Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

108 1. inloue. J.inhumi· litic. eAnExpojition of Chrifls I M"rrh.6. i:2:._-: this arc two things required: fidt, a word of A that this finccritic may fhcw it.fclfc , wa muO: \ I God commanding the workc, and prcfcribing take hccdc of a tpcciall vkc which is comrade the m:mncr of doing ir: fccondly, apromifc of vnto it, namcly,theguile of the fpirir, mcmio-1 Sp~rir~~n blcffing vpon the doing of 1t: for cuery good ned Pf:tl.) 2.2,\ovhich makcth a m:m i11tcnd ·and ~~~~t~L.n\·,d. ! worke ha(h his promifc, both of the things of prop~mnd falfc end$ and by-regards in doing this life, :md ofa better: thcfc things muH be gooa works; as h1s ownc praifc and dclighr,or knownc and bcltcucd: vpon thcfc grounds we to plcafc men thereby. And chat we may:1uoid mufr,pray, giuc Ahncs, and doe cuery good this Srtirimall guile, we arc to know, that it workc,and £0 l11all tl1cy be appro,oucd ofGod. may& clo~h vfUally prcu:1ile with men in fourc Itpre!uile~ Now by this dnub!c t:-tith required in cuery cafes: I. \..V hen thofc doe praCHfc,venue in :n 4.c~tc~ gocd workr,we fce,how thofe that arc bound V\'homC::iod oncly rcHraincs the conn::u-ic vfcc: topr:1aifc goodworkt:s, (as cucry.onc is more rhus cin.ill honcH mcn .thar hauc no rcJigon, ! or lelfc) ought to bbour to be acquainted with may pradifc iu(l:icc, reroperancc,mcrcie,a~d ~-·~ the word ofGod,th:!t they mly do their \Norks thCJ; mprall venues., bccaufc rhey are.not meh- ; in f3.ith : tOr cls tbmtgh the workc be good, it ncd to iniu!licc,intcmpcrancc, and the COJ-ltra- 1 tnay be finne in them bccaure it is nor of faith; ' B I rie viccs:but chef(: actions in them arc no good~l I which is the mifcr·able fiace of ignorant per:-· ,~·orks before G.od,be-q)J[c;_theyprocecde not fonS,'v\'ho through want of faith, cannot doe from faoCt.ified hcart~J~ finc;c.rely int:endipg to good works in a good mauner. . obey and glorifi£• G.O~-l here-by. IJ \~'he.n ;The fccond thing rcquired,in the doing ofa! men do·,good works fo.r fcarc ofdjtJinecilJlHcc,. good workc, is lou~: loue (I fay) ioyned v:•ith· and thcpcnal~ies of rp~ls_l::!.\ves: a.l)d.ft1ch for ~ flith:forfaith '"ork§th6; louc, G~h 5· 9. Indc~d t.hc moH part IS the-repentance of..tb~ fie~< : ,E , faith doth foo)e tbings ofitfclf{·;as apprehend, gr~unt mdccdc that foJ~doe ,tr~dy rep,ent ii1 I rccciuc, and ~pplie ChriHand his rightcoufnes this dbtc, but coQm;-u:)J1})' fuch rc:rutnance is ! to the, V·:hich is the propel' worke of vnfound.,.a.nd nOt fro.ol a ·finglc 1 f11th: buc other thin~;;'i i[ doth by the hdpeof he:ut, but from fcare ;1\'y~crcby, b~eing,vndcr an other: and fo f.1.ith iJrin,gcJ:hfOnh the wOl:h Go.ds ~a.h.J,thcy fcqk tO ~uoidc l.usjudgemcnt.'.' oftllCrctc, and pclfOI~ncth the dunes ofthe flrtl Such alfo~nre the· outward duties filf religi(ln and lCcond table; not properly by 1t fclfc, but gerfonncd by oux: c.onunon, who by the hclpe 9f loue: and therefore here I fay, , <Qlllt t<> Gh.urc.J>, and..rOfeiue che.o Sacraments that uuuery gl1od "o;kf IS rcquucd that Jotie chif&y fov,cullomc fake, and to auoi<f[lii: clanwhereby faith w(lr\:.!:th:Now the k111ds oflouo C ' ger of mJ:IlS lAw~s, I>! I.,Wheu mendoe good required in wcll-~oiog ar~ twot..fiJll, the lo_ue· WQrkcs£'0I\thchonour-and pra1fe of1rncn.This of.God in ChriH, for as .,,.c.. know God.jrl_ is ad~ngcrous thiHg;:\vpon this grou.O.d.