Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

<tth.6. S11rmon in the ~onnt. · jl~J ·1 I. of gracdrfclfe: for rhe·chi!d'of God·wi!fbe A the worke plcaGng vnto God; Other end; or I proud, bccaufc he is.not proud: thcrcforc--F~w/ / beginnings doe prophanc mens labours; and, ,. rnuft be IJ;if{eted bJ the mej{cJtgcr of Satm1, ' 1 t.hcrefo::e .giucth this caue:tt; to ldokel ' I.aft hejlJ<uldbepujfodvp wjth abundanct ofrrue• ' both <o tMc·.bog~nning, ond the ende of dui latiom. •r· .A·lmc.s decdcs. ·.: . NO\v the ..vay to auoid this dangerous finn.C' Thas much of he com:Tiandcrnen<:; thC re:i:: !lands in two chings:firfr,we mu!t be ,;:~rcfull to foil of it is this: Or el[eyehau~no rewardof)wm k._now theprideofourownc l1e:!rt, for CLJcry man Puthtrwhich i:s in he.1H~n: fo thC\\'ords arc,reC: bath it in himmore or Ic!f'l!',.and..thc.more we hati.:'i;orelilt!rd; and they arc very fignHicantj {cc it, thddfc it is; l>ut.rhc ldfe we fcc,it,the importing rhus tnuch : Ifyou doe y(')ili· .. vorkS more it is io vs i~1dced·e : and though ':\'C knoW' fro~uan humbl~heart/or Gods glorie in mans· nothin~ by .our fclucs, yet kt vs fufpect our gaod; then you hauc a reward laid vp for yo" , fduC's h~rcof, and labour~rofce it in oar hearts; in beauen; ~vhi,h though ir appc:trcs nor pt'c-·1 for he that is the mofi humbled, is nOt altogefcmly,yct it is as furc as ifyou had it alrcadie in•1 rher free from this inward pride:[ccondly 1 whC poffetlion: bur if you doe nor fo) you hauc no~ we fee our priJe, we muitlaboitr to fobdtl< it; B reward laid vj>'for you by your heoucnly father< which we fhall doe, firll, by confidcring the 1 From this rcafon in gcnctall we mny gatherJ iudgcmcnts ofGod vpon this finne: were not I t~at he which bath ?_race to dot·.,·tf it be but ourfi;flp•w;ts coil out:ofporodifewhcntbe~ <?he. good workc (asto giuc.Almcs) vpon ,t would necdes be as gods, :md H"od '.vas earerJ good~gt~ound, andfor a good cndt,lba~l ilCucr vp ofwormen.vheu herooke vnro himfclfcthe ·Jicrilh) !Jut O»llrc'cduc ctctna!l life: which· gloric due vntoGod, ACl:~ It. 2.3. Therefore mat~hc a n:.otable OlOtiuc ro prouokc encry: Peter d (aith, God refrfieth the proud, and gitnan to dot': good works: as alfo it probuc:::s that ueth grace to Jh< humble. A man that "ould thccfiildofGod ea nt·uerpcrilh or finally fa! abcogean ahncs, mufi not goc tn proud appawa)r;for nothing is !ofi th:lt is hid vp with god! I relf; and fo be that would procure the fauour •Mote particularly,tirHob!Crue rhat the v. orl\ ofGod,mufi nor come wtth a p1 oud heart .Ser~ward, lS not taken properly, but by tt:fcm-' condl]', we mufr{c::nch mto our fducs, and lablance, thus: l1kc as a Htbourer after hce hatli bour to fee out owne wants ~nd corrupt1qns, done hts,wbrkc, recCtucth his wages; fo the! ]2s out bJtndnes ofnund and 1gnolancc,our vnd11ld of Cod hau1ng done that t.