Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,------------------------------~--------------------~----------~ 1c6 j ·------==eA~ . _n_E-=-=icp~ofo~zt_io_n_of_Ch_r_ifl_s _ _ ___ ~ ~;:·~.! HeccChrifipropoundeth·bywayofprohl'-' A make not God, but men the Judges and ::::- hition,nparticu!ar examplcofrhccorruptm.,l approoucrs of our aaions: this will bC:rc:by ~~d·.~: ncr of Almcs.giuing,procc.cding frompddc~of. :\ppc:~rc cuidcntly, fot: when we doe a good · ~ . V V . ~~~t.•,," -bq.nand ambitioh,borowcd from the pra~"tifc: thing,_ and yet thereby jncurre eh<: 4ifprai!Cof ofthe Scribes and Ph~rifics, tnd v\!ithall he anmen, arc we not more gricucd thcrcat, then n<:xqh in the end of the vcri.c an cffcCluall !.Cawhen by finne we offend God himfclfc? which - fon to moouc men to circum~)celion . could not be, but t~at our hcarrs_d0e more rcfground and end -of their Almes deeds. ""~ ·:. · pcd the ccnfurc ofmcn,then ofthe·Lord~And .. The E.\'p.fJJ!rion. The originall is this: Thou to clean: this point yet 'funhrr; confider this, /l1ah not hlow ff rrmnpct befllrcrhee; fo th':lr o,ur tha~~hc rootc ofllypoqifie and ofAthci!inc iS I tranflation cloth alfo cxpound .the \\·ords of in ou1· nature, whercby 1nan1r:tlly \Ne doc·thefc Cl)riH:., accordLng to the corimtonJrUle:of ~ithree things, we LoHe,feare, .<~.nd truft in men A. nllc.,rin. Wncs; that wordr ~foffit£l,arc ofl~ntimerpur fd.,., more then in God, and therefore doe make tcrp(ctJtiO. !I rvord.r of fpc.1cb :.:which well obfcrucd, men the Iudges of our actions. I -. for Loue, I '6'i}l clearc many p.laccs fro.1n falfc ihtcrpretati.. arc we not gri.cucd \\•hen we our fclucs or our , qn. Exod. t ~. z·:C Ni faith ro '""M ofn, Siznfl.~{il-: B frcinds arc difhonoured; and on the contranc, f I~fh.p. t 'tmto mecal{rh.efir.ft borne ; and to t lofo:r, Mal.:.; when we our felucs or our frcinds are·.praifcd; ·thee /barpe J...::it<:.r, and c:r:cgmclfo:rhefonnu• t~fi are we not gladand rcioycc? but when God is lfracl, rhatj s, ~·po1manJ rhcm.tohc fan&i.ficd,. fli010noUrcd, \-\·ho is grieucd? or whofe heart a:nd circumcifcd. lcr.x. 1 a • . Liraue. [ttthu:.ottcr• 1 doth le:apc for ioyc, when God is glorified? nation~ and kJ11gdomrs (f:tith :God to Icrdnic) which argues plJincly that our affctlion of to pluc'<! vp,to roote out, to d~flroie~ and ibrorp loue is more inclined tow:Lrds our fclucs and. · downe, to huild,and to plant, that is, to preach, to our fi·elnds then vmo God. 2. forfeare; are and by preaching to pronounce that! the Lord not moll: men more af,aidc when rhcy offend will doe rhtfU,thitJgs.1oh.4. 1~. Chrift isfoid to a mortall man like thcmiClues, then '"'hen they ~btlp.ti~e., that. is, (as the next vcrfc imports)-lie offend the eucrliuin·g God? 3· for truftand con1commande9Jlis,Dilciplcs !iO baptize: and, AC.l. ftdince. in the time of affliction, mbft men are Ip, r~. Gqdi,faid topm-fre.·things;·,he more comforted It" fomc friend promife them pronounced).things to b~. pure. As hJFoe>·iw. helpe,th<n they arc py all th~promifes ofGod ~~coi~rA;.