtes thJ.t ts proper to God. hunfor h~s focnd; dlc1·eto arc required true 5· Doth G od rainc vpo11 the earth? thtn we f-aith and true l"l'}lCntancc, tdHficd by new omay ·well confider, \vhy the land is fo often bcdirncc, pl:lgucd with vnfcafonable rainc:it is no doubt Secondly, here alfo fee, that ncirhcr the for our difabcdicncc, as we hauc heard, Lcu. lu~owlcdg of Gad~ word,nor the he::u·ing ofit i6, 1 .;. and the contempt of the word,among wah fomc gladnefic, and bringing forth fomc other !lnnes, is one m:tine caufc of this iudgefruits, nor yet to be able to conceiuca prayer .rpcht. Now if we would either rcmouc,or prc- B for the forme thereof ; that none: of thefe (I :ucnt this plague at any tirne, we mull turne fay) no nor all of thcfe, doe make~ z-nan the \'nto the Lord, 3tH.! repent ot our linncs, for friend of God indccli , for all thcfc m:1y be in thereto we arc called by this iudgcmem, Amos an cuill man, who a pur:pQfc in his heart 4· j. And if We 9oe tmnr, then will the Lord toliucin fomc Jinnc)11 whofe hc:trras. yet ther fciiJ a gratious rau1c vpon Ol!r land; but ifwe is no true faith, nor found repentance: without will not turnc, we fhall h:m~ another raine,tha which (as we heard) no man is iuft in the fight b Pr.a.t.u.c;. rainc of Sodome and Gomorrah; for 0vp~tn th~ of Cod, nor accounted for his friend. And w1Ck$d Godrl'"ilhainef!aru, .fire, and hrimfton~. therefore we mufl not comcnt Ol~r !Clues with , ·At1d this is ccr<:ainC"", \'\·here God fends his thefc things,but labour to be good and iufl: in- ': t.~·l.16.n. I iudgcmcn~s for the contCrHpt ofhis \\:ord, and dcl.'dc. v./~cn :~fRiCtion !hall befall vs.,0r death t·&w. fr!t men doe r.ot repent, there c-onemdgemmt appro:-tch, we would giuc ail the world, if it 1 i:s !mtthcforc-t'ltmxrof~tgrtatcr, tilltheJbe c~nwere in our hands,for good affur:tnce thatGod fu.":-tied. And fith experience. tt~chtth, that were our fi:icnd:now thenlct -vs labour for true ~er lnvndations of w:ltcrs, vfually .comes fa}th and rcpc!uance, and teihfie thcfe by a ' P,Iasu~ and pdl:ilence; for the preucmmg of co!lantpurpofc,& a godly endcauour toplcafe ttfefc!Udgemcrits, let vs repent. ·· C God in all t.hings,through the whole courfc of :Godsh-tc:nds :··The Iaft point to be here obferued is this: our liucs;:md thcu \\'ill the Lord dlccmcys for &cnc:Fllliu.. i-n·,Vl13t tCrmcs our Sauiour Chrift·exprdfe[h, his friends. · '~:" bi: the fiicnds of God, andwhobchis verre. 46· For iryou loue chcmks. Hts fncnds, he callcth.goodandJHjl; J~ ~ .. histcncmies, ·,,;a and vniv.f/. Now that WC them that loue you what re~ may difccrnc o"fbur dl::\tc towards God in this d ,7 fl h ~ ') J bcl13!f, 'vemufl fcC\vhat.lgoodamliufl ,,.,,;,, 'War jtJa yee aue r aoe not A&:ood ~nd In cucry fuch a_onc two thing's are required: tb p b/' · h , r;. · 7 Aman m~r got f~rr~ m rc:ligion and not he the truefrien4 o£G11<L ,iu.!\mkzt• Fiffl'rrue faith, whereby a man laies holde on e u!e.n t e_;ame. €htiU for his rightcoufileffe,f:mCHfication,and In thcfe words our Sauiour ChriflpropoUds ~~f~!~! rctle_rilption: and ~or t}le obtaining hereof, he a fecond reafon to perf.,.\'ade his Difciplcs and louc: ourc• rilufl dcnie himfdfc, :md become nothing in bearers to louc their enemies, and to rhe ncmics. himfclfc, that he'ma.y be all in Chrifi. Secondende it mly take the doepn: roote in their ly; t"rue conucrfion of the whole man vnto hearts, he repeats the fame againe in the ncxr ·Gad frotn all fin ne, fo as his heart mull be rCverfc,,vhich in effect is the fame with this. The nlted and difppfed to pkafc God ih all things. D words arcplainc, if we .know what yublkarls ·Aild becaufe thefc thin"'S arc inwara & fecrcr were; PHblican.r therefore were officers ·that Publicans, ·tlreTCfore to make the~ kno..Vne, there is fur~ gathered tol and tributc,taxcs,and rcnts,ofthe 'ihci '!cquircd,' rhat-a man carric in his ~cart a Iewes , f~r the ~mpcrour•.to whom . refolute and conll:mt purpofc, fi·om nnie to the lcwos.wcre m fubJeCl:ton. Now m tbc gatfffic,neuci to fin ne againll God: an~ [his purtheringof it vfcd rouch iniuHicc :md op- {POfc of heart hec muil tcfbfi.c by a godly~nd prdfion ,for wlnch caufe they were hated ofthe Conftionablc ende:mour oflifc, to pleafe God Ievns, aboue all other people, :md eficc!ncd iil cillthings; for this is the fruitC of·truc faith, moft bafcly of. ~ow (faithChriH~th_~ugh.thcfe and offound inward conucdion;a.nd 1n regard Publicans be vo1d of :1ll g6od conicJcnce, yet hereof, wereEnoch, lob, Dauid;Zacbaric, and they wi/llo:u their fricnd.r, of rPhom tbeyareioEikt!heth called iuft. But hccthat wants this tud. And hence Chrifir,c~fcins thus,·lf)'OU. m; confbntpurpofc,-:md a daily endeauour, from , .huzrcn doe !mt ~oue than that lor4c;ou, }et doe j·a. bclecuing & penitent heart to pleafc Cod in 1 [,m tU th~fo P1thhcmu doe; .lmt )"OH muftdoemol"e 1 all things, is a wicked perfon) and as yet Gods ! thenfuchvngodf; perfon~ doe: ami thenfore ;ou I e_:l'emie. mHjllollt)o.tlrV~Y.:: <n::<::m :":::'·:_____= - _ ________ Her:~ _ ....