\hich God· I bclccfc,&c!and the fight ofour finnes wll be :1 , mn\\nandcth lmn,recciucth arc-Y-'Ari:LScCo-nd'l l meonesto humble vs: for they that fcclcno ' C ly, it1s faidc ofpnrfather, to figmfie that' thiS> wants in themfclucs cannot choofc but_be puf4 rcw::~rd JS not mcrtted 1 but 1s the free g1ft.Of·~ 1 fed vp. Tlurdly, WC mufl meditate •pan th• R"hcnmo ~IS children. Lall!y, Chnlt faith! qcathand pailion ot Chnfl, wh1ch he endured !"";father, fpeaking t~ oil his hcai·cts; iun~bg for our redcmptton; ho,_v he fwear wa:tcr and whoroc was Iudas; whcmc clfe.:whcrc he calls blood, and fuffercd the wrath of God both in a·dcuill,ond Gthers,whom he knhv,to be nonE: foulc and bodie for our finnes; now hbw can a df Gods children, and yet bccing here a pte~) ' .,.w ... man tbinkc that Chrifl, .cn.durcd all tbis 'for chernndMinifterofCimimcifi•n ·(astht>Apd~ him, and yet be not call do\\'nc with the fight !He~ fpcalticth)hclcaucth rhe fcctet ihdgemcntJ e Rom. 15 ;s, "' ofhis own finncs,\\•hici'Yhad.a par.t i'n rhecaufc God, and folLowing the iudgcment '6~ ofall the curfc that caufcd.Cl1rifl to cric ;. MJ l)ppc char\~i<'Jtaketh all his hearers, to ·b'e' God, my God, wh7 ha(l rhaufoi'fok!n ;;,.,~" .,._ .. tliHhildren ofOt>d·; which Is a 'tlot-ab!C pi·<A~ in Th" .fecond branch ofu~itc\•mfpeC\i~r\: in 'r;!ent to all God~ Miniflers, fo·r Chilfl ·her~ Almos-giuing here commaodc~, oclpe~s the pt<;akhing ~f lo~c, proctifcth'iq.and fo ought \ end thereof: Wemuft nbt-giHe .All> h•s!f•ruantsdoe, TillS alfo 'coildemneth thi! [tm< of mm, that is, to.get proifca!ldfa"lc:>•• . pdttifcofth-ofc, that vpon o 'litt}e falling ,JI,. mong mcn.This coucat Ghrifl giuas fol:..,vo~h> D . w•lhlot (l)okc to call·others d'atnncd•wrht'hcs : ti~ caufc :·for the co.rruptio!l of•,turc - or rcp~bba.tcsnhcrtis no charit'ic:in fi. 1 ch c;&\lj I tl}rough thG 1 infl: 1~g3tiodn of:1 t1l'}c.dcudil,cauki~tllc-e_, ~Pf:for.loUc.~io!> hopes theb.c-fi,r:~-61(~ jf ~~~~!)~-~-'.h! uery one a IUO, to oe a goo wor cs 10t ' ·',"_ . ,·,,o..:v ...; i . . .1. ' :r ~. )ere.'IOri''fPiffftJ.·.i!J __ .O,». 1 wrong cndes: why · many roylc thrm- _ .. . :1'"' .., . 111 .) fc!ues fo much in their ordinorie callings? is it 11-i_:_ueji ·thine ·/1/meJ; thou_ .. •n.._q/t not partly. fo.r honour,pardy for plcafure;}?art... ~ f.$ · Jll, . lyforpr,ofit? ond .doe not.the moil "'en pronai.-ma~ tl trumtJet tobe-b!or:Pne poundd}!$1 Cildctothcmfducshcrdn tomainL . . , ' ' !·..., r I~. "I l ,,. tainc their f.,milics? Buttho.ugh this be. a good v.4fote the~~- ds' the l/)'pi:icritdi :llld commendable thing, vet.ncithcr rhat, nor d "'"U ' h···s ' · · ,. ' · d •'• thcrcfloretherigln ends 'forwhichmalhould -~· - m t. ~ ''lnagogues,, an. ,;J.i!l labour'ond trouell, thcf~~htcndeof ou. is the e •. b .. ,enf!_r,e~te_ s, ._to b.epra_,· Eft/"ed 'ri 1 glon_c Pf Cod in m:rns ·good, or the good of ., -: '1 1 rJ man'" Gods glory:now when our good w<irb men:Vtrely 1 jay 'Vnto')'ou,ihe,J :, proceed from an humbJe which Jlnccrcly 1:. .., ··· ""h' · d. r • t1 imendsrhe ofCodin..:.ans the is rj.du(J.{ ~i; r.e');J;ai; • . ,;, . > -\. '...:.________ __~_ _;___,.:'~-~~-----·----·-::-=~l