· jtlg( in rhc SJ/tagpg~.uJThe wordhrpt~cri;e, beto-· 1 himfclfc in his word.. But men will fay, that lUtes. ·k~ncth1onc, ta~0. Vf.On him to rcprefent' they loHeandft~re, anJ rn' God aboueall: I the pcrfon of:.anether, :tS players doe_, who This indccde is the otdinaric profdf(on of ig1 • (91pc~ime rcprCfem mightyKings,otherwhiles norant people; but the nuth is, that by nature Fporc bcgg_l:ir$-,:1nd to them it properly .bclon-• C we refufe God to be our iudgc & our approo- ·gqh. Now by refemblancc it is applie-d to any, uer, and appcalc vmo men: and therefore we lthlt outwar~ly f-a:igne- th('mfelues to haucth:ltmuH labor to fee and fcelc, and to bcwaile thiS lgoo.dncs an<ihoHncs v~'hich they hiue Q.dt:for hypocdfic,and to be indU~d with th'c contrary jhypoct·ific iSnathing dfc,-b~t a thew bf 'that grace whereby we may ·fimply and finccrcly lgqodnes ou~wardl)'• whi~. indcelle is nor in fcekc io be apptooucd of God in all our acHltjlc;hcarr. 'hJO\\'-il) this in!lancc is ihcluded a fCons.' ._, • .· ' ,.,,: · ; 1 • ·: 1 'qo)ld rcafon ~of-·thc form~r ,:comman·dt mcnt S~condly, in thisCxamplc,note one euidcnt ;o_,uchir.g t~le-.I,TlannC"r·Q.fAltu~~giuing,feruin-g c~a\1f~ of the difor~cr which was. among· the to.make all·.Chrilb .h~a.ver~h~ifcumfpeCt1 both lt:!.\'Cs-ilf rc;(pcCt oftheir poorc:for they begged , fo~ ~hygr.ouq.d;nnd ende ofthCir go<ild v.'orkcs';: in tbe.h.igh waics,-in rhe ,firc:ctcs of~ the cities, ~d .th~1t~f~pd\aJ1<luhus,; 1'hilr,wj,icJihJp•~ arid -gates ofthe T~mplc, flat ~gainfi<· Gods crites 4o.e, _y'o:~ ;1J!uft 'l.Qt i:loC: 6ur thCJ do~ the.r. -comm:mdemcnt·, mho would nOt hdttc 'foch ·a iJI!J1cs t~ ~cp•·fi.Jfodrofmen-,13-st is 'plainc ill thi~ bcgg.erl lllfrael: orhtr occai1ons thel'c \.vcrc of ~xa111plc : qnd· therefore y._o.".'·"re..not ro 'gsr4e ~tfme.~~ D -thiSabufe, but ortc pdncipall ca\Jf~ i;s here no ... to.luftrne and praifodafmm.· ·1;: ' · .,1 u:d;.:namcly,tbatlptiuatc pcrfons wCrc permit- . , o: Out of rl;lis, example Yif!>- nfay. learnt the . ccd1tb' giut: their priu-atc·almes"\'nto'thc poore !t\:;loe,r;:.e ln.{lr.uC'tio.ns.\fjt,{l, ~bat itH thl"propcnic ofan -with·their Ownc}lfU1d"s in publick.cplaces.This fie. h}rpOctite to clo1;0od wotU~Sfor falfc cndS;asJ .was .a great difordcty·and the caufe of manr ~~\hefl~nt '!Ji ?J(n, ~H4. to ~e pr~uftdof me~.: .• ~o~ beggcrs-: for priuafe men could not difcerne mdccdc :tn h~pocnre !I~ Iushe_ an males ch~1~e· theparticular \V<Urtsuf all th~t begge-d fo; and QQ! of Ci9d!, !>\lt'• of:mcn t.O be the }udges.and tbq eforc God hod - othcrwifc prouidt d for ~ppr?ouers_~31isr gopd .\:~orkes. And_~~is_ js tb<m in·tl1c olJcTdhtmcllt, as he llicwcd bcgroOc h'ypoq:ir~c . .becau'fc hereby the ~01\ou.r fore. •And in thc01ew Tcfiamcnt there w·ete (i.~c eo God ,i~~llk~l....from•hi\11 and.'giuep Jf 1 <:hofcn faith'fi.Jll men called Dea~rmsin cucry n'~n,f or 'Goa-=-0\lg\1[. to bethc iudge·~nd:W... congregation, who were to Jookcy-t1to their 1\~qduc:r ef)ll-oar aCtions. , -r ... ~ ·J. · .. ·- ~ poorc, to col!cct foqhcm, and,to d~fttibute to ·, N~w as ~ Ch~Hl IaiCs this fionc vpon the cucry.c!1C accordingto their necdlirie.It i_s not Scribes ahd Pl13rifics, fo ought cucry one'6ftv.S. vnlawhllhfor ::ttriuatc man to gi"ue'A!mcs in to lay it on oUr [clues , conlidC'rine <?ur (duos publickcplacc i n-ceed:rcquire:-bunVherc the 'aswe arc by nature out of Chrifi~ for fo we pootc ~re no orhcr.,vifc prouidcd f~E)·_~hen by\ ____ .r~~~u ----~-------------~-----------------