Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Sermon inthe~ount. beeing: hce is not like a Carpenter who buildes ! A : rtotably for the dt(tinEtion of timts, by do.}' a houf~ ,and then lt·aucs ir,but [Hll he_ prefcrucs I l·aod night, \\ c~kc~~ l~Pn_rhc::, ~l~art~rs '~ ~~.d the thn'l"gs·hcc harh created, Herem he may 1 ..,, h?lc yeares, \\her~ ~Y 7'c kno-v' rhc t('.-.l!,J5 well be compared to a fi'ring or fGuntainl·, ' ofmncs fi·om the bcgm.ung,:ind fo h~'f. ?o ttll ,yhich cau(crh the riucrs to flow while he fenthe "nd ofthe ..,,,or!d;m regard whcrcot,a may dcrhout watcrs,but when it is fi-opped,rhcy arc _well_ be '~llcd, rhe_ clocks of thB whole .world.. 1 . dried vp: cueo (o, .,..,·hilcs God cominucth the Wbtch thmgs conhdcrcd, may rn::kc \'S t~ [ bccina and vfc of creatures, fo long rhcy are; bluih :~.nd bee confounded i:1 our ftlucs: for \ but ithc with-hold his hand from tilcm, they that light _n·gard we houc ha cl c)f fo o:cc!knt a 1 ccafc to be, :md the vfc of them cominucth no crc:nurc, \\hereby God cor.uaics fo m:m~fold j more. Thus it .i~.wid~ vs, bo:h in :cgard. ofour blciTings vyon rhc e:1n:h;lct vs rhcrdOrc lcarnc:· I 99 I .·I I l · foulc$ and bochcs, \"-'lth the bcult1es, powcrs 1 to bicffc Cod for the fuuu.e,2nd to 6:prcffc uur 1 b 1 ,cor. 4 ,,.. and graces thereof; but b wiMt haft thou rhat th:lnkcfulndfc ?Y all good dmfes. I , c Hcb.,, 3 , rhouhrl_,'f;tot~·eceittedfr-omhim? whocbearethvp .Andj'Cndcth rttine on th! ;u;? and VniJ:/f. n,~M~_c8M:~ all thinx,s bJ lui mightie rPord. Here is noted tbe fc(ond common bldTingbe- , ~t~~:~mug Du~tsfrn.,., Now ht:nce we mufl learne thcfe durics; · B flowed ofGod vpon the world; to wic,the fo.l- ~~~;~~~~r~ I Firil, to fceke to knowhim th:lt is daily about lingofthe rainc vpon the grofid,bbth ofgood deocc. vs,and prcfcrueth v:; in foulc and in bodic,from and bad. Now here fidl obfcruc the forme of 1 hourc to houre. Secondly, tc clcaue vmo God fpecch vfed by Chrifi, faying, G'odittincrh; fee 1 ]with our heans, :md to fet our aff<"Cl:ions of Dcut. 1 I. I 4· Th~ Lo~·d g!~mh rai;u iJtdHt[ut~ Whydoda ' l loue, fc:arc, ioy, :tnd hope, whol!yvpon him, foil, the'firft and !att~ 11lim·. r:us workc 1S artn-1 f:u,f tO rame, I: bec:1ufc he is the author and conrinuer of our butcd toGod,for watght}1caufcs;Fldf,ro !hew 1 ' bceing, what cucr it be. Thirdly, to obey our that the f:n11c God,who ord:.nncd 111 the begmji God in all things; for fl1all he giuc bC"cing: to nmg, that the clouds fhould water the canh, I ; .:! ·~ Our bodies and fouks, and /hall WC difjJoic of cloth by h1s 0\\ ne po1A Ct \ phoJd the COntlllU~ them o.frcr our plcafures, to offend him,_ who ancc fame blc!Iing vm.o this da1c::md 111-" cloth wholly fupport vs, and rhat conunua.t... dccdc, 1f hec inould not \\'lll the conunuahce !y? hereof, it \>Vould forcuer cczfe to r2inc '"P?JT ;hhcc£~~~~-is Secondly, here note Chriil. faith, kif fo1m~1 the canh.SccOdly; to tc:tch v~ that God difponot thefumu,teaching vs,that the funne which fcrh ofthe raincthatfallcth,rcflraining 2~d enfhincth in the firmament, is Gods funne, not l.1rging it at his plcalure,cuhcr for the bkffing",'' mens: God himfclfe is the foie author and goor the punilbmcnt of the place whcreon .i• fal; uernour thereof, hc.c cominueth th:tr beeing lcth, and that manytimc.s without the hdp-c 0£ which 1t hath,an~ the powc_r and vertuc which C the fccond caufes. Lcuit. z6. 