~1'rnan. Chriil, fo mufi \\'e loue him :feconclly,thclou.e1 tn:1y prtaGh t.he )\,.ortt,·vfe·prayer, .:aJ.lti .profeife ofour brcthtcn,yeaofour cnclnies:for howfothc-Gofll~l,; yc.a;~nd bezealous for·0oQs gtoeuer in ourvndcrHanding thc(c two·maybe di;. r!c;(!lrh!f was: and hence it com~tthat·m.any ' i\inguifi1cd 0 yttin.practilc they 01Ufl 11CUCr b<O faJ a'\ay tO Jo.ofencs·afhfe from a.(lrlet,profc!: f~ucred; butmuitalwaics go$! h;u1d in h~nd, to f.~op o(rchgion, bt::~:mfe they recciue_d not th~ moout YMo.:do~,thc V\'orks ofi .tncrci.c-, .'llt.d.:31l truth~~fin.1plidti~.ofhearr, ''ith p,uvpofe,qne.. 1the duties of.our caJJing; ;)S Pau/.f!tith Wfhj,J,. ly,c_~ rotl~·aOd r\cafe God, but r-a~_hc_r to i;ct fclfe :IJ1d .tl1C toll of the .Ap_oillc•, Tholi/Keof the pJ;ifc.of men. ~Y·:.Whentneb.d~c g0.od (Jod conjlrain'cth vs toprcadJ thcJGoffir.l; ~, -G:Qt 1 workes from fomc 1 cdr.tuption df.he.:uc pl'cuqi~ t• '4· ,\"'··'· . ,,.,,_, ;\ , ,,, ";,, .., lit\& 1\\t~cnf.; as .'t'\!anisbotl,pr~d and · The thir~ ,ohirig reg~tircd ·in.doing,j-gca)j c'odh<ru~, 'yet 'n1MC"~tou'd lh-~n cou'et'b~s: eo- . 4 workc well,;, h~mili<iaJ i'~l:cby a ma11 cl!~ 'l).ry'\'1~<\tb~~-i'l'l"l'otcto g~u'<fi\!_<>,th;_p~,r<; I '' s; I'\1Cth himfcltCt' rei be:b111;-.h~oJ$itl;:-ari~aJfd,l'l!a! $u\ ycf 'J5ridc dchripp r~e ~r~ife ofm'n~reuai- '. fonable ii)Jlnn\1ctlt o( G6dt'ltccehl~: Th..iSltv,e~;T \m.g~Il.ilitn,"cailf\~hitbtd:>.gru- lli\'J\cYpdof~: , cue will make a man giuc t-he ·honpu·r .. of..l'l.l~ '11 And fo whcri couctoufncs preu:~.iles"fn }l,'roud: 1 4-in Gmpli· citic. ¥-'OrJ.;~ to the principall Agent, that 'is t'O.<Go~ man, it will caufc him to .abflainc from rl'Otl~~ himfclfc: .who'worketh il\viiboth to '<''jll<~and P:ftl~ af6W'l,J',;:"~il:/l~cr hi;' pf~ ':;:''l.uld pcr-j 1 to do~ of his g~od p1eafuu:;1r, .. r J G!.....,:· f\,'?'dc Hun ymo. 'it\ ail thcfc ~ttfes ~pJ.muallll Tq~fuvrrl) t/ling required in ·wcl,doirit); li gwji!c~~~m~ w~rj."t~~ ot\Jf":~{n~ g'%o~l ffmpli'cJett_.QrftJg!enrjfo t~fhi!.4tl,: whereby arnai) ~p ir tc!£?: and thc:{forc ''\c.~~h2Uf3 "'-'atfh-ti Jn domg ""1,5'JQd ''"'~etiH.<mk~h,f><PpJ}'. and ThLf~~1i\nt31in~IG-~oKllr>O(illl<>~r~c1ll.~ d~tccrly to \iohour aQd pl<\"f<i Go!l,,~,lh<mt.aU doing,and to the ro of the ;(<~""':'f\.!><fou; pa-l. ,by-re(p~<!s rq Ills OY' <'CJitotfc,or the pkAJill.g I mcd,that Jo we.& ;),'~llJc"l~~-~1c\l~'bll ofmen.T~is tS a ftHICialL~ql~lJ<!Jdm:·£t~l£'l:f.:ni:m ! conki.on:cr,1 .that'Ol:t'l:~\1.orkcs drofnch~~~a;od' to the ught endc 11\ eutry~ goc;,d olkq.,r.IWlHch 1 app1'ht'!L(ftth-..:'~o:..;.\ J:lJ ~ l ; ·~ .. :r~'i[D . -• ~ "the o~~dJcnce and hon'ottt of.Gocl<lnm>•• 'I ' .r:c:n~:\l~ •l ~ 1 ''/hit tbine1~;;fi>W'e's 1 , d c - good. ]hJsv,cttuC\'\:lS tnPauf, nvd1io-JIJ,jft1Jf.,. ·'~rlJIU'J"f •.••'tl 1.' 11 .,., · ., • ·.·:., ' · - ~ I ' '· o•··'·" p!icitic and t;odf; f'IYcncfl' ha.d hi, conJ#rfolil/1/ :1 , ,int/j'pfrfocret,and.~hj -Fathe1'.· . .,M,fl urthc>porld.- thus hcp,eachcd.thpGQfpsl;and ' f,,, ,. ''·'/:; ,.· 1 ;.r ") ., " ·11 • : ·•'" (~ought we to doe cuery goodworf<ii.,Nmv __ -!_hll}_;-fl!:~IJ~njecret, '?_e~ !J'_W 1:~# \ i ------------~-----...:":.:_=~~~~~---------~·=="'-"-'' . r.:~g1.~ --- ~