3· 4· ~f)te 1:;1a//{! l it fhcweth fonh. And the iamc thing .by proin mineQrdi111mces, /will/(nd;ourain~ ir.duefoal. portion, mufi be vndcrfiood ofall other crca- [on: & vcrfe 19. But if yo,.nwil/,;oto6eyrnt, /.;pf~ tures both in heaucn and carth,thcm()onc and 7!urk!your heaRm M iron, &;rour earth l;il braJ!f. I fia.rrcs, all beafis andcattcll~ yea, and·.yvcour Amos.4.7· lhauewirh.heldtheralncfromJo~i fc_lucs arc .Gods cre.aturcs,and hce is ou: Crcamrdeaufed it to ratnevpot~ onecitie, and not, -upo!J tor, our Lord, ana gouernour: Pfo.l. 50. 12. ano1ber; onepceuWeJ mmedvpqn>1mdtiJatw/;ich The JVhol~worldr's 1_?;ine, and all that f.i th~rein. WMnotrainedvpon,rvithercd. ~ow hence we muft lcarne two things ,; Firfi, Here then\\ c mufi lcarne fitlt,rhat w_e o'Jg~t '\'fc• t:~' ~ not to abufc any creature to our lull, as food, to pr:~y vnto God for his raine of bldlmg;that r~irnent,&c.but to viCwhatfoeuer we cnioy to is, for fruitfull fcafons; and alfo to be th:mkfu.ll . Gods gloric> ;tp::ording to his will. Secondly, vmoGod for !Cafonablc wcathc.r \\hen ;se rC'· I to .cndcauo~r to bee lead by the creatures cciuc it, ~ccaufe hec f~nde~:h it. .H;:..• J \'\'htch we emoy,to the knO\\:Icdgc ofour ereaz. Tht~ mt~!t teacn \'S to obey and frruc l tor,forrhcy arc his: but >lalfc, th'c practifc of D God, for he bath the douJs in his hands like' a I the world is othcrwife, ·men fitffer thcmfClues fpunge,&when he Wll heprdfcth our the rame I , by the ctcaturc~ to bc.draw~c from God : for rhctcof: now, 1fwc obeyh:m, he w1il cal!f~p~ f?mc make thm bclhc thm God; to others, 1 tofal vpo11 tpocarth for >bld\ing;but ifwe;e1 nchcs and plcafurcs arc thc~r God. r bell <~.gamfi him, hcw11l either hold backe, or t Thirdiy, ChrHls fayin.g ofthe Father 'l.tiJ.dt hf .pmo\'tC it doy.'I}C vpon vs for a curfc. ,f. .., , mak!th hts fitrme to ifr:fc on theeuillm;d on the 3· Seeing-God fcndeth downc the rajp,e, . ; 1 ,(ood,doth fl1cw vs common bounty which l we mav g.athcr th~r no man c~n c.crtcnl.j' ·t~ 1 Ap,~rl7;i~~~al j 1God vouchfafcth to his creatures, both good I by the Courft.-...of the hcaucns,thc parriculai,k;C Ofr3inevn~ 1 ~}~~~:~t~~:~c :~ ~nd bad; for thcnling& !hiningof t!~c fun ne, , fon qf ~he weather day by d:ty.lfrhc ra~ne dc- 1 ;! ' I" on excellent workc of God, by "hch many J pmdcdv,holly vpon the cclcl\iall bodies,then i! other bldTings ::~re conu:ucd to the creatures; .t11o11ld 1t.falb.hkc 10 aJI places, that be of like I \ Fer firn, cuery thh;g vpon the C':'trth rC:cciucth polition to the hcaucns; but that is not fo_, rO'r !; hc::~tc :~nd warrncncffc from it, nMhing ir hid God ordcrcth it r.ccording tothe !late ot~th.c j.l fromt!JC"hcatc tiJereof, Pfal. I 9· 6. IRwhich repeople, \TOn whom it,cithci for a blcf.. : gard l.t may well be called, thevnimrfall fire o/; img, or a curfc, as we hauc :f) card, ! \ Jhe__wh.~~: wor~~:__Secon~y, the fun ne fcructh 4· Hene. c V.'C may gather;that t1either v:i::J 1 :! '-----'-- - --------------------------_ ______:!_'.:~ ____! •....-v